I Know You

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"You can't do what?"
"I'm not sleeping with you. Not tonight."
I sigh in relief and smile.
"Jesus you just broke my heart, Rory."
She smiled.
"Wait, did you think I was talking about us in general?"
I nodded and she kissed me.
"No, I can do this." She said biting her lower lip.
"But we're not going to sleep together?"
She rolled her eyes and pushed me onto my back.
"No. Imma make you wait. Torture you for everything you just put me through."
I cover my eyes and groan.
"Stop." She said pulling my hands from my face and kissing me again.
She climbed on top of me and I looked up at her beauty.
"You're killin' me."
"You'll be fine." She kissed me again and I put my arms around her and started to squeeze pressing her against me.
"Colby!" She said laughing loudly and I smiled devilishly at her.
"Let me go."
"No. You're gonna stay like this all night."
"You're arms won't stay like that all night."
"I have a pretty strong grip. You never know."
She put her head on my shoulder and all her hair fell into my face covering my face.
"Get your hair out of my face!"
"No. You'll have to deal with it. All night."
I blew at her hair to try and get it out of my eyes but it didn't go anywhere. In fact, it just covered my face more.
"Good luck." She said and I sigh.
"Fine, you win." I say letting my arms fall to the side.
She sits up and I put my hands on her thighs and run them up and down.
"I better get to my room." She said and I grab her hand.
"You could stay in here tonight."
"Colby..." She said and I shook my head.
"Not for that reason. I just wan you to stay here tonight. I miss you."
"I miss you, too."
"So stay in here tonight."
She smiles and then nods.
"Okay. I'm just going to go get into some pj's. But, first," she says before taking off my shirt.
"I'm taking this." She smirks.
"Why? It's my favorite shirt!"
"To sleep in. Duh," she says before getting up and walking out of the room.
I sat up and ran a hand through my hair. God, she was making me crazy in all the best ways. All I wanted was to show her exactly how much I wanted her but I could wait. Realistically, it was probably better anyways. While we've know each other for what seems like a lifetime, we had only been together for almost two weeks and I wasn't even here for a week and a half of it. The right time would eventually come, and every moment of it would be worth it.
I got undressed and got back into bed and a minute later she walked back into the room and closed the door locking it behind her. She looked incredible in my shirt.
"Thanks for the new sleep shirt." She says with a smile.
I pat the bed next to me and she gets in.
"Just for tonight."
"That's what you think."
Her hair was contained to a bun on the top of her head which I was thankful for. Hopefully it wouldn't smother me tonight.
I pulled her close to me and she took a deep breath.
"I'm happy you're home." She says and I kiss her head.
"I'm happy I'm home too."
Rory's P.O.V.~
I woke up the next morning in Colby's arms. He was still sleeping and I lightly brushed the hair out of his face with my fingertips. I watched him for a few minutes and smiled as he looked so calm. Like he had no worries at all.
Finally, I decided it was time for me to get up so I kissed the corner of his mouth and sat up on the side of his bed. I was in desperate need for a coffee and a shower so I stood up and made my way to his bedroom door, tiptoeing so he hopefully wouldn't wake up. As I opened the door I looked over my shoulder and he was still sleeping peacefully so I walked out of the room and closed it quietly behind me.
I walked to my room to get some fresh clothes and then took a quick shower before getting dressed and going downstairs to get some coffee.
I went outside and watched the sunrise by myself. It was peaceful this morning. Everything seemed... right. Everyone was happy. I was happy.
After I finished my coffee it was around 7:20 and still no one was up in the house, so I decided I would go for a run just around the neighborhood. I quickly changed and left the house and did a couple laps and stopped at a park near the house to cool down. Before I was about to head back I got a call from Colby.
"Good morning." I said into the phone.
"You left me. The morning is not good."
"I've been awake for five hours, Colby. I wasn't going to stay in bed all morning."
"You should have woke me up."
"You looked so peaceful and cute. I didn't want to wake you."
"Well where are you? Have you eaten yet?"
"I'm at this park next to the house. I haven't eaten yet."
"The one with the turning sculpture?"
"Let me come get you and we can go have some breakfast."
"Okay. I'll stay here then."
"I'll be there in like fifteen minutes."
"Take your time."
"Okay, see you soon."
I sat on a swing and about fifteen minutes later I saw Colby pull up into a parking spot. I walked over to him and got into the passenger side.
I say leaning over to kiss him.
"You are so healthy. You make me look terrible."
