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"It's getting awfully late. What if she doesn't even show up?" Violet asked.

"We're not going anywhere. If anyone poses a threat to my friends, they're gonna pay." Sophie said.

"You don't have to be here Sophie. If you want to go somewhere else, it's fine. Same goes for you Louis." Violet said.

"We're not leaving you two alone here. Lee went out to get drinks so it would be just you two and I'm not taking that risk." Sophie said.

"Why don't we just call the police?" Louis asked.

"Because we don't know for a fact if Minerva is the one doing it. All the signs are pointing towards it being her yes, but what if we're wrong? We need to be sure." Sophie said. Violet and Clem were still sitting in the corner, worried about what would happen.

"I need to piss really badly." Violet said.

"Then take Clem with you. If any of us need anything outside of this room, we grab a partner. Do not leave this room alone." Sophie said as Violet stood up and took Clem's hand. They walked into the hallway and towards the bathroom.

"I'm coming in with you because I don't want to be alone right now. I'll look away, so try not to make it weird." Clem said.

"I don't even care at this point. I just need to use the bathroom before my bladder explodes." Violet said as she rushed into the bathroom. Clem followed her in and locked the door behind them. She looked at the wall, giving Violet the privacy she needed and waited for her to finish up. Violet got done doing her business and flushed the toilet and proceeded to wash her hands.

"Clem?" Violet said as Clem looked over.

"Yeah Vi?" Clem responded.

"What happens if one of us gets hurt tonight?" Violet asked. She paused as she finished washing her hands. She wiped them off with a towel and leaned against the wall.

"What if it's you?" Violet asked. Clem looked at her with confusion and worry. She didn't know how to answer her question.

"I've lost everything that was ever good in my life up until now. I have a family that cares about me, friends who have my back, and the most amazing girlfriend in the world. Part of me blames myself in a way for everything that's happened. If I never became your girlfriend or friend in general, then none of this would be happening. I'm scared that I'm just gonna get more people hurt. I'm actually starting to believe you're better off without me." Violet said.

"Vi don't say that. None of this is your fault. This is all Minerva's fault. For EVERYTHING. I love you more than life itself Violet and nothing will change that. I want a future with you. A future where we can have a house, just like this one. Like you told me, I'm gonna be by your side, every step of the way no matter what. I always will be. I love you Violet Adlon." Clementine said. Violet looked at her with disbelief. She rushed at Clem planted her lips on the brunette's. They pull away when the sound of glass breaking echoes through the house. Clem shut the lights off and covered Violet's mouth. She backed away from the door and they stepped into the tub, and closed the shower curtain. Clem pulled her hand away from Violet's mouth and pulled out her phone. She tapped on the notepad app and began typing. She showed Violet after she was finished and it read:

Don't say a word. Keep quiet and she won't think anyone is in here.

Violet nodded her head and they listened as the intruder stepped around in the house. They heard the floor creaking down stairs. The person went from room to room, looking for someone, presumably Clementine. It sounds like they were humming a song. It was a female's voice.

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