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After school, the three kids went to Mcdonalds. Louis abided by Violet's terms and bought her a 20 piece box of chicken nuggets and Clem a quarter pounder. Louis brought both of the girls their food and drinks and they both flashed him a smile.

"Thanks Louis." They said in unison

"You're welcome but Violet you have to keep up your end of the bargain. Nno eating until we get to the band room." Louis said as he quickly snatched the box from her hand. Big mistake because now she had that look that she wanted to kill him in her eyes. She quickly settled down as Clem wrapped her hand around Violet's arm as she chuckled. They pull into the parking lot of the school and walk in, Louis holding onto the bag of food with a death grip so that where Violet couldn't snatch it from her.

They walk into the band room, and Louis began to raise the bag in the air, signalling Violet to come get it.

"Alright you can have your fo-" Louis was cut off by Violet quickly snatching the bag away from him and plopping down on a chair in the middle of the room. She quickly took out the box and began chowing down. Clem grabbed the bag and took her food out and began eating as Louis watched on.

"You bunch of vultures." Louis said as he shook his head and sat down on a piano chair, getting a laugh from the two girls.

"Alright buddy. Show us your talent." Violet said. Louis took this oppurtunity and played them both a song. It was composition from Mozart himself. The two girls were surprised that he knew how to play something like this at such a young age. He finished his song and both of the girls were stunned. Clem knew he was good, but she didn't know he was this good.

"Holy shit Louis. That was amazing." Violet said.

"You really think so?" He asks.
should become a professional." Violet said. Louis just frowned and looked back at his piano.

"I wish my dad felt the same way as you do." Louis said as Violet began to feel bad. She didn't want him to be upset.

"Shit Louis I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring up past memories." Violet said.

"It's ok. It's just the reason why I was.sent here." Louis said.

"You know he never wanted me to play the piano or pursue a music career." Louis said as he started tapping on random keys.

"Why not?" Violet asked.

"Well he said that I could either be rich or happy. I couldn't be both." Louis said.

"Wow what an asshole." Violet said.

"Yeah. No kidding. What I did to him was even worse." Louis said Violet gave him a shocked look.

"What did you do? If you don't mind me asking." Violet said, hoping she didn't overstep any boundaries.

"I broke my parents marriage. I stole his credit card, made a bunch of purchases for another woman that never existed, and proceeded to tell my mom what he had done. Later on I told them the truth and they sent me here. Called me a bad son and a delinquent. I just sat there, smirked, and looked him dead in the eyes and told him the same thing he told me. You get to be happy or you get to be rich. You can't be both." Louis said as Violet began to feel guilty for even asking.

"Don't feel bad Violet. It isn't your fault." Louis said as he gave a fake smile.

"My parents were also dickheads Louis so I know how you feel. Once they found out I was into girls, they called me a number of names. They practically disowned me." Violet said, trying to help with the situation.

"Glad to know I have someone to talk to that knows my pain." Louis said.

"Welp, this was fun you two, but I have some friends to meet up with. I'll see you later." Louis said as he walked out of the band room. Clem and Violet sat there and kept eating their food.

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