Round 4 - Day 1

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"Welcome back to another round of death and nightmares!" Arach sang as she looked at the new victims. One was a certain person she knew quite well.

"Step-mom..." she growled.

"Step-child..." Someone spoke.

Arach watched as Callis stepped forward. The two stared at each other, Callis having to look up because she is short. Arach had to look down at her because she was tall. Arach bent down to her level though.

"Did you grow taller?" Callis asked her.

"No. I stole your 9' boots." Arach says.

"O h. Do you still have that tongue piercing?"

"No. I got rid of it and got a lip piercing. There is still a hole in my tongue from it though."

Everyone watched the conversation go on. No one knew what they were talking about. No one wanted to know. Though Arach seemed to be enjoying the conversation.

"Well remember don't go near the lake don't want a repeat of Apollo." Arach said as she stared down at everyone.

"Right well go find your houses or something." Arach says as she walks away. Callis ended up running after her because daughter-mother relationship thing.

1. Sophie, F PrincessSunnyy
2. Rose, F Kat_Rose_Ice
3. Gappy, M gappy-
4. Grape, F -hardcorefxnatic-
5. UrMum, M Rawr_Chiold
7. RudePerson, NB 3IHaveMANYfandomsE
8. Ackackackackackack, M ShroomsOfShroomness
9. Geof, F crat__
10. Willlllow, F -fortheloveofkpop
11. Quarivan, NB _-Shooting_Star-_
12. Dahsan, M @ThunderFrostBoi
13. Callis, F I_Am_Table
14. Shadastra, F @GirlWarriorX
15. Spiderweb, M Frosted_Lilacs

No one has died yet...
Don't forget to do the activity chain!

Discussion chain;

Roleplay chain;

Activity chain;

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