"No you don't! You're the most sexiest, sexy man I know."
He looks at me and laughs.
"You heard me!"
"Sexiest, sexy?" He said raising an eyebrow.
"You are."
"Rory, you had posters of Liam and Chris Hemsworth on your bedroom wall from middle school to the day we graduated. I am not the sexiest man you know."
"I don't know the Hemsworth brothers."
"Shut up." He said with a smile.
"Feed me some food and I will."
"Yes ma'am." He says before backing out of the spot.
"What are you hungry for?" He asked.
"All the food in the world sounds amazing." I answered.
"Are you that hungry."
I nod.
"Yeah, whatever you want is fine. As long as I eat."
"Okay, there's this really cool diner that I like. Let's go there."
"Sounds good to me."
When we get there, were seated right away and I order a water and a tea while Colby ordered a water and a coffee.
"So, how did you sleep?" I asked taking a drink of water.
He looked at me with those blue oceans he calls eyes and the side of his mouth curled up into a smile.
"Pretty good. I found out last night that if you sleep next to the most beautiful women in the world there's nothing more a guy could need to sleep better."
I smile and look down at my hands.
"Well, I slept pretty good myself."
"Did you? You've been awake for like six hours now, and it's only 10 in the morning."
"I did. My eyes just popped open and I was ready to start my day."
"For someone who loves their sleep, you don't get much of it." He said with a full on smile.
"In college, I would get up at like five and work out until around seven to get ready for my first class at eight. So sometimes I just wake up early."
"Well next time, you're not allowed to just leave. Kiss me goodbye or something."
"Colby, I kissed you and pushed your hair out of your face. You're just a heavy sleeper."
"Oh," He said smiling awkwardly.
"Yeah, if you would have woken up maybe I would have stayed but you didn't."
"Well, my point is, you can't just leave me. I was so sad when I didn't see you next to me."
I playfully roll my eyes.
"Poor baby." I say grabbing his hand.
"I know! You're so mean!"
A moment later our food comes and we eat in silence.
"So, is this counting as our date or should I get ready to do something?" I asked setting my fork down when I started to get full.
He wipes his mouth with a napkin and then nods.
"I'm happy you brought that up. I originally wanted to go explore some place with you but obviously that's not an option right now, so I figured that we could go to an amusement park/ water park and then later tonight, I want to make you dinner."
I felt myself melt when he said he'd make me dinner.
"Okay. What is the chef cooking for dinner tonight?"
"What do you desire?"
So many things. If I didn't have self control last night I would have done way more with Colby besides just sleeping next to him.
"Do you remember my all time favorite meal?"
"Which one? You have like five." He said laughing.
"Okay, true. So here's my plan then. I would like a salad as a starter, then hit me with some chicken alfredo pasta and for dessert, frozen yogurt."
"I think I can do that."
"I can help if you want."
"Girl, I said I got it!" He says looking at me like I just offended the fuck out of him.
"Okay. And if all fails, take me to Panera."
"Do you not have faith in my cooking abilities?"
"You almost burned your kitchen down making ramen in junior year." I laughed.
"Why is your memory so good?"
"Just, if you need my help you might as well ask. I'll be there with you anyways." I say holding his hand.
"Okay. I'll ask for help if I need it."
"Thank you. Team work makes the dream work, babe." I say taking a drink of my tea.
"Babe?" He asks with a smile.
"Shut up, Colby." I ask blushing avoiding eye contact.
"Rory, it makes me happy that you said that."
"It's just weird still. We've been friends for so long that while I enjoy being more, it's just..."
"Weird." He says
I nod.
"I understand that." He says.
"You do?"
He nods his head.
"There's things that I want to say or do with you because we've known each other for so long, and I've had these feelings for you for a long time too, but I have to remind myself that realistically we've only been together for two weeks. I think we both don't know exactly how we should act because really, we're just so close and it's never gone past the kiss really." He says.
"God, that makes me feel so good. I'm happy you understand where I'm coming from." I say sitting back.
"Just take your time. Things will get less weird as we hang out together more and date."
"You're amazing." I say and he pulls me up so I'm leaning over the table and we kiss.
"I know you, Rory. I understand how you think, how you live, why you stress, how you get comfortable, what you like to do. Everything. Most of all, I know that this scares you. But I swear, I'm here. I'm in this one-hundred percent. Because I care about you. And this might be really early, and it might freak you out, but I have to say it because it's not just about how I feel romantically, it's how I've always felt. Rory, I love you."

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