||Behind the scenes #4||

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"POCKY GAME TAKE TWO!" Amy yelled. Everyone ignored her though. Nobody was playing the pocky game. Reason why: Xibalba took all the pocky. It's a wonder on how Amy managed to get a box and Xibalba not know is truly a wonder. Anyways Amy ended up eating all the pocky.

Arach casually walked out of her house with a cigarette and a half empty bottle of Vodka. She was giggling like a madman as well. Amy took n a deep breath.

"She's drunk." Amy says, "how? I have no fucking clue." She says and crosses her arms.

"AUTHOR MAGIC!" Raine shouted from the table.

"Ah shit its Raine." Amy says

"Hiiiii Raineeeeeeeeeeeeee!" Arach says in a giddy voice and gives the female a hug.

"shit. Arach go make cerealllllllll!" Raine says as she gets out of Arach's drunken grip.

"Fine." She says and goes to make cereal.

Xibalba finally walked out of his house.

"Where's Arach?" He asked. Everyone looked at him.

"She's Drunk. BECAUSE SOMEONE THOUGHT IT'D BE FUNNY!" Amy yells at Raine who's on her phone while sitting on the table.

"Pardon?" Raine says and looks up at them.

"Who's that?" Xibalba asks as Arach comes out of her house eating cereal. She also has a pie in her hand. It looks burnt.

"That's Raine...or Marigolf whatever everyone calls her. She's the author..." Amy says as Raine gives a thumbs up. Arach sits on a bench while eating cereal. Of course, Euryale comes out of nowhere and kicks it into orbit and disappears.

"My...cereal..." Arach says.

Five minutes later

Arach is on Xibalbas shoulders screaming she's the king of the world like a five year old. Xibalba is screaming to get her off. Nobody cares though because they thought it was funny. It was funny. Raine made everyone popcorn.

A few hours later

Arach was throwing up in the lake. She ate a dead squirrel while drunk. Xibalba sat next to her while patting her back.

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