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Warning: Suicidal thoughts. If you don't want to see it, then I'd advise you not read. Just letting you know now.

Violet walked alone to the bell tower. She walked up this big winding staircase and took a seat on the ledge. This was her spot where she could get away from all the problems she was going through mentally.

She sat there, diving deep in an ocean of dark thoughts. A sea of pain and anger that only dragged her in deeper. She began crying. Now that she was alone, she could break down, with no one to watch.

She curled up into a ball, lost in thought, shaking violently. She didn't know what to do anymore. She could be happy. Not again. Not after what happened to her in the past. She was robbed. Not of her money or her materialistic items, but robbed of her humanity. Robbed of her innocence, and most of all, robbed of her happiness. She couldn't do it anymore. She pulled out her phone and went to Clem's chat. Clem was presumably asleep, so Violet wouldn't have to worry about anything. She began typing into her phone, not to say hey or to start a conversation, but to say goodbye.

Clem, thank you. Thank you for everything you've done for me and the kindness you've shown me. No one really shows me that anymore. It's just not enough. My heart is in pieces and I can't put it back together. Clem, when you wake up, I'll be gone, not just from the school, but gone entirely. Just know, it's not your fault. Forget about me. Live your life to the fullest. Just pretend I never existed. This is goodbye. Thanks for trying to help.

She tapped the send icon and as the message was delivered, she stood up, and walked close to the ledge that she was sitting by.

"It'll be over in an instant." She thought to herself. She raised her head up, closed her eyes, and raised her arms, taking in the cool breeze of the wind. She began to take small steps towards the ledge. She looked down and sighed for what she thought was the last time. Suddenly as she began to lean forward, her phone buzzed. She took it out, and saw it was a message. From Clem. In Violet's head, all she could think was, "Why did she have to be awake at this time of all times?"

Clementine :) - WAIT!

Clementine :) - What's going on Vi? I'm here for you. If you're thinking about doing what I think you're about to do, please don't. Don't do it. I don't want you to go. Please come back to our room and we can talk about this.

Violet - Clem, please just let me do this and forget about it. I don't want to live anymore. The constant pain, the every day struggle to put on a smile, all of it just sucks. I'm not happy Clem, I just want to go, and not be a burden to anyone anymore.

Clementine :) - Vi, you're far from a burden. Please, you have me in tears right now. Please come back to the room. I don't want you to die. Come talk to me. Let me help you. I know shit is bad right now, but I'm gonna bust my ass, trying really hard to help you. I promise I won't EVER leave your side. Please Violet. I'm begging you!!!

Violet stood there for a second and raised her head up. She turned her phone off and ran as fast as she could back to her and Clem's room. As soon as she opened the door and went, Clem rushed at her and pulled her in for a hug. She held into Violet with all the strength in her body. She was shaking, and crying a lot.

"Violet, you have no idea how happy I am to see that you're ok. As soon as I saw your message, my heart shattered." Clem said, trying to fight back more tears, to no avail. Violet wrapping her arms around Clem, holding her close, letting the brunette empty out all of her tears onto her chest as they both dropped to their knees.

"Clem, why are you so good to me?" Violet asked.

"Because Vi, I know you're an amazing person. You may not want to believe it, but I do." Clem said as she began to calm down.

"Clem, if either one of us is amazing, it's you."

"Nah, not hardly." Clem said.

"Yes you are. You're a lot better than I am in every way." Violet said.

"No I'm not. I'm sure of it that you are. Violet said as they kept going on about this for a while.


"Yes Vi?" Clem asked.

"Thank you. For talking me out of what I was gonna do. Being here with you is nice." Violet said as she got up, helping Clem up to her feet as well.

"You're welcome Violet. Now don't do that again. Please?" Clem asked.

"I'll try." Violet said as she walked over to bed. She layed down, and closed her eyes. She could hear Clem walk to her own bed and lay down. Violet couldn't sleep. Her mind was still boggled from earlier. She started shaking until she felt the weight of the bed shift right next to her. She opened her eyes and saw Clem.

"Clem what are you doing?"

"I figured since you were having touble sleeping, I'd come and try to help to sleep. We don't have to make this weird. I just figured you'd enjoy the company. Do you mind if I sleep in the same bed as you?" Clem said laying on her back, looking over at Violet with a smile.

"It's fine Clem. Honestly, it makes me feel a bit better. Having someone around that cares. Get some rest." Violet said as she rolled onto her side, facing the wall.

"I should be the one telling you that." Clem said jokingly.

"Can't hear you. I'm sleeping." Violet said with a short chuckle afterwards.

"Uh huh." Clem said as she felt herself begin to drift off. Slowly but surely, both girls had fallen asleep and for once, for Violet, it was peaceful.

The following morning...

Clem woke up a little early this morning. She could feel a strange weight on her chest. She slowly opened her eyes to see Violet laying over her. "She must have rolled over in her sleep." Clem thought. She wanted to get up, but she knew that Violet had trouble sleeping, so she sucked it up and layed there, while going through Instagram on her phone.
Soon enough, the blonde slowly opened her eyes as well, only to realize the predicament she was currently in. She quickly pulled her head up before slamming it on the top bunk frame, immediately grabbing her head and groaning in pain.

"SON OF A FUCKING BITCH!" Violet screamed, not caring if other students next door could hear. Clem placed her hand on Violet's head, slowly rubbing the back of it, trying to alleviate some of the pain.

"Oh my god, Violet are you ok?" Clem asked as the blonde tightened the grip on her hand which was still rubbing her head.

"I'll be fine in a little bit Clem. I just need a second." Violet said, planting her face in her pillow. Embarrassed to even look at Clem.

"How did you sleep?" Clem asked, trying to take Violet's mind off the pain.

"Honestly, it was kinda nice. I didn't have a nightmare this time. Oh and uh...sorry, for laying on you. I must have rolled over onto you." Violet said as she started awkwardly scratching the back of her neck.

"That's ok Violet. Don't apologize. It helped you sleep so I'm glad it worked out that way." Clem said as she got up.

"Any ideas you have on how to spend our last day of the weekend?" Clem asked.

"Honestly, I really want some food right now. Can we do something that involves that please?" Violet asked back.

"Yeah sure. I can get Louis to drive us to Mcdonalds or something. Would that be ok?" Clem asked, raising an eyebrow. Hoping she would say yes.

"Only if we can get chicken nuggets." Violet said as she began laughing.

"Yes we can get chicken nuggets." Clem said as both girls got ready and walked out of the room to find Louis so they can do what they were planning to do.

Hello Guys 👋 How are you doing? Now that I've got several ideas, I should be able to get this story flowing better. Sorry if I'm writing too slowly.

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