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1 week later...

Today was the day Violet got to leave the hospital. Clem helped Violet get changed out of her hospital gown and into some brand new clothes Clem had bought with her own money during Violet's stay at the hospital.

"You know you didn't have to visit me so much. I would understand if you were busy." Violet said as Clem helped put her shirt on. Violet flinched at the pain coming from her stomach.

"Sorry...sorry." Clem said.

"Don't be. It's ok. I'm just really glad to be finally getting out of this shithole." Violet said.

"I am too. They're gonna finally let us back in our home so it looks like that's two things I'm getting back." Clem said. Violet smirked at the girl's comment.

"Which one of those things are you happier to see?" Violet asked as she draped her arms over Clem's shoulders, hands intertwined behind Clem's head. Clem chuckled and planted a kiss on the blonde's lips. Violet relished in the oppurtunity, finally getting the chance to show affection to the girl that she had fallen in love with once again.

"Does that answer your question?" Clem asked after she pulled away.

"Absolutely." Violet said as she bent over to put her socks on. She flinched at the pain once more.

"Fuck my stomach hurts a lot." Violet said.

"Just relax. I'll help you get ready." Clem said as she squatted down and helped situate her footwear. She stood up and helped Violet stand up from the bed. Clem carried the vase of flowers that she brought Violet during her stay, along with all of Violet's belongings, and they both left the hospital.

Lee was waiting for the two outside, fast food already picked up and ready for the two to chow down on. Violet soaked in the sun for the first time in a week and breathed in the fresh air.

"It's so good to feel the sun again." Violet said as Clem looked at her and smiled real big. They made it to the car and Lee softly hugged Violet, making sure not to touch the stitches on Violet's stomach.

"Hey Violet. I'm glad to see you're doing good. I got you some chicken nug-" Violet quickly snatched the bag from his hand, cutting him off. She slowly ate them, remembering the damage to her midsection.

"Thanks Lee." Violet said as Lee nodded his head in response.

"Let's get back home." Lee said as the three of them got in the car, and drove off. They made it home and Clem helped Violet get out of the car. They walked inside and Violet was shocked at what she saw. There was balloons, decorations, and a BIG cake sitting on the kitchen table. There stood Louis and the others, smiling from ear to ear.

"Welcome home Vi!" They yelled. in unison.

"Jesus Christ?!" Violet yelled as she jumped from the sudden surprise. She looked at everyone and smiled until she realized what was happening.

"What's going on?" Violet asked.

"Clem wanted to throw you a surprise party for your return back home so we all pitched in and helped her make it happen." Louis said.

"You guys did this...for me?" Violet asked.

"Yep. We got to leave the hospital quickly but you had to stay for a week. It must have sucked ass so we wanted you have a great first day home." Louis said.

"Thank you guys. I don't quite know what to say." Violet said.

"Well don't say anything and come get a slice of cake." Louis said.

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