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A couple weeks later...

It was Christmas day. Lee had let Clem and Violet invite Louis and the others over for a Christmas party. They were on Christmas break and wanted to celebrate.

"Hi Clementine." Sophie said as her and Louis walked into Clementine and Violet's house.

"Hi Sophie. Hey Louis." Clementine said as she noticed they were holding hands.

"Awww you guys are together now!?" Clem yelled out, causing Violet to walk over and join them. Clem noticed Louis's freckled face beginning to turn red.

"Yeah but can you not say it so loud?" Louis asked.

"Is the Mozart Molarky getting flustered? You did it to us when we first got together so this is payback." Clem said. They walk into the living room where Marlon, Brody, Aasim, and Ruby sitting on the couch. Mitch was sitting on the recliner and Omar was in the kitchen helping Lee cook. Lee had found about his aspirations to be a 5 star chef and he's letting Omar show him what he can do in the kitchen.

"Lou, Soph, you guys made it!" Marlon said.

"Yep. How is everyone today?" Louis asked.

"Eh I can't complain. It's the holidays." Marlon said.

"When's food gonna be ready? I'm hungry as fuck." Sophie said as she took her coat off and sat close to the fireplace for warmth.

"I didn't know "fuck" was a measurement. It'll be done in a  minutes. Well according to Lee it will. He came in here and told us a couple minutes ago before you showed up." Marlon said.

"Well here's hoping Omar's slow ass doesn't take too long. I'm in Sophie's boat here. I'm fucking starved." Mitch said.

"Mitch. Leave Omar alone. At least he is trying to do something with his life." Brody said.

"Whatever." Mitch said as he continued looking through his phone.

"Ok kids. Food's done." Lee said as everyone walked into the kitchen. Omar was plating the food for everyone and smiled once he saw everyone.

"Hey guys. I hope you enjoy. Lee helped me with it so it wasn't entirely me." Omar said as he and Lee began setting plates onto the table in front of the hungry adolescents. After everyone got their food, they sat down with their own plates and they all began eating.

"Omar, this steak is really good." Violet said.

"Thanks." Omar said as everyone enjoyed their meal. After dinner everyone walked into the living room and sat down.

"I'm so full, I might pop like a balloon." Brody said as she layed across the couch, head rested on Marlon's lap.

"Alright kids, I'm gonna head out and grab a few things for you. I'll be back in a little bit. You can open up presents while I'm gone." Lee said as he went out the front door.

"Well shall we get to the presents?" Marlon asked.

"Yep. Lou, come help me pull them out from under the tree." Clem said as she and Louis jumped up and ran across the room towards the giant Christmas tree. They hunker down and grab boxes with pretty clue and white Christmas wrapping covering the contents.

"Here I'll set Lee's to the side that way he can open them once he comes back." Clem said as she pulled 4 or 5 boxes away from the tree, all labeled for Lee. They started handing presents to those they belonged to and after they were finished, they sat down and began opening them. Clementine checked the first box of her's and read the label.

To: Clementine
From: Brody and Marlon :) <3

She smiled at the label and opened it up to reveal a warm dark blue winter coat with a wool collar.

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