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Arach stared out into the forest. She had heard something in her sleep. Makug had been talking with her. Who is makug you must ask? Makug was an old friend of Arach's. An old demon friend. Arach gave a sigh as she turned towards the center of town. She didn't care who died, it's not like their life meant anything to her. She wasn't even going to bother listing who died, she wasn't in the mood.

She gazed across the town as her yellow eyes were blinded by the sunlight. She pulled out a pair of sunglasses and put them on. What was once dead grass, was starting to become living, green grass. A few flowers here and there. Arach hated it. She didn't want to see any of that in her town. Sure neighboring towns might be green, but she rather her's be dead. She looked at the living townies for a moment before stepping forward.

"Good Morning unstable human idiots!" Arach said in a cheery tone. She sounded happy in a way, but not really. She probably took her medicine to make her feel happy, "well a lot of people di-" she started as she was cut off by a gun shot, barely missing her head. She looked up, and on the hill. She raised an eyebrow as she gave a cocky grin.

"Well you three are surely late," she states with a hiss at the end. The townies turned to look at who was there. Three figures stood on the hill. One closely resembled Arach. Another with blond hair and lion ears stood next to the girl who looked like Arach. The third figure was possibly an angel, tan skin and snowy white hair. Two pairs of wings on her back.

"Well dear Ara, you going to finish me off or what? And I see you brought...James and Rachel with you.." Arach spoke as she eyed them. Ara gave a nod.

"Indeed I have," Ara spoke and made her way to Arach. She forcefully shoved the tall women against the floor as she took out a gun. She took out a bullet and placed it into the gun. She placed the gun on Arach's forehead and stared her down.

"Sweet dreams.........dear twin," Ara spoke softly to where no one could hear and pulled the trigger. She watched as pure black blood, similar to tar, pooled under Arach's head, and out her mouth. She watched as Arach's eyes glossed over. She stood up and kicked Arach's body into the middle of the town and gave a grin.

"The demon is dead! We can all rest easy now!" Ara said as she breathed heavily. Rachel gave a sigh.

"Not quite....Another town, ran by Arach's parent, Azuth, has begun its show. How long it takes to get there? I have no idea. But...we must go there next. Arach's spirit will stay here, go somewhere else, or go to the deepest pits of hell. We mustn't worry about her, it's Azuth we must worry about now. Let us go," Rachel speaks and begins to walk away. Ara quickly takes a photo and runs after her. James follows shorty after.

Callis and the real Euryale stared at the lifeless body of Arach. Callis started to cry into Euryale's jacket. Euryale looked solemn, but upset. She walked over and took out a jar. She carefully scooped up some blood into it and shut it. She then pulled out a spoon and scooped out one of Arach's eyes. She put that in a separate jar. Callis gagged a bit but continued to cry. When you've known Arach longer than most, you would understand why Callis was crying. Euryale pulled Callis into a hug. After a moment she pulled away and handed her a violin.

"She would want you to have this.." Euryale says as Callis takes the violin. She started to cry even more.

"I remember this all to well..." she says.

"Well let's go, we don't need to stay here anymore..I'm sure they will bury the body," Euryale says and leaves with Callis.

They never buried the body. Years went by, and it's just a skeleton laying there in an abandoned town. Maybe she will come back. Who knows? But one thing is for certain, this is the end of spiderwebs. And the beginning of Jahar.


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