Start of Something New

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Rory's P.O.V.~
Later that night we went and got some snacks for Sam and then came home, finished packing and went to bed. Colby and I watched a movie and this time he fell asleep before me, which I figured would happen since he didn't get much sleep last night. I knew I couldn't stay up all night, but I couldn't help tossing and turning for hours as I thought about the events of the next 48 hours. Worrying and thinking about things that I knew I couldn't change or do until morning. Finally, I was able to turn my mind off and fall asleep.
When I woke up, the sun was shining and Colby was looking at me with a smile on his face.
"Morning." I said with a smile.
"Are you ready, babe?" Colby asked.
I sighed and yawned.
"I'm nervous, but having you and my dad there with me will make it so much easier." I said sitting up on my elbow.
"I'm happy that we get to be there for you. We're flying to New York first right?" Colby asked.
"Yeah. Then to Florida, Tennessee, Michigan, Colorado, Arizona, Nevada and finally back to California."
"So your dad and I will be at all of those except the Michigan and Colorado shows." Colby said and I nodded.
"I'm honestly just so happy your coming with me for these first shows. I can't tell you how happy I am to see my dad. I hope you know how much that means to me."
"I'm happy that you get to see him. I know it's been ruff for you without him in your everyday life."
"It really has been. I want to start focusing on family now. I don't know what I'd do without my dad. Like, I know that might sound sort of dramatic because I haven't seen or really gotten to talk to him that much, but I'm serious." I said sitting up all the way and crossing my legs.
"You're not being dramatic, Rory. I understand what you're saying." Colby said following my actions and sitting up too.
He grabbed my hands and kissed my knuckles.
"I love you." I said.
"I love you too, Rory. We should get going though." He said.
"You're right. I need to take a shower." I said getting out of bed.
"Want some company?" Colby asked with a smirk.
"No, sir, I do not. Like you said, we need to get going and I know we won't make it out of here on time if you join me. So behave." I said with a smile.
"Okay." He said acting like he was pouting.
"I'll be out soon."
I showered quickly and began getting ready. I quickly put some light makeup on and dried my hair and braided it out of my face. When I went to our bedroom to get dressed, Colby was standing up putting his boxers on.
I leaned against the bedroom door and admired him. He bent over to grab his pants off the floor and I bit my lip. This man did things to me without even trying. What would I ever do without him?
I walked over to the closet and opened it looking for something to wear.
"Do you think I should wear something more fancy or should I show up in leggings and a sweater?" I asked looking at Colby from over my shoulder.
He walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around me.
"We're just flying. You don't have to do any interviews or anything, right?" He asked.
"Then just dress comfortably. And if you still want to look presentable, just wear comfortable bottoms and a nicer shirt." He said kissing my cheek.
"Okay." I said with a smile.
I grabbed a baby blue and white striped top that tied at the front and a pair of denim shorts. I paired it with a pair of sandals and then grabbed some blue sunglasses to match.
When I turned around, Colby smiled at me.
"Perfect." He said before stepping towards me and placing his hands on my butt.
He kissed me and I ran my fingers through his hair but pulled away smiling.
"We can't. Not right now at least." I said.
"Dang." He said with a smile.
"I'm gonna be in the living room. Kane's almost here to help with our bags so we gotta finish getting ready." I said grabbing my bag and hanging it over my shoulder.
"Alright, I'll be ready soon." Colby said and I smiled.
"I'm excited. I'm happy you're coming with me."
"I wouldn't have it any other way." He said.
"Imma go wait in the living room now." I said blushing.
Even though Colby and I had been together for a while now, he still somehow gave me these school girl crush butterflies that set my whole body and soul on fire.
When I got out to our living room I sat on the couch and looked around me. So much had changed in less than a year just being back with my friends and Colby. It felt like a dream.
I was incredibly nervous for this tour, but I was trying to be happy and embrace all of it. I had worked my ass off for years, and now I was finally getting to do what I wanted with the people who mean the most in my life.
I sat back on the couch, picking underneath my nails and popping my fingers while I waited. Two nervous habits that I'd always had.
Luckily, my thoughts and actions were interrupted by a knock on the door and I immediately stood up and started walking towards the door.
"I'll be right there!" I yelled before reaching the door and looking through the peephole.
Standing there was Kane. I unlocked the door and opened it with a smile printed on my face.
"Hey! Come in. Colby's almost ready." I said with a smile.
Kane walked in past me and I closed the door behind him following him into the living room.
"What bags can I take for you, Aurora?" He asked.
I walked over to the numerous luggage bags that Colby and I had packed together and picked up two big duffle bags and rolled a big suitcase over to him. I struggled as I held up both the duffle bags and rolled the suitcase over towards Kane.
"These are good to go and I'll help you bring down some more too." I said.
He took the duffle bags and the suit case away from me, hanging onto them effortlessly.
"Alright, I'll wait for you at the elevator." Kane said exiting the apartment and I walked back to Colby and I's bedroom and saw him grabbing a shirt.
"Colby, is going to help Kane with the bags." I said with a smile.
"Okay. I just need to brush my teeth and then I'll be out to help."
"Okay, be back in a minute."
I grabbed a few backpacks and two more large suitcases and met Kane at that elevator like he promised.
"Ready, kid?" He asked as we descended down to the lobby.
"I am. I'm so nervous but I'm excited too."
"You've got this, Aurora. You are one of the most talented artists I've ever worked with and I've worked with a lot of people. You're going to do great."
"Thanks, Kane."
As we were loading the bags into the car, Colby joined us with the last of the luggage.
"That's all of it." He said with a smile resting his hand around my waist.
"Perfect. Let's not waist any time and head to the airport then." Kane said.
"Alright. I'm going to text call Sam and let him know we're leaving." I said.
"Make it quick alright?" Kane said.
"I will. Promise."
I stepped over to the side as the guys loaded the rest of the luggage in and rang up Sam.
He answered pretty quickly.
"Hey, Rory. What's up?"
"I'm just calling to let you know we're leaving."
"You're leaving without hugging me goodbye first?"
I laughed.
"We have to go, Samuel. I'm sorry. But I just wanted to thank you again for checking in on the apartment while we're gone."
"No worries, R. I hope you both have an amazing time. I can't wait to hear all about it."
"Thanks, Sam. I appreciate you."
"Have fun, Rory."
"Bye, Sam."
I hung up and walked back over to our car and grabbed Colby's hand squeezing it a bit.
"Ready?" He asked.
Within the hour, we were on a plane, in first class, headed to New York.
"This is so cool!" I said sitting down in Colby and I's own little pod like area.
Inside, it actually had a decent sized tv and snacks along with a bottle of wine.
"It's really cool. Sam and I have flown first class before but it's never been like this before." Colby said running his hand over the seat.
"Well, I say we should do a toast." I said with a smile.
"Let's." Colby replied back.
I opened the bottle of wine and poured two glasses for us.
"Here's to following your dreams, great company, the future, and love." I said with a smile.
"That was super corny, but I'll let it pass because I love you." Colby said.
"Just drink the wine, babe." I said before we clinked the glasses together and sipped at the wine.
As we flew, I looked out the window and sighed.
"You okay?" Colby asked.
"I'm amazing. I just, I can't believe this is actually happening."
"It's happening, babe, and it's all because you've worked incredibly hard. You deserve this." He said grabbing my hand.
I kissed his knuckles and smiled.
"Thank you, Colby."
"I love you, Aurora."
"I love you."

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