Find Me Later

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I got in my car and headed to Sams house. Today they were leaving for Cali and I was the one dropping them off at the airport.
Sam lived closer to me so he was my first stop. I texted Sam that I was in front of his house and in a couple minutes he was walking out the door with two suitcases and a backpack.
I got out of the car and helped him put everything in the back of the car before we headed to Colby's house.
"Are you nervous?" I asked Sam.
He takes a deep breath and nods.
"You'll be fine, Samuel. When you guys get there you'll both be so happy."
"I know. It's just going to be so weird without you there. You're are right hand man." He says and I smile.
"Thanks, Sam."
Sam texted Colby that we would be at his house in a couple minutes and when we pulled up he was already waiting outside.
"Good morning." Colby said as we stepped out of the car.
"Wow you're in a good mood." I say with a smile.
"It's a good day." He says back.
Sam and Colby load the car up and Colby shouted shotgun before hoping in next to me.
"You boys are to energetic for me right now. Especially you which is surprising since it's 6:45 in the morning."
"What can I say, today's the day I get out of this small ass town and begin my life. I'm pretty excited."
"I'm excited for you, too. But I also hate that you guys are leaving me."
"Just come with us."
"Colby, you know I can't do that."
"Why? You start in the fall. You can spend the summer with us and then I will personally buy you a plane ticket back." He says and I look in my rear view mirror and Sam nods his head with a smile on his face.
"I can't. You both know I can't. I have to stay here, pack everything and work this summer. Besides, there's no time to get a plane ticket today. Even if I wanted to come, which I do but can't, there'd be no way for me to come with you both today."
"So, come tomorrow." Colby says and I shake my head.
"Can we not talk about this. It's only going to make saying goodbye harder."
The car goes silent and I turn the music up so that it isn't too awkward.
When we get to the airport, I help them carry some of their luggage in and they check their bags in.
There was only a couple minutes before they had to go so I figured I'd pull the bandaid off quick.
"I better go." I say and they look at me with sad faces.
"Guys, don't." I say tearing up.
Sam gives me a hug and I ttake a deep breath.
"I'm gonna miss you, Sam."
"You've got my number. You can always call and let me know how famous you're getting." He says pulling away from me with a sad smile on his face.
"I'll always be you guys' biggest fan. I'll watch every video I can and comment on everything."
Sam hugs me again quickly.
"You're the best." He says sniffling as he steps back to make room for Colby.
His blue ocean orbs stared deep into my soul and he opened his arms for me to go into.
I held him tightly and he kissed my temple.
"Rory, are you sure you can't come with us."
He nodded and took a deep breath.
"I know. I just thought I'd try again."
I step back.
"Let me know when you guys get there please."
He nods and I wiped the tears off my face.
"Okay, I need to go before I become a mess. Have a safe flight. I love you guys." I waved before turning on my heel and walking fast towards my car.
Tears streamed down my face as I approached my car and I fumbled with the key fob trying to unlock my car. When I finally got the car to unlock, my hand touched the handle to open the door. Suddenly, I heard my name from far away and it was like a movie. Everything was in slow motion and I felt like my heart was going to explode.
Colby sprinted towards me and even though it felt like forever, within seconds he had wrapped me in his arms, his lips on mine and the sun beaming down on us.
I pulled away and at first I was happy and then I was confused.
"Colby, what the fuck?"
"I know this is terrible timing but, I do have feelings for you, Aurora."
"Listen, I obviously don't have time to explain right now but I want to. When we land I'll call and tell you everything."
"Don't you think that it's a little late for you to explain. We won't see each other for four years, Colby!"
"I know but let me explain when we get there."
I pulled his shirt collar towards me and kissed him.
"Colby, if you have genuine feelings for me, call me when you get there and if you really want to be with me, you'll find away to be with me later. Four years from now you'll find me, and we can really talk and have this conversation like we're supposed to."
He nodded and kissed me again before stepping back.
"I have to go."
"I know."
He took off back into the airport and I leaned against my car, heart beating so quick I thought it would never slow down.
When I got home, I glared at the clock for hours. When I still hadn't gotten a call or a text from either Sam or Colby, I wanted to cry and scream.
Instead I went on a long run, tears streaming down my face and music blaring in my ears.
When I reached the top of this hill that overlooked the town and the sun was setting I sat down on the grass below me and watched the sun set into a star filled sky and a full moon that somehow calmed me down and filled me with hope.
I slowly descended the path down and got home, instantly going to my room and falling asleep.
The next morning, I had received a text from Sam but nothing from Colby.
"Sorry it took so long for me to send you this, we got in fine and Colby says he'll call as soon as he can. We'll be in touch, Rory."
I took a deep breath and sat up in bed.
