Round 1 - Day 1

119 8 76

Arach walked out into the sunshine. The town was empty. She could have sworn she saw a tumbleweed earlier. It was kind of boring here alone. So she gave a grin as she had an idea.

She did a snap. And suddenly a whole town was here. Some were startled, others were chill.

Arach walked over to the guillotine and leaned against it and grinned, "welcome." Is all she said. Her voice was chilling as some got shivers.

"Now. Go enjoy the first day. It's the only peace you will get, after this day, murder will happen. All will most likely die." She says as she gives her fanged grin.

Mutters start to go round on how this is the second time this happened, first was with Xibalba. Some were actually shocked to see him in the crowd.

"Ignore the glitched voices. They come and go." Arach says as she walks down.

1. Isla(F) robinstar46
2. Potato(F) @Danielle20150
3. Ronan(M) @Featherstar_01
4. Jackson(M) @IronMan_The_Avenger
5. Raelene(F) @3IHaveMANYfandomsE
6. Xibalba(M) Mossleap
7. Tyler(M) @-hardcorefxnatic-
8. Jacky(F) Rawr_Child
9. Lylan(F) @LunarPawzz
10. Yeeterfrick(M) @HungerGamesFan298
11. Rosie(F) @moon-night-_
12. Feraline(F) _fallen-sky_
13. Krystal(F) @StarbloomTheHybrid
14. Rez(M) StarsDragon
15. Gay(M) @SilverStarCat

I know some of you know what each other's roles are from that voice chat but like don't say anything.

Also memorize your number.

Discussion chain~

Role play chain~

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