||Behind the scenes #3||

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"POCKY GAME LETS GO!" Any shouted as she slammed a box of pocky in the middle of the table. Lesbian and Asexual jumped. Arach gave Amy a look while smoking a cigarette. Xibalba was on his phone because we have phones apparently.

"ARACH GET RID OF THE CIGARETTE AND XIBALBA PUT THE PHONE UP!" Any shouted. Arach rolled her eyes as she put the cigarette out.

"Well there goes one way of trying to end myself." Arach says casually. Asexual gives her a look. Lesbian takes a pocky stick and shoved it in her mouth and eats it all.

"That's not how the pocky game works Lesbian..." Amy says.

"It's like this right?" Arach asks and takes a pocky stick and bites one end of it. Amy gives a nod.

"And then someone bites the other end result-" Amy didn't get to finish as Xibalba bit the rest of the pocky. This resulted in a 'kiss'. You can see a triggered Anti from the pole he was tied to. Arach pushed Xibalba away though.

"DUDE WHAT THE FUCK?!" She yells. Xibalba gave a thumbs up and laughed for a bit. Then he ended up running with an angry Arach behind him.

"Starting right now, you can buy pocky for .69! It's a limited time offer so use it while you can!" Any says into the camera.

Suddenly, Arach was hit with a table. No one knew where is come from but Arach was actually in p a i n as you can see a lot of blood on her face.

"NO ONE EVER ASKS HOW THE TABLE FEELS!" The table shouts. And with the that the table managed to kill everyone and leave.

"AND THATS HOW MAFIA WORKS!" Arach shouts as the camera dies

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