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Louis had taken the girls out to the closest Mcdonalds so that they could all get some food. He was surprised that Violet wanted to even go, knowing that Violet wasn't fond of...well frankly anyone. They found them a parking spot and they all went inside.

"Clem, do you think you can do the talking?" Violet asked. She was still shy, but Clementine understood why.

"Absolutely. 20 piece nuggets right?" Clem asked.

"Yes but don't forget the sweet and sour sauce." Violet said, hoping she didn't sound so pushy. She just made a good friend out of Clementine and she didn't want to ruin it. She quickly crossed her arms and looked at the ground. Clementine picked up on this and patted her arm.

"Violet it's ok. Don't worry so much. Just go with Louis and find us a table. I'll get you your food."Clementine said, trying to reassure Violet. Vi and Louis turned and headed to this booth that had a window next to it. They sat down and Louis smiled.

"Hi Violet. If I came across as an asshole, I'm sorry. I'm not exactly good with first impressions. You should have seem me when I first met Clem. I had a giant crush on her, but she would never go for it. Said she only saw me as a friend. So I teased her every day. About her hat, her height, even that weird, side bun she has. She's still a close friend of mine and I would like for you to be a part of that." Louis said. Violet had no idea what to think. She originally was cautious about other people but Clem's friends were different. They seemed to genuinely care about each other. They seemed like they would overlook each other's flaws and care about one another like no other. The thought made her smile.

"It will take me some time, but sure." Violet said, unknowing if this was gonna be a good idea or not.

"Take all the time you need. I'm not going anywhere, and seeing as how Clem never shuts up about you, she also wants to be close to you." Louis said with a smirk.

"Wait, she talks about me?" Violet asked, eyes growing wide with confusion.

"You have no idea. I'm not used to seeing her like this. Not since..." Louis started getting himself lost in thought, not knowing if Clem wants that subject to be well known. Violet sat in confusion, wanting to know more but not wanting to push the subject.

"She cares about you Vi. Don't let that go. She doesn't put this kind of trust into just anyone. Hell we have all been friends for years, and the only one she really trusts to a personal level is Brody and well me. Do right by her and everything will be fine." Louis said before quickly realizing that how that sounded.

"Sorry, sorry. That sounded like I was being threatening, I didn't want it to come across that way. Just please be there for her like she's there for you." Louis said, quickly fixing his statement.

"Of course I will. She's helped me through a lot ever since I got here so I'm gonna repay the favor." Violet said as she noticed Clem walking to the booth with their food.

"Alright Violet, I didn't know what kind of drink you wanted so I got you a Dr. Pepper. Is that ok?" Clem asked, not knowing if her instinct was correct. Much to her surprise, Violet quickly grabbed the cup and started drinking. She sat the cup back down and smiled.

"You got my favorite. Thank you. It's great." She said as she quickly began eating her food. She ate nugget after nugget, almost as if she wasn't even chewing. Louis slowly looked up from his Big Mac and looked at her, completely mindblown.

"Uh...Violet?" Louis said, getting the attention of the blonde who had 8 or 9 nuggets in her mouth at once, cheeks filled with food, swollen big time making her face look like a chipmunk.

"What?" She asked, voiced muffled heavily.

"You do know that you have to chew the food before you swallow in order not to get choked right?" Louis asked, getting more and more confused as to how she's doing this so easily.

"I...am chewing." Violet said as she quickly grabbed her drink. Clem started laughing and after a few seconds, so did Violet who still had food in her mouth along with Louis. Then Violet started laughing and her expression went from happy, to mortified.

A taller redhead that looked very similar to Sophie, except with shorter hair, walked in with a few other kids, and Violet started balling her fists up. Clem noticed her knuckles beginning to turn white so she started tapping on Violet's hand with her own.

"Hey, you ok? What's wrong?" Clem asked, following the blonde's eyes until she started seeing what Violet was seeing. She saw the same redhead, laughing alongside a group of others.

"Do you know that girl?" Clem asked.

"Unfortunately, yes." She reluctantly answered. "I went to her old school before coming here. She's the girl that I told you about, and that little bitch right there with the stupid fucking beanie is Gabe." Violet said. Clem started getting nervous now, not knowing what's gonna happen.

"Violet, we can leave if you want. I don't want you to be uncomfortable being around her." Clem asked as Violet began shaking her head.

"You know what, no. I'm gonna sit here and enjoy my day with you guys. She isn't shit to me." Violet said smirking as she grabbed her drink and began drinking it again. The redhead noticed the group sitting in the booth, so she purposefully chose the booth next to them. She took the seat that was basically back to back with Violet and nothing happened for a short bit.

"Clem, Louis? Thanks for taking me out. It's nice to have friends again." Violet said, trying to change the mood.

"You're welcome Vi. Any time. I'm having fun too." Clem said as Louis smiled, watching the two bond.

"Honestly I just miss having someone to talk to, I don't really-" Violet was saying something until she suddenly stopped talking. Clem and Louis looked at each other as Violet gave them both a blank stare.

"Come on Violet, you know you miss this." The redhead whispered as the rest of the kids in her booth watched on as Minerva slipped a hand into the back of Violet's pants. Violet quickly shook herself out of it and jumped up from her seat. Not wanting to make a scene, she glanced over to Clem and Louis, who were unaware of what just happened, and Violet gave them a fake smike.

"Alright guys, I'm full. Let's go." Violet said as they just shrugged and got up and left. The blonde looked back at the girl, who winked at her as the others laughed, causing Violet to look at her with disgust. They all got in Louis's car and left to go back to the school. They pull into the parking lot and they slowly but surely, make their way back inside.

"Today was fun." Louis said as he rested his hands on the back of his head.

"It was. We should do that again sometime." Clem said as she looked over to Violet, who was shaken up from earlier.

"Hey Louis, me and Violet are gonna head up to our room to talk, I'll text you later, ok?" Clem asked. Louis just nodded and walked away, understanding that Violet will take time to open up to everyone else in the group. Clem grabbed Violet's hand and walked to their room together. She closed the door behind them and locked it. She turned around and walked towards Violet slowly. She put her hands on her arms and looked her in the eyes.

"Now that we're alone, I want to know about that girl earlier." Clem said.

"Her name...is Minerva."

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