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Clem waited outside of the operating room for the longest time in hopes that Violet was gonna be ok. Lee was on his way to the hospital and Louis and the rest of the gang were there by her side.

"She's gonna be ok Clem. She's a tough girl. She's been through a lot. She'll pull through." Louis said as he patted Clem on the back. Clem was letting every tear fall from her eye onto the floor below. That was until the door opened up and the doctor came out.

"Alright guys, I've got some good news and some bad news." The doctor said.

"Give us the good news first." Clem said.

"The good news is that she'll make it. The bad news is that she's gonna have to stay here for a few nights. The blade that entered her stomach was dirty. She had an infection forming in her stomach and we're gonna have to keep her here to monitor that along with possible internal bleeding." The doctor said. Clem jumped up and hugged the doctor.

"Thank you for saving her life." Clem muttered.

"I tried my best. She was a fighter that's for sure. Honestly, if you kids didn't show up when you did, that young lady wouldn't have made it. You can see her now if you like. Just don't be too long." The doctor said as he escorted Clem into the room where they were keeping Violet. Clem looked at the blonde and tried so hard not to cry again. She was hooked up to several machines. Machines that were helping her breathe and helping her body function.

"When will she be awake?" Clem asked.

"It's gonna be a few hours until she wakes up. It's hard to pinpoint the exact time, but we'll give you a call once she wakes up. For now, you should probably go home and get some sleep. You guys have had a rough night." The doctor said. Clem slowly nodded and walked over to Violet. She layed her hand on top of Violet's and gave it a slight squeeze before turning around and leaving the room. Lee was waiting on Clem in the waiting room and smiled as soon as he saw Clem and hugged the brunette.

"I am so happy to see you sweetpea. If I had any idea that tonight was ever gonna happen, I wouldn't have left you kids alone. How's Violet doing?" Lee asked.

"She's in rough shape, but the doctors said that she'll pull through. They're keeping her for a few days to monitor her insides because she has an infection and there potentially could be some internal bleeding. The doctor said we should head home and get some sleep. They'll call us once she's awake." Clem said.

"About going back home, the police have taped off the place. They won't let us back in because they're examining the crime scene. They said it could take anywhere up to a week before we can live there again. So we're gonna have to stay at Kenny's house.

"That would be nice. I haven't seen Kenny in years." Clem said. She notices an older couple walk into the hospital. They walked up to the lady at the counter and began asking questions. Questions about Violet.

"Where are you keeping Violet Adlon?" The woman asked.

"Ma'am, we're not inclined to tell you that unless you give us some identification." The clerk said.

"I am her mother. We're here parents." The woman said.

"Hey, why do you want to see Violet so bad?" Clem semi-screamed out, gaining the attention of a few people.

"Look, this doesn't concern you miss so I suggest you sit down.m before something happens." The woman said.

"You don't get to see her." Clem said.

"Oh yeah, and who exactly is telling me that I can't see my daughter?" The woman asked.

"Clementine. Clementine Everett. Her girlfriend." Clementine said with pride.

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