Bestfriend vs. Bestfriend

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Every time he touched me, anywhere, I felt as if I was was going to explode. His lips found their way to my inner thighs and he teased me with his breath for what seemed like decades before his fingers entered my wet, hot core.
My back arched and his free hand came around and held me on the bed.
"Colby," I grabbed his hand and his bed sheets with the other and squeezed tight.
For years, I wondered what having sex with Colby would be like. Would it be soft and sweet or hot and hard? Somehow, he managed to mesh the two together in perfect harmony.
The kisses would be sweet but as he would push in and out of me, it was almost as if he thought he wouldn't have this opportunity again. One thing was for sure, I was undoubtedly his. He treated me like the most precious item he owned while also thrusting into me so deep I thought he may break me.
Every action between us was so smooth, natural almost. Any romantic tension between us was more than fulfilled as a overwhelming release washed over the both of us. He continued to grind in and out of me as the pleasure of our climax descended, placing sweet kisses on my lips.
I held him and his head fell onto my shoulder. We lay together silent for a while, skin to skin, his fingers tracing pictures on my back.
I looked into his eyes and kissed him again.
"I don't know what I'm going to do without you. I wish you could go with me." I say holding back tears.
"Me too. But we'll make it work. Besides, it's not like you're leaving tomorrow."
Colby's P.O.V.-
I woke up to Rory yelling outside my bedroom widow.
"Kane, I don't know if I can do this? It's so short notice."
She doesn't talk for a moment.
"No! No don't get me wrong! Of course I'm excited to open for Billie! I'm just... it's just, I'd be leaving tomorrow."
My hands went to my eyes and I groaned.
"Okay... I know, you're right. When do I have to meet you at the airport?"
"Okay, thanks, Kane."
I got out of bed and put on some pants before walking downstairs and out to the backyard.
Rory sat there with her head on her knees and her hands covering her eyes.
I rushed over to her and she grabbed onto me.
"This sucks balls." She says into my chest.
I can't help but laugh.
"Rory, come on. Try to be happy. I'm happy for you."
"I just thought we would have more time. I'm going to be gone for a month."
My eyebrows raise.
"A month?"
She starts crying harder and I pull her into my lap.
"Hey, look at me," I say and she looks up, her eyes swollen and streams of water still cascading down her face.
"No matter what, you're going to be okay. This is a good thing. If I heard right, you're opening for one of the biggest artists in the world right now. Can you imagine the amount of new followers that's going to bring you? So many more people will get to hear your amazing voice and heart. This is important. You are going to touch so many peoples lives in just a month."
"I'm terrified, though. I've never played arenas before that are the size of football fields. There's going to be so many people, and-"
I kiss her and her entire body relaxes.
"Aurora, you're going to be okay. I swear with my life that you'll be okay. Take a deep breath for me. "
She breaths in and I turn her chin up to me.
"Remember how scared you were yesterday on that roller coaster, and then after, you said that it was fun. This tour is that roller coaster. You can't give yourself anxiety like that. This is your livelihood. It's how you make money. It's how your thrive inside and out. You've got this."
She hugs me and I hold her.
We sit in silence for a moment before an excited Kat appears on the patio.
"What's up lovebirds?" She exclaims and Rory looks at her with a small smile.
"I'm leaving to tour with Billie Eilish."
Kats jaw drops and then a second later she screams and jumps around in the air but then stops and looks at Rory with a confused look.
"Wait, this a good thing right?" She asks.
I smile and kiss Rory on the cheek.
"Yes it is."
"Why are you upset then, Rory?"
"Because I'm leaving tomorrow."
"Oh, but I guess I'm still confused."
"She doesn't want to leave the house." I say.
Rory looks at me.
"And you either."
Kat squeaks and we both look at her.
"What? I'm sorry, you both are just so cute."
Rory stands up and grabs my hands so I can stand as well.
"Well, as much as I'm terrified to leave and I'm sad to go, I don't want this time to be spent sad. You wanna make that video?" She asked looking at me.
"Is Sam around?" I ask looking at Kat.
"Yeah! What video?"
"We're gonna see who knows Sam better, and whoever wins gets to make a gross smoothie for the other person to drink." Rory says.
"Oh my god, that sounds so fun and disgusting at the same time." Kat says.
"Come on, let's go get you ready!" Kat says taking Rory's hand and taking her from me.
"Okay bye!" I say with a laugh.
Rory waves goodbye and then they disappear into the house.
A second later, Sam walks outside and looks at me.
"What's this I hear about a gross smoothie challenge?"
About an hour later, Rory texts me.
"Hey, I'm ready. Where are we filming. I'll help set up."
"The couch in the living room. Be there in a minute." I text back.
Sam and I had just hung out in my room while Kat and Rory were together getting ready.
"So, did you guys have a good date last night?" Sam asks with a smirk.
"Bro," is all I can say.
"That good huh?"
I nod. "I mean, wow."
"Okay, you can stop there, Colby." Sam says and I clear my throat.
"Sorry. Anyways, Rory's ready. You should go talk with Kat and have her write down your answers."
"Sure. Let's go."
When we get downstairs, Rory's sitting on the couch on her phone. She looked so good. She wore a red top and ripped jeans that hugged her beautiful curves perfectly.
"Looking up facts about Sam in hopes of winning?" I ask as I place the camera equipment down.
She smiles up at me.
"Psh, what? No!" She says with a wink.
"I'm happy your smiling. I hate to see you so sad." I say sitting next to her.
She grabs my hand and sighs.
