Round 3 - Day 2

72 5 46

Arach sat on a stool in a tree because she can. After a bit she came down though. She grabbed her megaphone and connected it to speakers because that's a thing now. She then turned on the megaphone and played ear rape into the megaphone. Screams were heard as people walked out of their houses. Arach eventually turned it off when everyone, alive came out.

"Alright well this must be the most deaths I've seen on one night." Arach says casually, "Well, kinky was killed by the serial killer. He was the priest. No will was found." Arach says and looks at the forest, "I'll get him down later." She says and turns back to what she was reading.

"NotAMurderer committed suicide because her lover died. They were the mafia. No will was found. Both kinky and NotAMurderer were the alpha lovers." Arach says and takes a bite out of a sandwich while reading.

"MEMES nuke mushroom exploded due to stress from the investor. They were the veteran. A will was found."

"Ah fuck. I can't believe you've done this."

Arach read the will before realizing that MEMES was crazy and lived off of memes.

"Apollo died to the ultima. They were the investigator. No will was found." Arach says and looks at the lake where the dead body of Apollo floated, "yeah definitely don't go near the lake."

"Zodiac died to the vampire. They were the werewolf. No will was found." Arach says.

"And that's it. Go do whatever the hell you idiots want." She says and climbs back up the tree with a stool in it and sits there. Thinking about life.

2. Tallshadow -hardcorefxnatic-
4. Harley StarsDragon 2
5. qtaro mossleap 2
9. Tabitha _-Shooting_Star-_
10. Silvelia @xSTORMDRAGONx
11. Olive LunarPawzz 2
12. Shadow @Shxto_Todorxki 2
13. Jenika @Blackslip
14. John defyinggrravity
15. Shadastra @GirlWarriorX

Zodiac, Werewolf
Kinky, Priest
NotAMurderer, Mafia
MEMES, Veteran
Apollo, Investigator
Wow that's a lot of death.

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