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1 week later...

It was Carley's funeral. Everyone that was close to her showed up. Lee, Clem, Violet, even Louis and the others. Clem was a mess and Violet held her during the entire funeral. It was raining heavily, so everyone had brought their umbrellas.

"Let it out...shush there there." Violet mumbled into the brunette's ear as Clem practically cried her eyes out. Violet was crying too, but she tried as hard as she could to hold back the tears. The workers lowered the casket into the hole in the ground. Lee was distraught as well, but he vowed he would stay strong for Carley's sake.

"Come on kids. Let's go home." Lee said weakly as he turned and walked towards the car. Violet wrapped her arm around Clem and helped her to the car. Louis caught up to the two and nudged Violet on the shoulder.

"Hey, if you guys need anything, let me know. I know this is hard for you guys, and I'm so sorry." Louis said.

"Thanks Lou. We're heading home. We'll talk to you later." Violet said as she walked Clem to the car. Clem sat down and Violet closed the door for her. She quickly walked around the car and got in the other side. She slid closer to Clem and wrapped her arm around the brunette once more.

"Clem, I'm right here for you. No matter what." Violet said. Clem didn't even respond. Violet could see it in her eyes that Clem's spirit was gone. She just seemed empty now. The three got home some time later and walked inside.

"Ok you two...it's gonna be tough for a long time, but she would want us to live on and stay strong for her. Are either of you two hungry? I can buy you anything you want." Lee said, trying to find a way to help.

"I'm not hungry. I'm not sure about Clem though. She won't talk to me." Violet said.

"Sweetpea everything will be ok. She is in a good place now. A place where no one can hurt anyone else ever again." Lee said.

"I..." Clem was only able to get that out before stopping. Violet noticed the girl's discomfort and hugged her.

"Don't you ever forget that I'm here for you. Whatever you need, consider it done." Violet whispered into Clem's ear. Clem began to tear up and buried her face in the crook of Violet's neck.

"I got you. Let it out." Violet said once more. She knew that Clem was hurting and she wasn't leaving her side until Clem got better. No matter how many tears Clem had to let out, she would catch them all.

"I'll order pizza. I don't really feel like making anything right now." Lee said as he grabbed the house phone.

"Let's go upstairs." Violet said as she helped Clem go up the stairs and into their room. Clem curled up into a ball in the corner, which scared the shit out of Violet.

"Clem, talk to me." Violet said as she sat down next to her.

"She...she's gone Violet." Clem muttered weakly.

"I know. I know, but I'm here for you. What can I do to cheer you up?" Violet asked.

"Honestly I don't think anything can anymore. It feels like I'm losing my parents all over again." Clem said.

"I am so sorry Clem. I can't imagine what that's like but look around you. You still have Lee, along with Louis and the others, and you'll always have me." Violet said as she wrapped an arm around the brunette's shoulder's. Clem leaned her head against Violet's neck to where Violet could lean her's on top of Clem's.

"I don't know how long it's gonna take to get better, but I'm right here through thick and thin, no matter what." Violet said followed bya kiss onto the top of Clem's head.

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