"I'm sorry. I'm just going to miss you like crazy and I'm so worried about fucking up any of my songs."
"Listen to me. You are going to be okay. You're going to get out there and perform and rock it."
"You don't know that, Colby."
"I know you, and I know that you're to stubborn to let a little fear get in the way of you doing what you love, which is to perform. Sure, it might be scary but you will be fine."
"I hope you're right."
"I am. And I'm also gonna get all these questions right!"
"I don't think so, Brock."
A second later Sam walks in with Kat.
"Are you ready to fight to the death?" Sam asks and Rory laughs.
"If death is drinking a smoothie, no. I'm not. If death is not having to drink a smoothie, which I won't," She says looking at me. "Then hell yeah I am!"
Sam high fives her, "You're so going to win." He says and my jaw dropped.
"Sam! What the hell?"
"Brother, you know a lot but there are somethings Rory knows that you don't."
"Ha!" She says sticking her tongue out at me.
"And Rory, there are definitely things that Colby knows that you don't. So, it's up to you both to just have the best memory."
"Come on, Sam! You can't tease me like that!" She says shoving him playfully.
"Hey, it's a fair game. So let's get this started."
We set up the camera and when Sam, Rory and I are ready, I start recording.
"What's up you guys! It's Colby Brock. Welcome back to my channel. Today, I'm so excited because we have a super special guest joining us today. The wonderful and talented, Aurora."
She waves, "Hey guys!"
"If you've been a long time fan, you will remember Aurora from some of our first videos on the Sam and Colby channel. So we're getting the band back together and today, we're doing a fun challenge. Sam has written down questions about himself and Aurora and I have to battle it out to see whoever gets most of the answers right. Loser has to drink a disgusting smoothie concoction made by the winner.
"Imma win!" Rory says and Sam high fives her.
"We'll see about that."
"Alright, let's make this a fair game. The first person to buzz in gets to answer first. Are you ready?"
"So ready." I say with a confident smile.
"Yeah, you're ready to lose." Rory says and I look at her.
"Okay, kids. Calm down. First question! What happened to my first car?"
"BAAA!" I yell and Rory looks at me.
"You crashed it and I flew out the window!" I said.
"Wait what? When did that happen?"
"You don't know because you're not the better friend." I say and Rory glares at me.
"Okay, that makes one point for Colby. Next question, what is my irrational fear?"
Rory screech's, "sunsets!"
"That is correct." Sam says.
"What are you talking about you've always said that your afraid of getting older."
"Colby, that's a rational fear." Sam says and I lean back in my seat.
"One point to, Rory. Next, what is my favorite clothing line to shop?"
Rory rings in again, "INC."
"What the heck is that?" I ask Sam.
"International Concepts."
"Ugh, whatever."
"That's two for Rory. Gotta step up your game, Colby."
"Shut up." I say acting like I'm bothered.
"What was the name of my childhood best friend?"
I screamed and clapped my hands together.
"Yeah! That's one more point for Colby." Sam says. "Next question! What is my moms maiden name?"
I buzz in again.
"Cindy Olsen."
"Shit! I knew that. I love your mom." Rory says and I stick my tongue out at her.
"Another point for Colby. Come on Rory, you're losing steam!"
"How many girlfriends have I had?" Rory buzzes in.
"Yes!" Sam says! "The next questions are double points! Colby's got 3 so far and so does Rory. What was my first job?" Rory and I buzz in at the same time.
"iHop!" Rory yells before me.
Sam looks at me and shrugs.
"Brother, I have to give that to her."
"What! That's so rigged!"
Completely ignoring me, sam looks back to the camera. "Two points more for Rory! Next, what is my biggest insecurity?"
"Your tiny nipples!" I yell out and Sam turns to me and shakes his head.
Rory and I laugh and Sam sighs.
"Okay, I guess that goes to Colby. What is the best memory of my life?"
Rory buzzes in.
"When you were running that race and you beat your fastest time."
"Another two points for Rory!"
"Come on man, it's not moving to California with me?" I ask and he shakes his head.
"Wow, okay. I see how it is Samuel."
There's crickets and Sam just clears his throat.
"Next question! The final question unless you both tie. What color is my bedroom wall in Kansas?"
I buzz in and Sam looks at me.
"It's blue."
"That's right. Okay, so you both have tied. The last thing I need you to do is not answer a question, but it is to draw your best portrait of me."
"Wait," Rory starts.
"Shh! Just go with it." Sam says.
He hands us both paper and crayons before he sets a timer on his phone.
"You have two minutes. Whoever does the best, gets all the brownie points. Are you both ready?"
"Yes." Rory and I say at the same time.
"Okay.... Go!"
Rory and I draw furiously next to each other and before we know it the timer goes off.
"Alright. It's now time to determine a winner. Show me your art."
We turn the drawings towards Sam and he burst out laughing.
"Neither of these are good!"
Rory shoves Sam again and crosses her arms.
"Mine is way better than Colby's. I even incorporated the cold sore on your lip!" Rory says.
"Man, that's true. What do you got Colby?" Sam asks.
"I drew your chest hair and your tiny nips."
"He's not that buff though. Sams much more skinny."
"Wow, thanks Rory." Sam says and she laughs.
"It's true!"
"Well, because I have to make a decision. I'm going to have to say that... Rory won."
"What!" I yell standing up and hitting Sam with a couch cushion.
"Yes!" She says clapping her hands together.
"Brother, she made some great points about the drawings. It's only fair."
"Frick. Okay, fine. Let's go to the kitchen and see what we can whip up."

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