"Introduce your freaking characters already!"

129 7 89

"Introduce yourself."

Pass: 3 tags.

"Don't forget the other pass!~"

A laugh is heard as your getting yourself set up.

0/16 spots remain

-Reserved for Mossleap
-reserved for 3IHaveMANYfandomsE

"If your character survived last round you can use them again. Those who survived were Xibalba, Potato, and Yeeterfrick. They won't be the same roles at last time though."

"Amy relationship that was made last round will be kept."

"Like Arachs and Xibalbas relationship."


"Hehehe. I'm unknown but I'll be known on day 1!"

"Yeah yeah yeah. If Sam appears, don't trust him."

"Yeah I don't want to die again... oh and only person has a clue of me from last round. My name wasn't mentioned though."

"Just introduce your characters..."

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