Chapter 16: "Changing things up?"

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"Go get them, Nathan!!"

Nana stood on the medal bench, wearing the mother load of murch to support the "Short Red Monekys," soccer team 10 year old Nathan had just joined..

She waved their mini flag of a baby monkey and shouted like a manic...

"Kick their tiny as-"

I stood up, and placed her back onto her bench before she draw even more attention onto herself...

"Hun.. you don't say that to a bunch of 10 year old kids.." I groaned.

"I know, but- YES!!" She shrieked as Nathan had made a goal inside the net.

It was 10 to 10, but the game had ended on that tie.

Nathan soon came up to the benches with a juice box in his mouth and looked exhausted and annoyed.

Nana instantly drove to give him a hug.

"You did so well, Nathan!!" She cried.

"Mom! I can't.. breathe.."

She let go of him and gave him another kind smile.

"My team sucks," He groaned, unamused.

He caught a glimpse at me.

"Oh, hey dad." He said.

"Hey Nathan, how did it go?" I asked.

"I dont think I wanna play soccer anymore.."

Nana looked at me, concerned.

"You wanna talk about it?" She asked.

"Not really, can we just go home?"

I grabbed my keys from my pocket, "alright, let's go home."


"How did it go, Nate?" Garroth asked.

"Horrible." He said in a muffled voice.

He was behind his door, talking to Garroth on the phone.

Okay.. so I might be eavesdropping... but that's okay! He's my son anyways.. so I can do that...

But I'm not to fond of him talking to Garroth instead of me or Nana about his feelings..

"Oh boy, what now?"

"All of my stupid teammates wouldn't pass me the dumb ball! And when I didn't pass it to them, they would've get angry at me!" He ranted.

This sounds exactly like me when I was younger...

"I thought you like that one girl on your team? What was that cute burnett's name again... aha! Erin Fawcett!"

"Shush! Mom can hear you! You know how she's crazy... Plus, Erin is on the other team!"

Wait... Nathan has a crush on a girl!? But he's only 10!?

"Well, your mom is pregnant with another child, so she's way busy right now to notice."

"Yeah your right..."

"Well, let's try to forget about soccer thing, okay? How are you adjusting to the fact that theres going to be another baby in the crib?"

"I dunno, I wanted a little brother, but knowing how my best friend Joshua's brother is and how he treats him, I dont know anymore."

I heard Garroth chuckle.

"Well, that's what I thought when my mom gave birth to Zane, your father, but trust me, you'll get away with sooo many things," he laughed.

Nathan giggled a bit.

"Dinners ready!!" I heard Nana yell down the hall.

"Alright uncle, I gotta go. Talk to you later, and promise me you'll make it to my next game?" he said.

"Sure Nate, bye!"

I heard him hung up and I quickly ran down the halls not to be noticed.

I came to the dinner table and Nana had just taken off her apron.


She looked at me, confused.

"Zane? Why are you panting..?"

I heard foot steps coming from the stairs.

I sighed, "I'll tell you later.."


"Okay Zane, so its later, what do you need to tell me?" She asked, joining me in bed.

"Did you notice that Nathan has... a crush on a girl?"

"Took you awhile to notice, Zane!" She giggled.

"Wait, so you noticed it and didn't tell me!?"

She laughed, "Her name is Erin Fawcett, she's the top leader for the Sitting Hurricanes, shes about the same age as Nathan and has short, dark brown hair and red eyes, just like Lucinda's. I caught how he looks at her, and blushes when she talks to him! She's a well behaved girl, Zane!" Nana explained.

"How did you know all that...?"

"Zane, have you forgotten that I was the greatest shipper of all time?" She smiled.

"Hmph.." I groaned, turning off the lamp.

She sighed playfully, "at least we have another child on the way, this time, they'll be taken over my wings,"

"What do you mean?.."

"Nathan has your personality, but I have a good Idea that baby number 2 and 3 is going to have some of my traits," She said in a sassy tone.

"...wait... baby number 2 and 3? Do you mean just 2?.."

"Uh... hehe... it was going to be a surprise.. but... hehe.. I'm having twins?"

The world had stopped spinning and I repeated her words.

"Nice try Nana, good night."

"Zane, I'm not kidding when I say I'm having twins.."

I cleared my throat.

She got out of bed and shown me her swollen stomach..

"My stomach is bigger than usual, see?" She smiled, rubbing it.

My eyes widen.

She locked me in a hug.

"You said how much you wanted a big family, so.. I'm giving it to you~" She beamed.

I was lost in words, I didn't feel tried anymore, I felt more.. excited?

I lifted her into the air, twirling her for awhile with our foreheads touching.

That's when we heard footsteps from the other room.

"Mom?.. Dad?... what's going on.." A sleepy Nathan asked, rubbing his eyes.

I lowered Nana and sighed.

"Hehe, It's nothing, Nate! Go back to bed," she smiled, kissing him on the cheek and patting him on his head.

"Okay..." He yawned.

Nana looked at me and closed Nathan's door, that smile sticked onto her face for the whole night.

Here we go again with diapers, bottles and no sleep at all...

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