Airport Memories

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The next day, I woke up and I was exhausted but I wanted to say goodbye to Sam and Colby before they left.
I walked out of my room and headed to Colby's. His door was open and he was zipping up his last suitcase. I knocked on the door and he looked up at me and instantly walked over to hug me.
"Good morning." He said before pecking me on the lips.
I smile.
"Good morning. Do you need any help getting everything into the car?"
"Uh sure. Thanks." He says before turning to grab two suitcases that were ready to go.
"Can you take these? Oh, and because we're taking my car do you mind taking it back here afterwards so I don't have to pay for it to stay at the airport?"
I nod my head.
"No problem. I think I can do that."
He smiles and hugs me again.
"You're literally the best." He says and I hug him tighter.
"I'm going to miss you both."
"I think I can speak for Sam and I, and say that we're going to miss you too."
"Promise me that you both will take every precaution in the world to stay safe. I don't need you to die or go to jail for life okay?"
"Rory, we'll be okay. I promise."
"Okay," I say. "I just want you to get back as soon as you can so we can hang out."
"I know, and we will. It's just a week and a half and it'll go by quicker then you think."
I grab both of the bags and look at him.
"I hope so. I'm gonna go put these in the car. Here, give me that backpack too." I say pointing to the bag on Colby's bed.
"Are you sure? I don't want you to hurt yourself."
"Colby, I am a strong independent women alright?"
He laughs.
"Hell yeah you are!" He says before handing me the backpack. "There you go."
"I'll be right back."
I walk down the stairs and out the front door to Colby's car. As I'm putting the bags in, I hear my name from familiar voice being called outside the houses gate.
My first instinct is to ignore him, but I decide to look after he pleads for me to listen to him.
"What do you want, Brennen?"
"Can we talk?"
"I don't want to talk to you, Brennen."
"I understand that, but I think that we should. I really do like you, Aurora."
I feel my blood boil and I start walking towards him with my fists balled up.
"Really? Fuck off, Brennen. If you really liked me, you wouldn't have slept with another girl."
"Listen, I know that it was wrong. I'm so sorry. You were so busy though and I was jealous that you were spending so much time with Colby instead of with me."
"So you're telling me that you cheated on me with another girl, because I was busy working on my career and trying to fix a friendship? Unbelievable. You should just stop talking."
I start to walk away because I didn't want to be around him any longer, otherwise I would loose my shit and it wouldn't be good if I did.
"Rory, please hear me out!" He yells and a moment later, Colby walks out of the house and sees Brennen. He stops in his tracks and immediately looks furious.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" He yells at Brennen before starting to walk towards him.
I grab Colby's arm, pulling him back to me.
"Stop. He's not worth it, Colby." I say looking at him.
He breathes heavily and stares Brennen down before I place my hands on his face so he'll just look at me.
"He's not worth it." I say again and he softens.
"Okay..." He says nodding before turning to his car and loading up the rest of the bags.
"Rory, we will talk about this!" Brennen yells before he walks away and gets into his car angrily.
"He has some fucking nerve." Colby says as I walk up next to him.
"It's okay. I'm not going to say or do anything with him while you're gone. I've said my peace already."
He turns to me and grabs my hands.
"If he bothers you while I'm gone,"
I nod.
"I won't let him. Don't worry."
He rests his forehead on mine and a moment later Sam walks out.
"Hey..." He says slowly. "What's uh, what's going on?"
I look at Sam.
"You don't know?"
Sam shakes his head and I look back at Colby. "You didn't tell him?"
"Well, no. We were all exhausted yesterday after we got back." Colby says and I laugh.
"So..." Sam starts again and I smile.
"Sam, Colby and I, well... he's asked me on a date and I accepted."
"Wait? Really? That's surprising and not surprising all at the same time." Sam laughs and walks over to us.
"Well, it's obviously going to have to wait until you both get back but, yeah. You're not dreaming. We're going to date."
"Well, I'm happy for you both."
"Thanks, Sam." Colby says and they high five.
"We better get going." Sam says and we load up his bags into Colby's car as well.
"Jeez, you guys pack more than I do!" I joke after we close the trunk on the car.
"We've got a lot of camera equipment!" Colby says and shake my head.
"A lot of hair products too." I say and his jaw drops.
"Girl, don't tell all my secrets!"
"Oh like how you used to pee your bed until fifth grade?"
"Wait, really?" Sam asks and I laugh.
"That's not true! Take that back!" Colby says before grabbing me and tickling me.
I scream and try to get away but he's too strong. Somehow I end up on the ground and Colby continues to tickle my sides.
"Say it's not true!" He says and I can't even say anything because I'm laughing so hard I can't breath.
Instead, I hit the ground with my hand a few times.
"Can't... breath!" I gasp and he stops reluctantly.
I breathe heavily and I look over at Sam. He's laughing with his hands on his knees.
"You didn't even stop him from doing that to me! You suck!"
"It was funny!"
