Grad Party

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As our class stood up to toss our caps in the air, my eyes found Colby. To my surprise, he was already looking at me.
"You ready?" He mouthed to me and I nodded.
"Congratulations class of 2015. We look forward to seeing all of your successes! Go on now, it's time to celebrate!" Our principle announced to us and within a moment, the sky was filled with red and gold caps. I immediately ran towards Sam and Colby and gave them both hugs.
"It's official."
"Rory, you did great." Sam said with a smile on his face that spoke so many words.
I could read it on both of their faces; Freedom.
"Thanks, Samuel" I replied placing my hand on his back.
"Are you coming to the grad party?" Colby asked and I looked at him like it was the most ridiculous question ever.
"What kind of friend would I be if I didn't at least make an appearance. While I'm there you both should get my signature, you'll be able to sell it for millions in the next couple years." I teased with a smirk.
"I believe it." Colby says looking at me for a long second, that same look in his eyes that was there when we were camping.
Sam clears his throat and rocks back and forth on his feet.
"When should I get there?"
"Nine thirty, ten. Whenever is fine." Sam replied tucking his hands into the pockets on his jeans.
"Sounds good. I'll see you guys there then." I say hugging them both again before making it towards my dad and grandparents.
Later that night I got ready to go over to Sams house. I didn't do much else with my makeup but I lightly curled my hair and then added a red lip. With a red crop tee, I paired black high waisted jeans and white sneakers. Simple, not to dressy and not sloppy.I grabbed a quick snack and then headed over.
When I arrived, no one was there. I walked up to the front door and before I could even knock, the door opened and there standing before me was Colby.
"Hey." He said cheekily.
"I'm really early aren't I."
"Yeah but it's fine. You're the only person I wanna see anyways."
I step in next to him and he looks me over.
"Like what you see?" I teased and and he licked his lower lip before making eye contact with me.
"Uh, yeah. I mean, you look great like you always do."
He closed the door and turned away.
"We're still setting up in the back. Come help."
He said and I followed him as he walked away.
When we stepped out onto Sams back porch my jaw dropped. The guys had really outdone themselves.
"Wow. You guys did great." I say and Colby looked back at me.
"I actually am. You guys never put this much work into parties."
"Well, Sam did most of it."
"He's right!" Sam yells from above me and it makes me jump.
"Jesus Sam! What are you a spy?"
He laughs and I cross my arms.
"No but I always like a chance to spook ya."
He makes his way down from the top of the roof and gives me a hug.
"Make yourself at home. You know the drill." He says and I nod.
"You know it. Is anyone from school that I actually like coming? As much as I like you both, I need some other company."
"Corey and Jake." Sam said and I nodded.
"I guess I should be more specific. Any girls coming that I like?"
"Isn't that Kat girl you like coming?" Colby asked Sam.
Sam gave Colby the most annoying look ever and I smiled devilishly.
"Sams gotta crush?" I ask poking at his shoulder.
"Listen, don't you dare try to meddle. Both of you just leave her alone."
"Well I'm going to introduce myself regardless." I say and Sam shakes his head.
"You'll like her." Colby says and I shrug.
"I don't know. You both have terrible taste."
"Hey!" They say in unison.
In defense I raise my hands.
"I say it with love."
I hear a knock at the door and Sam rushes to get it.
"You really think I have that bad of taste?" Colby asks raising an eyebrow.
"You could do better. All the girls you date are only interested in getting in your bed. Not really getting to know you."
"What about Sara?"
"Colby? Seriously?"
"Yeah, we were together for like... three months."
"She literally made you buy everything for her and then was always trying to be a part of you and Sams videos. She was using you."
"I guess."
"I just want you to be happy, Colbs."
He looks at me and I swear I see that look in his blue ocean eyes, again.
"What are you looking at, Colby?"
He shakes his head.
"Sorry nothing. I guess I'm just distracted. Went somewhere else there for a moment."
I nod.
"Sure. Well I'm gonna go get a drink." I say spinning on my heel.
"I'll come with."
Three hours or so later, the party had picked up. I sat and mingled with some people before I spotted Sam with a girl who I could only assume was Kat.
I walked over to them and Sam waved to me.
"Rory, this is Kat." He said when I reached them.
"Nice to meet you, Kat."
"Sam has told me a lot about you."
"I hope all good things."
"Well, there was that one thing," she paused with a serious face before breaking into a smile. "I'm just kidding. It's been very positive."
"Good. Well I hope we can hang out. Just us girls."
"Sure. We should go to the gym or the mall. I'm actually moving to California with Sam so we might have to make it happen like, yesterday." She laughs.
