Round 2 - Night 2

40 5 26

"Frost has been voted guilty!" Arach yelled, "She will be killed by Amy!" She yelled.

Arach then walked down and grabbed frost by the arm and dragged her up there. Amy whispered something in Arachs ear and she nods.

"Frost will be burned at the stake! And one of you will be burning her." She says and points to the town. Arach than began to drag Frost to a stake. She began to tie her up and piled a bunch of wood under her.

"Right. Choose the townie Amy." Arach says. Amy closes her eyes and randomly selects someone. She points at Innocent Child.

"Innocent Child will be burning Frost!" Arach yells as she lights a torch and hands it to Innocent Child. IC started to tear up as she had to kill someone. She closed her eyes as she cried and threw the torch at the bottom of the stake.

Frosts screams of agony were high pitched as she was slowly dying. She was being burned alive, of course that would hurt.

As soon as the flames went out, Arach grabbed a stick and poked the burnt body of Frost. Part of it turned to ash, revealing the bloody and burnt bones underneath.

"Frost has died. Frost was The Godfather. There was no will." Arach says as she looks at the burnt body of Frost.

"One hour until lights out!" Arach yelled and walked away covered in the ashes of Frost.
1. Xibalba Mossleap
2. Asexual King_Darkstalker
3. Lesbian SilverStarCat
4. AliceMoo Alice-Moo
6. Innocent child _-Shooting_Star-_
7. Aoi 3IHaveMANYfandomsE
8. Alfredo robinstar46
9. Zodiac KatCook3
10. Ren Featherstar_01
12. Nyx TheProvokingPopplio
13. Rivera BookwyrmAdventures
14. Potato Danielle20150
15. Abeke fear_the_cat
17. Starbloom StarbloomTheHybrid

Lord Farguad, Jester
Yeeterfrick, dancer
Frost, Godfather
Arach is adding a chain! This new chain determines your activity! If you don't touch it in three days max, than your character will be killed off! Those who are going on hiatus need to message me.

Discussion chain~

Voting chain~

Trial chain~

Role play chain~

Dead people chat chain~

Activity chain~

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