Colby helps me off the ground and I put my hands on my hips.
"We're gonna be late if we don't leave. Come on boys." I say walking to Colby's car. "I call shotgun!" I announce before getting in.
Thirty minutes later at the airport, I can't help but feel sad, nervous, and a lot of anxiety.
"You okay?" Colby asks as I stood paralyzed looking at the building in front of me.
"I just... the last time we were all at an airport,"
I start and he grabs my hand.
"I'm coming back for you." He says and my head falls on his chest.
"Promise?" I ask in a mumble.
He laughs and I look up at him.
"Promise me." I say and he leans down to kiss me.
"I promise." He says after he pulls back.
I sigh and nod.
"Okay... and do one more thing for me. You don't have to do it right when you get there, but please just, just text me before you go to sleep tonight."
"I will." He says and I hug him.
"Alright, I guess you need to get going." I say and he nods.
"Have a safe flight, a great time exploring, and,"
"Be safe." We say at the same time.
I nudge him with my shoulder and he hugs me
"I will. I promise, Rory." He says and I kiss him.
"Okay, get out of here." I say and he kisses me one more time before taking all his bags and making his way towards the front doors of the airport.
I got in his car and drove back to the house where I was met with Corey and Kat.
"So, how did that go?" Kat asked and I nodded.
"So, you and Colby were very lovey dovey." Corey said and I smiled.
"He really didn't tell any of you?"
"No. But he didn't need to after what we saw before you all left. But I do want to hear you say it." Kat said and I laughed.
"When they get back from Florida, we are going on a date."
Kat hugged me.
"Finally!" She said and I just laughed.
"We need to take you out girl. Dev, Tori and I. We need to celebrate."
"I'm exhausted."
"Well take a nap and I'll wake you up two hours before we leave."
I sigh.
"Okay. Fuck it. Let's do it."
When the girls wake me up it's already dark out.I sit up in bed and Devyn is going through my closet.
"What are you doing?"
"Finding something sexy to put you in." She says.
"I don't own anything sexy."
"Well, I'll get something of mine then."
"Devyn, I'll look like a stuffed turkey. You're so much smaller than I am."
"I have skirts that stretch."
"Wait, why do you want me to look sexy in the first place?"
"So when the guys get back, Colby wont wait to get all up on you." Kat says and I scream.
"Oh my god!" I cover my eyes.
They laugh and sit next to me.
"Guys, I just want to look like myself."
"You will. But elevated." Kat replied.
I sigh.
"Okay, do your worst."
By the time they had officially gotten me dressed, they had put me in a white lace bodysuit, some ripped skinny jeans, and a leather jacket. Then they did a nude eye with some liner, and a bold red lip before curling my hair loosely and leaving it down.
"You look hot."
"Colby's gonna die when he sees you in a picture." Devyn said and I blushed.
"We'll see."
Before we all leave the house, all four of us girls took a picture and Kat put it on her instagram.
"I doubt Colby's going to see that tonight. I'm sure they got to Florida and passed out." I say just as my phone digs.
"Is that Colby?" Tori asks and I smile.
"Psh, no."
It totally was.
"It totally is! What did he say?" Kat asks and I unlock my phone to read his message.
I blush reading his text.
"Did he say something nasty?" Devyn asks and I just hand her my phone.
"Fuck, I wish I was there right now. You look bangin." She says out loud and I lean against the door covering my eyes.
"Girl he wants you!" Kat says and I scream.
I won't lie, it felt good knowing I made him feel that way but it was so weird and foreign to hear him say it.
"Can we just say that we went out and actually didn't? I can't go hours thinking about that text." I say and they all look at me like I'm crazy.
"You are coming out with us and we're gonna take even more pictures of you looking all hot for Colby to drool over okay?" Tori says.
I sigh.
The next morning I wake up and feel horrible.
"Ugh," I say out loud putting my hand to my head.
I roll over and look at my phone to find a text from Colby.
"Hey party girl. Hope you had fun last night. I miss you and I'll call you later tonight."
I smile and lay back down.
Gosh I wish he was here.
I got up and went down stairs and made myself a cup of coffee and some pancakes for the house before going to my room and grabbing my notebook to write.
I spent hours writing lyrics for multiple songs and when the sun was starting to set my phone started to ring.
I picked it up and put my notebook down.
"Hey." I started.
"Hey, what are you doing?"
"Just writing in my journal. What about you?"
"We just got done exploring this abandoned building and now we're at our hotel getting ready to go to sleep."
"Sounds like a good time."
"It'd be better if you were here."
I sigh.
"I wish I could be. I already miss you so much, Colby."
"Hey, just remember, I'll be back before you know it."
"It's going to feel like forever."
"Nah, you'll be fine."
"Well, I'll let you go to bed, it's almost midnight there."
"Yeah, I better go. We've got a full day ahead of us tomorrow."
"Goodnight, Colby."
"Nite. Dream of me."
I laugh.
"You wish."
"I sure do. Goodnight."

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