Round 2 - Day 5

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"Well this is what I get for allowing seventeen people and we end with an even number." Arach says as Lesbian and Zodiac have a show down.

"So. Xibalba died to the vampire. He was the investigator. No will was found. And Asexual was executed by the jailer. He was the werewolf. A will was found." She said as she took out a bloody will.

"I hope you all suffer
You didn't let me kill
Anyone before I died."

She read out.

"Well this is the only will I've actually read so I have no idea if this is normal." She said and put the will away and pulled out two guns.

"Who ever lives, wins." She says and shoots the both of them. They both started to bleed and fall to the ground.

They didn't live.

"Well that makes things simple. No one won. Lesbian died to me. She was the vampire. No will was found. Zodiac also died. She was the jailer. No will was found."

"I don't understand why you killed the both of them." Amy says

"Well simple. The mafia kept trying to figure out everyone's roles. And we had a bunch of people that were inactive. Therefore, this round was a waste of my time. The next round however, I'll give everyone a chance again so you all will come back from the dead or something and we will pretty much do a normal round." Arach says

"Oh so I have to go." Amy says

"Yeppppp. Byeeeee." Arach says as she watched Amy die again. There lied a doll. A doll similar to Amy. Arach picked it up and walked back into her house.

Euryale walked into town, "aWW I missed everythingggggg!" She complains.

No one won. It was a draw.

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