Moments and Memories

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Rory's P.O.V.~
We stay at the amusement park until it starts to get dark out, and then Colby took us to the market to get ingredients for dinner.
I held the basket for him and as we went around, be placed food into it.
"Watch kind of frozen yogurt do you want?" He asks while we're in the frozen section of the store.
"That creamy raspberry one looks pretty good."
We get noodles, 'fancy' canned alfredo sauce, a bag of salad, and a baguette.
"Should we watch a movie tonight while we eat?" I ask as we're checking out.
"Sure, if you want. What do you wanna watch?"
I shrug.
"I don't know. Have you seen any good movies recently?" I ask.
"No, have you?"
I laugh.
"We're both too busy to watch movies then." He said with a smile.
"I guess we can decide when we get back to the house."
"For sure."
When we get back to the trap house, Colby tells me to put a bandanna over my eyes.
"What? Why?" I ask with a smile.
"Trust me, just do it." He says handing me the bandanna from the back seat.
I put it on and Colby goes around the side of the car to help me out and walk me inside.
"Okay, in a second your going to step up."
I smile. "Okay."
I walk with, Colby holding my hands to guide me, and I hear the door open. He walks me in just enough to close the door and then I feel him behind me.
"Ready?" He asks and I can feel his hands on the bandanna.
"I'm nervous but yeah, I'm ready."
He takes the bandanna off and I gasp putting my hand up to my mouth as I look around the room.
The lights are off but the entire house is lit by candle light. Rose petals adorn the floor and I turn to Colby tearing up.
"Colby, did you do this for me?"
"Uh no, actually this was for Sam." He said with a wink.
"You're such an ass. It looks beautiful though."
"Well, I wanted it to be special."
He takes me into a hug and I kiss him.
"Thank you."
"Of course. Go get comfortable, I'm gonna start on dinner."
I leave Colby to go to my room to change into some pjs. When I come downstairs, Colby is over the stovetop stirring in the pasta.
I wrap my arms around his stomach from behind him and rest my chin on his shoulder.
"That was fast." He says and I laugh.
"It's not like I was getting ready to go out again."
"It's already smelling good."
"Rory, theres literally nothing seasoned yet? What are you smelling?" He laughs.
"I don't know... yeast?"
He turns around in my arms and looks down at me.
"You're so weird."
"You're weirder."
He leans down to kiss me and I place my hand on his chest as our lips dance together.
To say the least, we get a little distracted and all of a sudden I hear the water boiling over.
"Shit!" I say pulling away from him.
"Colby, the pasta! Not the pasta!" I turn him around with my hands and he lifts the pot off the stove and then grabs a wash cloth to dry off the stove.
"I guess I need to go sit my butt down." I say with a laugh.
"I guess so. You're supposed to help me, not distract me." He teases.
"Sorry, chef Colby. I'll behave."
"Good. Besides, I'm cooking for you. You just relax and look pretty okay?"
I roll my eyes.
"Yes, Sir."
As Colby continues to make dinner, we just have some casual conversation.
"So, when are we gonna make that YouTube video?" He asks.
"What YouTube video?"
"Where I profess my love and affection for you and maybe make a disgusting smoothie."
I burst out laughing.
"You really want to do that?"
"Well, maybe just for now, the gross smoothie. But yeah, in time..."
"Well, I suppose it's up to you. Preferably before I go on any sort of tour, though."
"Oh yeah, have you got any offers about doing that?"
"Kane says that there's been a few. But he wants me to get paid as much as I can so that we have a budget for the next album."
"He seems like a smart guy. I'm happy he's your manager."
"Me too. He's already taught me so much."
"Well, just keep me posted. My idea for the video is that we have Sam ask us questions about him and whoever gets the most answers right, is the one who gets to make the smoothie for the other person to drink."
"Sounds like fun."
"Yeah, until you have to drink what I make for you." He says turning to me with the pot in his hands.
"Excuse me, I happen to know Samuel quiet well."
He strains the water and pasta and then opens the jar of alfredo sauce.
"We'll see." He says with a cocky smile.
"I can't wait to see you drink the smoothie I make." I say crossing my arms.
"Like I said, we'll see."
Colby let's the pasta sit as we eat some salad.
"This isn't bad for a bag of salad." I say taking a bite.
"Oh man, when Sam and I first got here ramen, cereal, pizza and this bagged salad was all we ate."
"Yeah, thankfully, we didn't have to keep doing that."
"No kidding."
I take a drink of water and then look at Colby.
"Thanks for putting all of this together Colby. I really appreciate it."
"Well again, I just wanted it to be special because you're special to me. And you deserve it after everything I did."
I reach for his hand.
"Hey, let's just focus on our future. That's what I'm trying to do because I want this to continue. So, enough of the past."
He looks at me and smiles.
With the pasta, Colby brings two glasses and a bottle of Chardonnay wine to the table after we finish the salad.