Everything felt so bland without them here and with everything that happened yesterday with Colby, part of me hoped he would call me any minute and other was so mad that he lied to me about having feelings until the last minute.
Days after I realized I wasn't going to get a call from Colby. I was angry and upset at him the entire summer. I occasionally got a call from Sam and I watched some of their videos but nothing was the same anymore.
I felt as if they had broken up with me. They were so caught up in their own adventures and they didn't care about me anymore.
As much as I tried to tell myself that wasn't the case, a year passed by and I had only gotten a total of nine calls from Sam and a text every now and then.
I told myself I had to move on. With my first year of college done, I told myself that what I needed was to focus on my music. That's exactly what I did.
I was playing gigs every night at local bars, and by the end of my second year in college I had been given the blessing of recording my first EP.
When it was released in the fall, I got a text from Sam telling me how proud he and Colby were of me. I didn't respond.
If Colby and Sam were so proud, they would have called.
At the end of my third year, I had met Brooks. He had approached me after one of the sets I did and asked me out on a date. He was beautiful. He had long, shoulder length, blonde hair, bright green eyes, sun kissed skin, the most handsome smile and was genuinely such a kind human. I found myself happier than I had been in the past three years.
We soon moved in together and by the time I graduated, I had released my third EP and was in discussion with a record label about being signed to them. I took the deal and started to work on my first album.
When I talked to Brooks about moving to California, he wasn't interested and out of respect for each other, we ended things pretty quickly but on good terms.
The record labels sister company in California took over the album and I now I just had to figure out where I'd be staying.
I looked at my contacts and hovered over Sams name for basically an hour before I finally called him.
It rang and rang and I wondered if he'd answer. To my surprise I heard his voice on the other side of the line.
"Oh my god, how are you?"
I gritted my teeth and took a deep breath.
"I'm okay, Sam. I've been signed to a record label in California and now I only need to move there. I know we haven't talked in a long time, and it's okay if you don't want anything to do with me, but I was hoping you all needed another roommate."
"Oh. Uh well, we do actually. And why would I never want anything to do with you?"
"We just, well... it doesn't actually matter. If you need to talk about it with everyone in the house I understand. I just need to know before the end of the month."
"Okay. Well I'll call and let you know."
"Okay. Thanks, Sam."
"Yeah, and Rory?"
"Yes, Samuel?"
"I'm happy you called."
I had to smile a little.
"Well, I've missed you guys a lot. Regardless if I move in with you guys, I think you and I should hang out when I get there."
"I'm sure Colby would love to meet up with you too. In fact he's right here, do you want to talk to him."
I cleared my throat and I felt my heart beat get faster.
"Sam, if Colby wanted to talk to me, he would've called me over four years ago. But I haven't heard anything from him, so I guess you're the only one who cared about our friendship. Call me when you all have decided if I'm moving in. Take your time."
"Wait, Rory,"
"Have a goodnight, Sam." I said before hanging up.
I threw my phone to the side and grabbed a pillow before screaming into it.
All the anger I had pushed aside for Colby all came back to me and I wanted to punch something, preferably Colbys face.
After I calmed down, I got ready for my performance later that night and by the time I got home, I was exhausted. I passed out on the couch and when I woke up at noon the next day, I saw a missed call from Sam.
He had left a message and I nervously listened to it.
"Rory, I talked to the house about you moving in and it sounds like a plan. Give me a call when you get this and we can figure out when you're gonna get here."
I took a deep breath and decided that before I called anyone I should get up and take a shower and eat something.
Later that night, I booked a flight and then I called Sam.
"Hey, did you get my message?"
"I did. Thanks for getting back to me so fast. Are you sure that everyone's cool with me moving back. There wasn't anyone who thought I shouldn't move in?"
I asked him this because if anyone felt a certain way about me it was apparently Colby.
"No," he began nervously. "Everyone's really excited actually. So when you thinking you'll fly in?"
"The last Saturday of the month. So the 25th if that's cool."
"Sounds good to me."
"Okay great. I'll stay in contact in case anything changes but that's the plan as of right now."
"Alright. I'm excited to see you."
"I'm happy someone will."
"Rory, what happened between you and Colby?"
"Sam, I don't know what happened. You should ask him that if you want to know because the last thing he said to me was that he'd call me when you both landed, and since that moment I haven't heard from him once. Not once in four years. So if you find out why he decided to abandon our friendship I'd also like to know."
He's quiet for a moment and I take a deep breath.
"I'm sorry, Sam. I shouldn't have blown up on you like that."
"Hey, I get it. I understand why you're upset."
"Well, I don't want to take up more of your time. Have a goodnight and I'll be in touch."
"Goodnight, Rory."

Find Me Later, BrockWhere stories live. Discover now