"Possible glitches?"

80 6 21

"Glitches? We don't have glitches!"

There is a possible glitch where the game host, aka Arach, will say some weird things. If this happens, ignore them. She's fine. And the words don't mean anything ignore them. The game will glitch out a bit causing the town executions to possibly delay a bit. Her tactics will cause pain to others. It's just a glitch and will be fixed.

Another possible glitch is where the game host, again Arach, will have black goo leaking from her eyes and mouth for the whole round. She will live and won't die.

The last possible glitch is to get a male host. It's just for a day, and this tells you something happened to Arach.

Again, ignore all of these possible glitches.

"Ignore them. Ignore her pain. She will die."

"I wonder what that could mean.."

"Don't ignore these glitches like she tells you."

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