"Wow, you're pulling out all the stops!"
"Only the best, for the best." He says pouring the wine into my glass.
"Colby this looks so damn good." I say grabbing my fork.
"We'll dig in. Tell me what you think."
I twist my fork around and take a bite. My eyes roll into the back of my head and I lean back into my seat.
"That good?"
I nod.
"I'm going to have to work out for six hours tomorrow, but it's so worth it."
"Oh shit, we forgot to bring a laptop in to watch a movie." He says about to stand up but I grab his hand.
"It's okay, we can just watch one in bed later."
"You wanna stay in my room tonight?" He asks.
"I mean yeah, if that's okay?" I say blushing.
"Of course. We'll be more comfortable anyways."
After we finish eating, I help Colby wash up all the dishes before we head to his room.
"So, what are we watching?" He asks as he pulls up his netflix account on his computer.
"I don't know. Is there anything new?"
We look but nothing looks super interesting.
"Well shit. Maybe we should have rented a movie." He says and take the laptop into my lap.
"It's okay. We'll find something to watch. Oh, this is a series which sucks but maybe we could check it out and see if we like it."
"What is it?"
"It's called, Slasher."
"Rory, are you sure? You hate horror."
"Well yeah, but the difference now is that if I get scared you can protect me." I say winking.
"You're so ridiculous. Okay, let's do it."
We start watching the show and it opens with camp counselors getting drunk and driving further into a forest. Immediately, shit starts to go sideways and one of the characters gets their head bashed open.
I cover my eyes and turn into Colby's chest.
"That is so fucked up!" Say turning back as I look through my fingers to keep watching the show.
"No shit. Damn that's gross." He says pulling me closer to him.
Luckily, the first episode ends and I feel my entire body relax.
"Well, I thought that it was interesting... but I don't think watching it at night in a dark room is smart." I say with a smile.
"Probably not." Colby says and I rest my head on his shoulder.
"Well, I am getting a little tired. Are you sure you want me to stay in here tonight?"
"Yeah, maybe if I go to sleep early with you I'll wake up early with you."
I smile.
"Only if you really want. Are you even tired?"
"I'm getting there,"
I sit up.
"Colby, I don't want you to just lie awake bored. I should just go to my room."
He grabs my hand as I stand up and I turn back to him.
"Please, stay. I'll be awake whether or not you're in here. Just go to sleep in my arms, yeah?"
Again, I felt my heart melt and I couldn't say no. I got back into his bed and he pulled me into his arms.
"That's better." He says and I smile.
"You always know the right words to make me stay."
"I just want as much time with you as I can, before you leave me to tour."
"That might not be happening for another couple months."
"Well we don't know that, so any time that I have with you is important."
"I don't even want to think about being away from you right now. Do you think that I'm cut out for all of this? It seems like such a beast."
"Rory, you are totally cut out for fame. You've been working so hard for so long. The world needs to hear what you have to say. Because what you have to stay is important and beautiful."
I lean up to kiss him and he turns his body so he's over the top of me. His hand lands on my waist and the kiss gets deeper. I start to think to myself, that Colby's right. Anytime we have together before I go on tour is important. While at first I didn't want to sleep with him, I know that I will have wished that I would have, once I'm gone.
I reach for his shirt and he helps me take it off before his lips are back on mine. My hands go to the button of his jeans and he immediately looks up at me.
"Listen, you just said something that made complete sense to me. I want to do this because it's memories and moments with you that will be so important to me while I'm gone. If I don't do this and I go on tour... I'm going to regret it."
"Are you sure?" He asks and I nod.
"I'm one-hundred percent sure." I say with a smile and he looks down with a smile on his face.
"Wow, I just, I didn't expect this to happen so quick." He says.
"Do you not want to?" I ask confused.
"No, of course I do. I've wanted to for a long time."
"Well then, stop talking and kiss me." I say with a smirk and he does just that.
He begins to make a trail of kisses going from my lips to my jaw, down to my neck and then to my collarbone before he pulls my top off. Underneath, I'm wearing a black bralette with embroidered roses over the mesh cups.
His fingertips lightly run over my breasts and I bite the inside of my lower lip. His hands pull at my shorts and I lift my bum off the bed so he can take them off.
"My god, you're magical." He said before leaning back down and kissing me again.
My nails run down his back and he bites my lip. He leans me up as we kiss and I push him onto his back before straddling him.
My hands run over his sculpted chest, fingertips tracing the tattoo on his chest and then down towards that 'v' that he has, before I go to unbutton his pants.
He helps pull the jeans off and he's left there in his boxers. I can't help but laugh though, as they have bananas all over them.
"Why are you- oh," He says realizing what I was laughing at.
"It's okay. I think it a perfect testament to who you are." I say before leaning down and kissing him once again.
I couldn't keep my lips off of him. His touch was so electric, it sent shivers down my spine and I loved it.

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