Round 3 - Night 1

92 4 87

"Right Well. Someone almost died already. Don't go near the pond." Arach threatens.

"So we can go near it." NotAMurderer says.

"No. No you can't." Arach says.

"So we can?"





"I said no and if you say yes one more time I'll shoot your face off." Arach says as she points a gun at NotAMurderer. NotAMurderer was silent. Well until someone started to poor popcorn seasoning on her. Arach gave a long sigh.

"I'm disappointed in all of you." She says as she looks at the town.

"I don't care anymore. Go to the pond and die. Fine by me. No one will miss you." Arach says.

"One hour until lights out. Don't do something stupid." Arach says and walks away.

1. Zodiac KatCook3 1
2. Tallshadow -hardcorefxnatic- 1
3. Kinky Frosted_Lilacs
4. Harley StarsDragon 1
5. qtaro mossleap
6. NotAMurderer Rawr_Chiold
7. MEMES @3IHaveMANYfandomsE
8. Apollo Queen-Zira 1
9. Tabitha _-Shooting_Star-_ 1
10. Silvelia @xSTORMDRAGONx
11. Olive LunarPawzz 1
12. Shadow @Shxto_Todorxki 1
13. Jenika @Blackslip
14. John defyinggrravity {Currently on Hold}
15. Shadastra @GirlWarriorX

No one has died yet...
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