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Okay guys, I am done. I love this story, but I can't keep writing for it and dragging it on. I have another High School AU planned that I am very excited to announce at a later date but as for this one, this one is ending. I am not sure when, and how this will end now that I am ending it so abruptly, but I'm definitely gonna try my best to make a satisfying ending to this story. This is still one of, if not, my absolute favorite piece of content I've ever written, but I can only beat a dead horse for so long until it gets boring and tiring. So, I'd like to give a thank you to all of you that have read this story and were along for the ride the entire way through. You guys are all amazing in every sense of the word and I'm very appreciative of every kind word, every vote, every comment, and every read that this story has ever gotten. To those of you that doesn't want to see this story end, I am very sorry, but I have to. I don't like certain things I did with this story, but I'm gonna try to correct those mistakes with my next story. I'll probably be ending this story somewhere in the 30s but I'm not exactly sure. We're coming close to the ending so let's end this story right.

Winter break was over and school was back in session. Kids were showing off their Christmas presents and school faculty were taking down Christmas decorations.

"Alright everyone, welcome back. I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas break. To get everything back on track, we're gonna ease our way back into the lessons with a few Powerpoint presentations. Take out your notebooks and take notes on the information in the Powerpoint because there will be a quiz at the end of the week." The teacher said as everyone already began sighing and groaning in displeasure.

"I wish it was Christmas again." Violet said as she took out her pencil and notebook.

"That makes two of us." Clementine said as she did the same. Brody walked in late and looked tired.

"Ms. Burress, why are you late?" The teacher asked worryingly.

"My boyfriend never came to pick me up so I had to run just to make it here for this class. He probably slept in knowing him." Brody said as she sluggishly walked over and sat in her desk.

"I'll let it slide this one time, but don't let it happen again." The teacher said.

"I won't. I promise." Brody said as she took out her notebook and pen.

Classes went on like normal and Marlon still hasn't shown up. Brody was beginning to get really nervous.

"Brody, I'm sure he's fine." Sophie said.

"Maybe, maybe not. I don't know...I don't know..." Brody said as she began to shake.

"He is probably tired or hungover. God knows the fucking headache he's probably having considering the amount of alcohol he drinks." Violet said.

"Yeah...you're right." Brody said.

"Have you tried calling him?" Clementine asked.

"Yeah. I tried several times on the way here but he didn't answer." Brody said.

"Try calling him again. Maybe you can get his lazy ass up." Violet said.

"Okay. Give me a second." Brody said as she dug her phone out and dialed up Marlon's number. She wait for a few seconds but didn't get an answer. This only caused her to worry more and she could feel a panic attack coming.

"Breathe Brody. Everything's gonna be okay. Look at me." Sophie said as she gripped Brody's shoulders. Brody looked at her and Sophie began to hum a song that she would always hum for her to make her feel better.

"Thanks Sophie. I appreciate it. I appreciate all of you being here and helping." Brody said.

"Don't mention it. We're a family here, and we're not going anywhere." Clementine said. Suddenly Brody's phone rang and she quickly looked at the caller ID and it was Marlon's mother. Brody answered and quickly pulled the phone up to her ear.

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