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"What are you two doing out here? And why aren't you in class?" Lee asked.

"Violet was going through a lot mentally, like A LOT and we came here so I can help her feel better." Clem said.

"What happened Violet? If you don't mind me asking." Lee asked.

"Let's just say I was having bad thoughts. I'm fine now. Clem helped me a lot." Violet said.

"Well I'm glad she's there for you. Just this once, I'll say you were helping me plan stuff for homecoming next month. Don't let this happen again. Now you can either go back to class now or go to your next one and make things less awkward." Lee said as he waited for a response.

"Honestly for her sake, I think we should just wait for the next class." Clem said, motioning towards Violet.

"Well you two have a great day and please don't skip class again. It looks bad on me if I have to bail you out of trouble a lot." Lee said as he walked away. Clem and Violet walked back into their room.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell Lee." Violet said as she crossed her arms and leaned against the wall.

"Listen Vi, it's fine, I'm not mad about it. I understand completely." Clem said as she walked closer to the blonde and held her hands.

"I'm just super happy to know I'm not alone." Violet said as she gave Clem a half smile. Clem closed the distance and kissed her. It was only for a couple seconds and she pulled away.

"I needed that. Thank you." Violet said as the two heard the school bell rang, signalling their free time has come to an end.

"Shit-sticks." Violet said.

"Come on, we should go." Clem said as the two walked out.

Later that day...

The final school bell rang and all the kids were heading back to their rooms. Violet and Clem had agreed earlier that they would visit Sophie after the school day so that's where they were headed.

"I don't know if I can even talk to her right now Clem." Violet said.

"I'll be right here for you the entire time. It will be good for you to repair this friendship. I know things went sour with you and Minerva, but look where you're at right now. You're so much better than she is and everyone in the group knows it, Carley knows it, Lee knows it, and I know it. I believe in you Vi." Clem said as Vi gave her a very genuine smile.

"I honestly don't know what I'd do if I didn't have you." Violet said as they approached Sophie's door. Clem knocked on it and waited for a response. Finally Sophie opened the door and smiled.

"Hi guys. Come in, come in." Sophie said as the two girls did exactly that.

"I'm glad you guys came here." Sophie said as she sat down.

"Why is that?" Clem asked.

"I wanted to talk...about earlier today." Sophie said.

"What about it? I didn't do it so there's nothing to talk about." Violet said as she sat on the floor, leaning against the wall.

"Vi, I'm sorry about what happened in the past between us. Believe me, I truthfully am. I didn't mean to keep what she was doing behind your back. I was just co conflicted. I didn't want you to get hurt, but I didn't want to disappoint my sister. I'm really, truthfully sorry and if I could take it all back, I would in a heartbeat." Sophie said as she started tearing up, something that Violet picked up on.

"Sophie, I'm not as mad as I am disappointed. You were like a sister to me, and when Minnie told me that you knew all along, I didn't want to believe it. Then you told me yourself and I was so angry at first. I remember running home and crawling into bed and not getting up for days. Do you understand what that's like? Huh Sophie? To have everyone who you thought cared about you just stab you in the back and leave you in the dust? Do you know what it's like seeing your own parents disown you for your life choices? Do you know how all that feels Sophie?" Violet asked as she also began tearing up.

"Violet...I am so fucking sorry." Sophie said as she began crying even more.

"How come my own family don't want me?" Violet said as Sophie ran over and hugged her, letting the blonde know she's there for her now.

"I'm sorry Sophie for cutting you out of my life. It wasn't fair to you and I don't think I'll ever be able to make it up to you." Violet said as her tears fell onto Sophie's jacket.

"Don't even worry about it Violet. Apology accepted." Sophie said through the tears and the sniffles. Clem couldn't be happier right now. Even she was getting emotional in the moment.

"Violet, I have a question." Sophie said she pulled away, wiping the tears from her face.

"Yeah Sophie? What is it?" Violet asked.

"Are you and Clem you know, a thing? I've heard stuff about it all over school and I just wanted to clarify." Sophie asked.

"Yeah, we're girlfriends." Violet said as she looked at Clem and smiled.

"I'm happy for you Violet. I've known Clem for awhile and I know she's gonna take care of you." Sophie said.

"She's already done so much for me and it's not even been a week since we got together." Violet said.

"Clem you ok?" Sophie asked as she noticed Clem crying.

"I'm just really happy to see you fix things up." Clem said. Violet walked over and hugged her, followed by Sophie who intended to make it a group hug.

"Thank you Clem." Sophie said.

"What for?" Clem asked.

"For everything you've done for Violet. It means the world to me." Sophie said.

"There's more where that comes from too. I love her, and I'm not gonna let anything happen to her." Clem said, nodding towards Violet as a symbol of promise. Violet smiled at the gesture, happy to know that Clem is right by her side every step of the way.

"It's getting late. You two should call it quits. I need some sleep anyways. I have a test in the morning so I wanna make sure I get a good nights sleep." Sophie said.

"You were always the bookworm." Violet said as the three girls laugh.

"A little bit." Sophie said.

"Come on Vi. We should do the same." Clem said.

"Alright. Goodnight Sophie." Violet said.

"Goodnight you two. Talk to you tomorrow." She replied back. The two girls walk over to the door and exit the room.

The next morning...

Clem and Violet sat in their first period class and both of them were getting EXTREMELY bored. It's not just the class itself, it's just the teacher had the charisma of a wet piece of cardboard.

"Ms. Friedman?"(i didn't know a name to call this teacher  that's what i thought of, plz don't bully me :()

"Yes Violet, what is it?" The teacher asked.

"Can I go to the bathroom?" Violet asked.

"Yes but make it quick." The teacher said as Violet stood up and ran out. She walked to the bathroom again but heard a strange noise.

"What the hell is that?" Violet asked herself. It was coming from the boy's bathroom. It sound like someone gurgling something.

"Hey, are you ok whoever you are?" Violet asked. No answer, just more gurgling. She decided to walk in and peak around the corner. What she saw haunted her, and would continue to haunt her for a while. A boy around their age, sitting against the wall, his throat had been slit. Blood all over the floor.

"Oh my god!" Violet yelled.

Let's start the first huge Arc of this story. Things are gonna get real from here on out. Hope you enjoyed!

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