Round 4 - Night 1

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Arach looked at everyone. She had a blank face as if she knew something was going to happen. After a few minutes she broke the stare and gave a cough.

"Alright well. If anyone harms the French child I will murder everyone." She growled as she picked up Callis.

Some of the townies didn't know if they should be confused or concerned. Wasn't Callis just someone who would die like them? Nope. Callis and Arach go back.

"CALLIS!" Euryale screamed as she jumped out of nowhere and tackled her into a hug. Callis was s c a r e d. Arach gave a sigh as she pulled Euryale off of Callis. Arach then set Euryale down and helped Callis up and spoke in a low voice to tell her something. She gave a nod.

"Euryale!" Callis yelled as she hugged Euryale. The two had a nice hug.

"Ok one hour until lights out. Euryale don't accidentally kill callis." Arach says and looked at her. Euryale gave a thumbs up.

1. Sophie, F PrincessSunnyy
2. Rose, F Kat_Rose_Ice
3. Gappy, M gappy-
4. Grape, F -hardcorefxnatic-
5. UrMum, M Rawr_Chiold
7. RudePerson, NB 3IHaveMANYfandomsE
8. Ackackackackackack, M ShroomsOfShroomness
9. Geof, F crat__
10. Willlllow, F -fortheloveofkpop
11. Quarivan, NB _-Shooting_Star-_
12. Dahsan, M @ThunderFrostBoi
13. Callis, F I_Am_Table
14. Shadastra, F @GirlWarriorX
15. Spiderweb, M Frosted_Lilacs

No one has died yet...
H h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h This is the one time I will not worry about the activity chain. I need both of my devices which I don't have-

Discussion chain;

Roleplay chain;

Activity chain;


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