Round 2 - Day 2

98 6 53

"RISE AND SHINE ASSHOLES!" A voice rang out through a megaphone. It sounded like Arach. It was Arach.

Everyone groaned as they walked outside. Two did not walk out.

"Congratulations there's been murders!" Arach says. Amy literally slaps Arach.

"You don't have to sound so happy about it!" Amy said

"Look. The more deaths the less time till you can go back to heaven."

"I don't know if I should feel upset or not."

"Oh and have you seen Anti?"

"Pole." Amy said and pointed to the child tied to a pole.

"Alright well, Lord Farquad was mauled by a werewolf. Lord Farquad was the Jester. No will was found. And Yeeterfrick was killed by the mafia. Yeeterfrick was the Dancer."

Amy gave a cough, "well go do whatever it up do..."

Arach elbowed Amy, "let me do the talking."


"It's my town. Your lucky to be alive right now."

"Point taken.."

1. Xibalba Mossleap
2. Asexual King_Darkstalker
3. Lesbian SilverStarCat
4. AliceMoo Alice-Moo
6. Innocent child _-Shooting_Star-_
7. Aoi 3IHaveMANYfandomsE
8. Alfredo robinstar46
9. Zodiac KatCook3
10. Ren Featherstar_01
11. Frost SociallyAwkwardWords
12. Nyx TheProvokingPopplio
13. Rivera BookwyrmAdventures
14. Potato Danielle20150
15. Abeke fear_the_cat
17. Starbloom StarbloomTheHybrid

Lord Farguad, Jester
Yeeterfrick, dancer
The first chapter aka the prologue for The Widow is out!

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