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The final bell rang for classes and Clem and Violet grabbed their bookbags and walked out of the classroom. They walked to Lee's office and they caught in him in the nick of time. Lee was holding his briefcase up under his left arm as he locked his office door. He put his keys in his pocket and turned to see the two and he smiled.

"Hi girls. You need something?" Lee asked.

"Yeah we were wondering if we could go to a sleepover st Louis's house tonight?" Clem asked.

"As long as you stay out of trouble, it's fine by me." Lee said.

"Thanks. He was wanting to have a party now that the gang is back together again." Clem said.

"I understand. I hope you girls have fun." Lee said as he walked away. Clem and Violet walked outside to their car and saw Sophie checking it out.

"Hey Sophie. What are you doing?" Clem asked.

"I can't believe you have a car now. This is really cool." Sophie said.

"Well we can drive you to Louis's house if you want. We just need to stop by our house to grab a few things first and then we will be good to go." Clem said.

"That would be awesome. Thanks Clem." Sophie said as they jumped into the car and drove off to Clem and Violet's house.

"Hey Clem?" Sophie asked from the back seat.

"Yeah Sophie?" Clem replied back.

"I've tried talking to Louis about what we talked about at Violet's party and I couldn't work myself up to do it. I'm not sure what the problem is. I just get really nervous and anxious and it makes me not want to do it anymore." Sophie said.

"Wait, Sophie you like Louis?" Violet asked.

"Don't judge." Sophie bluntly said.

"Well if Beethoven's bitch is what you want, then we are gonna try to help you out. Louis is an idiot so he's not gonna catch the subtle hints so you have to be upfront with him. If he tries to pull out s deck of cards to play a game, we'll try to make it happen." Violet said, gettint a chuckle from the other two.

"Best nickname for him I've ever heard. Ok, sounds like a plan." Sophie said.

"Don't you like Piano Picasso?" Clem asked, jokingly acting like she was hurt.

"That is funny too, but Picasso is an artist. Beethoven was involved with music so it makes more sense." Sophie said.

"Wow, I'm being ganged up on by my girlfriend and my best friend." Clem said. Violet smirked and kissed the brunette on the cheek.

"Are you getting ganged up on now?" Violet asked.

"Nope." Was all that Clem could muster up to say. They pull into the driveway of their home and they walk inside. Clem and Violet run upstairs to grab an extra set of clothes, deodorant, toothbrush, basically the essentials.

"Wow, this is where it all happened." Sophie said as she looked around Clem and Violet's room.

"Yeah, they cleaned it up and replaced the carpet and everything for free for our troubles. It was nice of them. The memories however won't be able to be let go of that easily." Violet said. Clem looked at Sophie and frowned.

"She's been having nightmares ever since she came home." Clem said.

"I'm sorry Violet. Is there anything I can do to help?" Sophie asked.

"I'll be ok. I have Clem to help me when shit gets bad." Violet said.

"I'm glad Clem is there when you need her." Sophie said.

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