Round 2 - Day 3

56 3 31

"Right everyone up." Arach yelled into the megaphone. She didn't seem right lately. It was like, something important to her was gone. Even Amy didn't know what was wrong.

As soon as everyone walked outside, they were greeted to a horrendous smell.

"What's that smell?!" Someone yelled.

Arach gave a sigh, "look. People are dying. Their rotting. It's going to be bad. Anyway. Amy you will need to clean it up later."

"Why me?!" Any yelled at her

"Because I said so geese." Arach said.

"Arach. What the actual fuck is wrong?" She hissed to her.

"It doesn't matter. Anyway. AliceMoo was mauled by the werewolf..that's probably what your all smelling.." she says, "she was the lovesick. There was no will..."

Amy sighed. She had never seen Arach like this...she seemed so sad but still her normal murderous self. Amy was going to find out what was wrong no matter what. She then noticed Arach clutching a piece of paper with blood dripping from it. A red flower petal trying to fall.

"Innocent Child was murdered by the mafia. Innocent child was the innocent." Arach said.

"Right well. I'm going to go over my life choices." Arach said and walked off to her house.

Amy looked at everyone, "somethings clearly wrong. I'll get on to it but you guys look for clues." She says and walks away.

1. Xibalba Mossleap
2. Asexual King_Darkstalker
3. Lesbian SilverStarCat
7. Aoi 3IHaveMANYfandomsE
8. Alfredo robinstar46
9. Zodiac KatCook3
10. Ren Featherstar_01
12. Nyx TheProvokingPopplio
13. Rivera BookwyrmAdventures
14. Potato Danielle20150
15. Abeke fear_the_cat
17. Starbloom StarbloomTheHybrid

Lord Farguad, Jester
Yeeterfrick, Dancer
Frost, Godfather
AliceMoo, Lovesick
Innocent Child, Innocent
Arach seems to be upset. Use your investigator skills and possibly figure out! Amy is on the case as well but she already has a good idea on what's wrong. Also the activity chain is three game days not real days. I'm not that mean.

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