"True. Well let's stay in touch. You can tell me all about the dumb stuff the guys do. Sam give her my number later would you? I think I'm gunna head out soon."
"Sure. Hey, before you get going, Colby told me he wanted to talk to you."
I raised an eyebrow.
He shrugged and I looked around the backyard trying to find Colby. I spot him chatting with Jake and I wave goodbye before heading towards him.
When I walk up, Colby smiles.
"You wanted to talk?" I ask and he nods.
"Yeah, wanna go for a walk? Get away from all this?"
I nod and he says goodbye to Jake before we start walking towards the front of the house, his hand on the small of my back.
As soon as we got to the sidewalk I looked up at him as we walked.
"So what did you wanna talk about?"
"Nothing in particular. I just wanted to spend some time with you since we don't have much time left. Besides, I was starting to get bored just standing in the backyard. Needed to stretch my legs."
I nod.
"Are you excited to go to college?"
"I mean, yeah. But like I said, it's going to be weird not having you guys there with me. I'm going in not knowing anyone."
"Well, you make friends fast, and you're always welcome to skype or FaceTime me." He said and I smile.
"Thanks, Colbs. What about you? Ready to get some Cali sunshine?"
"You have no idea. There's gonna be something missing though." He said and I rolled my eyes.
"Whatever, you'll both be fine without me."
"You don't realize how much we need you do you? You've kept us from dying before, Rory."
"If you both would've stayed quiet, that homeless guy wouldn't have chased us. As far as California goes, you guys will be fine. Just have fun."
"Nothing will be as fun without you."
"I'm serious."
"Listen, all the memories we have together is what makes us three so close. I wouldn't change any of these years together for anything. You guys pushed me to try new things and after my mom died, I felt like all I wanted to do was stay in my room and be sad. But you both helped me work through all those feelings in such a fun and exciting way. You both mean so much to me. That's why even though I'm sad you both are leaving, I know that are connection will always bring us back together." I say and he looked at me with a small smile.
"I feel the same way."
He takes my hand into his and squeezes it.
"Do you wanna sit down?" He asked and I nodded.
We lay down and stare up at the sky together.
"I'll miss nights like these."
Colby takes a deep breath and I nod.
"Well, try not to. You'll have so many more amazing memories in California that will top anything that ever happened here."
He looks at me I just feel happy.
"I uh, I just want you to know... I,"
I wait for him to speak. He looks like he's trying to figure out the right words to say and he opens and closes his mouth multiple times before sitting up on his elbow and reaching for my hand.
"Aurora, I wanted to apologize about the kiss."
"It was just that, I was tired and I wasn't thinking. I hoped that you didn't think I was messing with your emotions, and after nothing was said, I figured that we were fine. But I also didn't want to leave without talking about it because you do mean so much to me. I never want to ruin the friendship we have."
"Colby, it's fine. I know it didn't mean anything."
I avoid eye contact with him for a moment, because for me... it did mean something. I was just smart enough to try and move on from it.
"I'm happy you feel that way. You're like, my sister." He says with a laugh and I force a laugh out.
"Hey Colby, I should get going." I say standing up and he looks up at me from the grass below.
"Okay, I'll walk you home."
"That's okay, I sobered up an hour ago. But you can walk me to my car."
He stands up and wraps his arm around my shoulders.
"Actually, can you give me a ride?" He asks and I smile.
The ride to Colby's house was pretty quiet except for the music that played from the stereo.
When I pulled to a stop in front of his house, he turned to look at me, but didn't say anything.
"You good there, Colbs?"
He nodded and smiled at me.
"Im good, just a little tired."
"Well, I guess you should head in then."
He fumbled with the seatbelt buckle and then went to open the door. I got out of the car and walked around to help him out. He was a bit tipsy and it must have all caught up to him in the last couple minutes.
He stumbled next to me as we made our way to the front door. We stood there and he hugged me tight.
"Thanks." He mumbles and I smile.
"You're welcome, Colbs. You got it from here?"
He scratches his head and nods.
"I think so."
"Okay, well, get some rest. Drink some water."
"Yes, mom."
I rolled my eyes and placed my hand on his chest.
"Goodnight, Colby."
"Nite." He said before taking my hand and squeezing it and then dropping it.
He walked inside and I got back in my car.
When I get in bed at home, my phone dings and it's a snap from Colby.
He's laying in bed, a glass of water in his hand and he's shirtless. His hair is a mess and his eyes look heavy.
"Goodnight, Angel." Is written and I smile rolling my eyes.
I willed myself to put my phone down and go to sleep.

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