Round 3 - Day 1

85 7 45

Arach stared at the dead bodies of Zodiac and Lesbian. She then looked at the rest of the town.

"When did we get a cafeteria." Is all she says before sighing, "well I need to start this round soon." She says as she pulls out a non existent pair of head phones and just puts them on and just sat on the top of the platform. After five minutes she took them off.

"Okay I'm bored." She says as she sits there.

"Do I want to snap more people in or not?" She says as she talks to herself.

"Yes. Yes I do." She says as she stands up and stretches before snapping her fingers and she watched as 15 towns people nyoomed into existence.

"Welcome to this lovely chaotic town." Arach says.

"Why is there....two dead bodies..." someone asked.

"Oh they were from last round. Anyways, your roles should be arriving soon as someone was to fuking lazy to do them as soon as someone did the last form!" She yelled at a certain blond girl on a table on her phone.

"Jeez. Hold on I haven't been able to have WiFi. Calm the fuck down. I'm getting their roles soon." The girl says and rolls her eyes. Arach gave a sigh.

"Whatever. You go do whatever the hell you guys want. Just don't go into the pond." Arach warns before walking away and dragging both of the bodies with her.

1. Zodiac KatCook3
2. Tallshadow -hardcorefxnatic-
3. Kinky Frosted_Lilacs
4. Harley StarsDragon
5. qtaro mossleap
6. NotAMurderer Rawr_Chiold
7. MEMES @3IHaveMANYfandomsE
8. Apollo Queen-Zira
9. Tabitha _-Shooting_Star-_
10. Silvelia @xSTORMDRAGONx
11. Olive LunarPawzz
12. Shadow @Shxto_Todorxki
13. Jenika @Blackslip
14. John defyinggrravity
15. Shadastra @GirlWarriorX

No one has died yet...
Remember. Next round Arach is going to die. I'd advise getting acquainted with her to find out more about her. You will be DMed your roles soon.

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Activity chain~

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