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Both girls woke up to the sound of a very annoying alarm clock. Clem wanted to lay there and wait it out until it turned off but Violet had enough of it as soon as it began. She jumped up and punched the top of it as hard as possible, somehow it miraculously didn't break. She went and grabbed her phone off of the charger and layed back down. She would sit there and watch videos just like most young adults would.

"Good morning Violet."

"Good morning Clem."

They said it at the same time as both girls just began laughing.

"What do you have planned for the weekend?" Violet asked.

"Eh nothing really. I don't have any assignments due so I got a free weekend basically to o whatever I want. What about you?"

"Kinda the same thing but only for me, I have assignments I plan on not doing." Violet says as she begins chuckling.

"We could go see what my buddy Louis is up to. You can meet some new people and maybe make some friends." Clem said. Violet began looking at Clem, almost as if she was unsure.

"I'm not exactly a people person, you know? Never really have been."

"I know Violet, but hey, this could break that. They're just like me, kind and accepting. They just all have their own unique personalities." Clem said.

"If you say they're any bit like you, I'll take your word for it." Violet said, unsure whether or not to trust Clem or not.

"I'll text the crew and ask them if they would like to come over." Clem says as she whips out her phone.

Clemster: Hey, would you guys like to come over and hang out? I wanna introduce you guys to my roommate. Her name is Violet and she's really cool.

BeLouGa: Alright. That'd be fun. Everyone else able to?

MulletMadness: I can't make it. Me and Brody are gonna be out.

Sophie-sticated: I can make it. I'm just gonna have to find a way to get there without my sister knowing. She's usually up my ass 24/7 about everything so that's gonna be tricky.

Rubes: I think I can make it. Aasim is with me and he said he can go so I'll probably come with him.

ChefBoyardee: I'm stockpiled with a bunch of work. I can't make it. Sorry.

MichaelBayEnthusiast: I actually can't believe you changed my name to this Louis. Anyways, yeah I'll be there. I just have to take care of a few things.

Clemster: Alrighty. I'll see you guys when later.

Clem turns off her phone and looks at Violet.

"Ok, we have a plan. They'll be here sometime later tonight. In the meantime, I'm gonna see if my dad brought something very specific yet." Clementine said as she stood up and fished around in the see of luggage Lee brought to her room the other night.

"Hell yeah." Clem says.

"What is it?" Violet asks as she stands up and walks over to her.

"Lee brought me my Playstation." Clem says very excitedly as she starts pulling the cords out of the bag. Lee got this for her last Christmas and she was super excited to see it then, and she was super excited to see it again.

"My family could never afford a Playstation." Violet says as she watches Clem put it together. She was so confused. Watching cords go everywhere. Into the TV and into the wall.

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