A possible execution that could've happened but didn't

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It was burning hot, almost all the townsfolk were sweating. Arach, Arach sat in her chair, eating cereal. She looked around for Euryale, who was no where to be seen. She gave a sigh of relief as she took a bite of her cereal. Why was she eating cereal so late? No one knew. After a moment, she took the bowl of cereal and put it away. She walked up to a table, that had been prepared the night before for a gutting experience. She took out a megaphone and took a deep breath.

"Get your asses out here," she spoke as she put the megaphone down. She watched the townsfolk walk into the center and stare at her. She took out a huge thing of salt and a couple of knives. She put on a cheerful attitude and looked at them all.

"It's hot, so I thought you all would enjoy something cold. Like sashimi!" She said as she gave a smile, her sharp teeth showing. She eyes narrowed as her gaze landed on XXXX, "XXXX has been voted guilty."

The nervous townie slowly walked up to her. They seemed to be breathing heavily as they approached the tall female. Arach stared them down as they grew closer. She towered over them, she was the tallest here besides Xibalba. Without warning, Arach grabbed XXXX and threw them down on the table. XXXX let out a scream as they hit the hard, metal table. She started strapping them to the table. Hands and legs, strapped to the table.

Arach stared at them for a moment before grabbing a curved knife. It was fairly small, but sharp. She took the knife and pressed it down onto their neck. She only dragged it down their neck slightly, not deep enough to kill them, but deep enough to draw blood. She watched as blood started to leak out of the cut. Without warning, she bent down and licked it. XXXX shivered as they felt her tongue go over the warm cut. She bent back up and wiped her mouth. She grabbed a larger curved knife. She pushed it down into their chest, deeply, and dragged it all the way across their torso. She put gloves on and forced open the skin, revealing all the bones and guts. She grabbed some things to keep the skin open and took the salt jar and sprinkled some on the open cut. XXXX screamed as they felt the salt. It was burning, it was burning them. Arach put her hands into the open body, and forced open the ribs. A loud cracking was heard. XXXX was in a lot of pain. She grabbed their lungs and ripped them out, this made XXXX go blue and die. But was Arach done? No. No she was not. She kept pulling out all the organs out of the dead body. When they were all out, she took the body and threw it into the ocean. She then made sashimi for the townies but no one ate it but her and Xibalba.

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