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Sorry about the couple day hiatus. I started feeling sick so it was starting to affect my writing style. I hope this will suffice. I hope you enjoy!

The party was just finishing up. Everyone was leaving, which left Clem and Violet, along with Lee, at their home alone.

"Did you enjoy your party Violet?" Lee asked.

"I more than enjoyed it. Thank you guys again." Violet said.

"I'm glad you had fun, but I'm gonna go to bed. I'll see you two girls in the morning." Lee said as he went to his bedroom. Clem and Violet went to their room, and Violet was more than ready for bed.

"It feels good to not have to sleep in a hospital bed for once." Violet said as she sat down on the bed and took off her boots. She still slightly flinched from the pain.

"Oh yeah, wait here." Clem said as she ran out of their bedroom and shortly after, back into their room. She was carrying a bag.

"You're supposed to take one of these every 12 hours. It'll help with the pain while you fully heal." Clem said as she handed the bottle of pills to Violet.

"I'm gonna be keeping track of your medicine for you. Here, open." Clem said as Violet opened her mouth. Clem took a pill from the bottle and sat the bottle down on the dresser.

"Why can't I keep track of my own medicine?" Violet asked as Clem handed her a bottle of water.

"Because given your history, I'm not ok with letting you be alone with a bottle of pills. Now drink." Clem said. Violet did as such, letting the cold liquid wash down the pill into her throat.

"You know I'm not going to do anything like that ever again. I have you now." Violet said. Clem smiled and kissed the girl.

"You'll always have me babe." Clem said as they kissed again. Clem began to lean forward slowly but Violet felt pain in her stomach and whimpered, causing Clem to back away.

"Shit. Sorry. Did I hurt you?" Clem asked.

"You're fine. I just stressed the wound a little too much. Let's just go to sleep." Violet said as she slowly leaned back into bed. Clem crawled right into bed along with her, slowly because she didn't want to cause the blonde any discomfort. Clem layed on her side, admiring the blonde's peaceful look. Violet looked at Clem and smiled, thinking of the long journey they've had so far, and the journey they will continue to go on.

The next morning...

Violet woke up to Clem setting a plate on the end table next to their bed. The plate had fresh breakfast along with shiny silverware. Clem put a bottle of mountain dew right next to the plate. Violet looked on with confusion, wondering what she was doing.

"Good morning Vi."Clem said.

"Good morning. What are you doing?" Violet asked as she slowly leaned up.

"Don't get up. Just relax. I made you some breakfast so you're gonna sit here and eat while I find something on Netflix for us to watch. I'm still taking you on that date later tonight, so you better be looking forward to that." Clem said.

"So demanding." Violet said.

"Nope. I just want the love of my life to relax and enjoy her day." Clem said.

"Well how can I refuse breakfast in bed from an angel like you?" Violet asked. This made Clem melt.

"I'm gonna have to go all out for our date tonight." Clem said.

"Oh yeah? And why is that?" Violet asked.

"Because you deserve to have a good time. So relax, eat your food, and I'll be right here on the computer if you need literally ANYTHING." Clem said as she sat at her desk. Violet chowed down on her breakfast slowly, trying not to cause much pain to her stomach.

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