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"Help! Someone!" Violet screamed as teachers began flooding out of classrooms and running to her.

"Darling what's wrong?" Carley asked.

"There's someone in there. He's dead." Violet said as Carley covered began covering her mouth.

"Everyone stay back!" Carley yelled as Lee came around the corner.

"What's with all the commotion?" Lee asked.

"Violet says a kid is dead in there. Go check it out." Carley said as Lee walked into the bathroom and peeked around the corner. He quickly walks back out and sighs.

"Everyone go to your rooms, now. Classes are dismissed for the rest of the day." Lee said as he pulled out his phone, presumably to call 911. Clem came running behind Violet to see what was happening.

"Violet, I came as quick as I can." Clem said as Violet turned around and hugged her.

"Clem, there's a kid laying in the bathroom dead. His throat had been slit. Someone here killed him." Violet said.

"Oh my god. That's terrible." Clem said as she walked Violet back to their room.

"Violet, I'm sorry you had to see that." Clem said as she held Violet in her arms.

"I'm fine, I just...there was so much blood. Who could have done this?" Violet asked.

"I have no idea, but they'll find them. Lee doesn't tolerate fighting in general so this will definitely be the top priority for all the faculty." Clem said as she ran her hand through Violet's hair.

"I hope so. It's fucking horrible that someone actually killed a kid here." Violet said.

"Well we have the day off of school. We should hang out with the others. Go out and do something to take our minds off of it, you know?" Clem asked.

"Yeah. Good idea." Violet said as Clem pulled out her phone to call Louis.

"Louis, we should all do something. We could go to your place and hang out." Clem said.

"Yeah that would be great. I'll talk to everyone and see if anyone else wants to come over." Louis said.

"Alright. I'll have Carley drive me over or something. She wouldn't mind. At least I hope. Bye Louis." Clem said as she hung up.

"I'll go talk to Carley. Wanna come with?" Clem said as she held out her hand. Violet smiled and took the brunette's hand as they left the room. They walked through the hallway and around a corner and bumped into someone. They both quickly reacted and saw that it was Minerva.

"Watch where you're fucking going there." She said as she gave the two a scowl.

"How about you try being fucking nice for a change. A kid died today so don't even dare be like that." Clem said as she turned around. She felt the redhead tug her by the arm.

"Why should I care about some dumb kid?" Minerva said.

"Get your damn hands off of me." Clem barked back at her with disgust as she pulled her arm back. Her and Violet walked away as they could feel the cold icy glare from the redhead, staring daggers into the two of them.

"What a bitch." Clem said.

"You got that right." Violet said as they walked to Carley's office. Clem knocked on the door and waited for a response.

"I thought I told you...oh hi Clem. Hi Violet. Come in." Carley said as she stepped back. She looked like she had been crying.

"What did you girl's need?" Carley asked.

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