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"Minerva. She's your ex?" Clem asked.

"Yep. Bitch seems to be back in town." Violet said as she leaned against her bed, arms crossed.

"Violet, if things get rough for you, I'm here for you." Clem said, trying to reassure the blonde that she has someone to rely on.

"I know Clem. I know. Thank you." Violet said as she managed to crack a smile.

"Honestly, I'm glad I have you around. I'm not used to having someone care about me. Everyone just tosses me to the side until they need something then after they get what they want, they no longer wanted me around." Violet said as she walked towards Clem slowly.

"You're different. You care about people, you care about me." Violet said as she hugged Clem. Clem could feel Violet's heart pumping through her chest. She knew the blonde was nervous about something. She smiled and hugged the blonde back.

"Violet, I'm never gonna treat you like other people have. You're an amazing girl. I won't let anyone tell you different." Clem said as both girls pulled away from the hug. Well Clem tried to before Violet pulled her back in.

"Let me just enjoy this for a few more seconds."Violet said. Clem smiled at seeing Violet beginning to open up more and show more of herself to her.

Violet held her tightly, allowing all of the tension in her body to leave. She needed to get this out of her system. She pulled away and smiled.

"Thanks Clem. For the hug." Violet said, grinning from ear to ear.

"Don't thank me for that Vi. You can do that any time you like." Clem said, returning the smile.

"So...what do we do now?" Violet asked as she stuffed her hands in her jacket pockets.

"I don't really know. We can chill out here if you like or I can introduce you to Brody. She's a good friend of mine. I promise she's less annoying than Louis." Clem said as the two shared a laugh.

"Yeah, yeah let's do it." Violet said as the two got up and walked out. They walked down the hallway and got looks from everyone. The looks were sending chills down the spine of them both.

"Why are they staring at us?" Clem asked Violet quietly.

"No idea." She replied, wanting to know just as much as Clem.

"DYKES!" A boy yelled as he ran around the corner, not wanting to let it be known who said it. All the students began laughing and throwing slurs. Clem felt like she was gonna explode.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP! ALL OF YOU!" She yelled as everyone went quiet. They didn't expect Clem to speak up like that. Clem grabbed Violet's hand and walked with her as everyone watched on.

"Clem, you don't have to ruin your reputation over me. They seemed shocked after what you said back there." Violet said. Clem stopped and looked at her.

"Because what's the point in having a good reputation, if I have to throw you to the side? Besides, there is no way in hell that I'm leaving you in the dust. Not now, not ever." Clem said, causing the blonde to blush. She began to fake cough to compensate for the red coloring of her face. They got to a dorm room and stopped as Clem began knocking on the door. A couple seconds, a girl with auburn-colored hair opened the door and smiled.

"Hey Clem. How's it going?" Brody asked.

"It's going good. I just wanted to introduce you to my roommate Violet." She said. Violet stepped forward and smiled.

"Hi Violet, nice to meet you. I'm Brody." The girl said, holding out her hand. Violet slowly began shaking it, enjoying the possibility of making new friends.

"Well what are you still standing the hallway for? Come on in." Brody said very excitedly. The two girls walk in behind her.

"Marlon isn't here right now. He's at baseball practice." Brody said.

"They have practice on Sundays?" Clem asked.

"Not typically, but he said that he has an important game coming up." Brody said.

"Baseball sucks..." Violet said as she stood there with her arms crossed. Brody looked at her for a few seconds, causing Violet to regret speaking up in the first place. Brody smiled and began laughing.

"Your damn right baseball sucks. Don't tell Marlon I said that, he'll kill me." Brody said as they all shared a laugh.

"What do you like to do Violet?" Brody said.

"Clem has a Playstation. I like playing that." Violet said, not knowing what else to say.

"Ah so you and Clem are both nerds. Nice to know. I'm more of an outdoors person myself." Brody said.

They sat and talked for a few hours, talking about everything. Clem and Violet began to walk back and Violet couldn't wipe the smile off of her face.

"You seem to be in a good mood now Violet. Any particular reason as to why?" Clem asked.

"I have a lot on my mind, but for once it's happy thoughts. I'm just...really happy." Violet said. Clem smiled, more than usual. She liked this side of Violet. Violet seemed more alive and happy again. As if everything mentally was leaving her finally slowly but surely. She wishes it was that easy, but it's moments like these that really show Violet how to be around people again.

They walk back inside their room. It was around 11:30 at night and both of the girls were tired as hell.

"I don't know about you Vi, but I'm ready to go to bed." Clem said, chuckling very softly.

"Well go to sleep. We both need to considering we have classes again tomorrow." Violet said, surprised that she actually cared about school the next day. What the hell did Clem do to me? She thought.

"Ugh don't remind me." Clem said, getting a chuckle out of the blonde. The two girls layed down down in their respective beds.

"Hey Clem?" Violet said.

"Yeah Vi?"

"Do you think I can hug you again?" Violet asked nervously while scratching her neck. Clem chuckled and smiled at her.

"Of course you can, I said you didn't have to ask. Come over here." Clem said, waving her over. Violet stood up and walked over, and Clem jumped up and hugged her. Violet smiled, finally feeling happy for once. They pull away and go back to their beds.

The following morning...

The loud blaring of the alarm woke both girls up. Clem slowly leaned her arms over and hit the off button.

"Ugh, why is your clock so loud?" Violet asked.

"I don't know Violet, maybe it's an ALARM clock?" Clem said sarcastically, getting a smirk from the blonde.

"Ha ha. Very funny Clem." Violet said as she slowly raised up. They both get ready and head downstairs to the cafeteria for breakfast.

"Shit, shit, oh and look, more shit. Do they ever have any good choices to eat here?" Violet asked, causing Clem to chuckle.

"Hardly." Clem said. They grab their trays and head to their own table. They sit down and begin eating. Well Clem did. Violet took one bite and immediately spit it out.

"Nah, I'm good. That tastes like rat piss." Violet said, getting a giggle out of Clem. She didn't know what was happening to her. When she was around Clem, every bad thought in her mind was drowned out. She didn't know what it was but she wasn't arguing with it. She loved being around the girl. She felt normal again.

"How do you know what rat piss tastes like?" Clem asked followed by another giggle.

"Very funny Clem." Violet said. Suddenly, the cafeteria door swung open and banged off the wall. Clem and Violet look at the door to see what happened.

"Clem?" Violet said.

"I know Vi. I know." Clem said as they both stared at the door. The person that walked through was a person neither of them wanted to see again.

"Minerva..." They both say in unison.

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