The Truth

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Colby's P.O.V.-
I tried calling her so many times but none of them were going through.
I got up and walked over to Sams room. He was on his bed reading a book with headphones in but I needed his help.
"Sam, I need your help, Rory thinks that I slept with, Bri."
He looked up at me with his brows furrowed before taking the headphones out.
"Rory thinks that I slept with another girl."
"Well did you?" Sam says sitting up.
"Are you serious, Sam?" I said anger boiling in my chest.
"What? I just wanted to know if you did."
"Well, I didn't."
"Okay, so what's happening? I didn't even know anything was wrong."
"Neither did I, until a minute ago. She just texted me, and told me the Brennen sent her pictures of Bri and I together. I'm freaking out man." I sat next to him on his bed and he put his book to the side.
"Brennen had something to do with it?" Sam asked.
"Well, obviously. God! Why did I go hang out with him?" My head goes into hands.
Sams hand lands on my back.
"Bro, I don't know, but you have to remember that she's just getting the information as it comes to her. I'll call her and see what I can do."
"Thanks, Sam."
I sat in Sams room as he called her but she didn't answer. I stood up and walked back and forth with my hands on the back of my neck.
"Fuck. Fuck!" I yell.
Sam stands up and grabs my shoulders.
"Calm down. You didn't sleep with Bri, right?" I nod.
"So you just need to focus on how we can get in contact with, Rory."
I take in a deep breath.
"You're right. I'm just... I'm just pissed because Brennen fucked everything up for us. He just had to get into her head. He knew that she would believe him, because she's still so unsure about us. Things were going so good between Rory and I, and now I'm scared that he could've just ended it all."
Rory's P.O.V.~
I wanted to talk to Kat. I didn't want to talk to either Colby or Sam because I knew Colby would go right to him. Kat would give me the facts without any bullshit. I texted her and asked if she would call me. Within seconds my phone was ringing.
"Rory? What's going on? Something seems off."
"Something is definitely not right. Have you seen Colby hanging out with any girls while I've been gone?"
"Uh, no. I mean, the other day this girl came over to the house when we hosted a party and talked to him for a while, but I haven't seen her since. I think her name was, Bri."
"Are you sure she hasn't been over since the party?"
"Not that I know of. What's going on, Rory?" Kat asked and I took a deep breath.
"I got a call from Brennen tonight."
"And you answered it?" Kat asked shocked.
"Well, he texted me first. My curiosity got the better of me and I accepted his call. He told me that Colby had met this girl at the club a few nights back and that he had slept with her."
"No!" Kat said dramatically.
"I don't know Kat! That's why I'm calling you!"
"Oh. Well, from what I know, no. He hasn't. Do you want me to go talk to him?"
"I don't know. All I know is that until I get back, I don't want to talk to him at all."
"Maybe you should just let him explain. Do you really trust Brennen's word over Colby's?" Kat asked.
"I don't know, Kat. It's hard. I'm miles away, I know that other girls think he's attractive. I know that Colby and I's relationship is extremely new. I just... I don't know what to believe."
"How about this. I'm gonna go talk to him and Sam and then I'll text you."
"Thanks, Kat."
"No problem. Get some rest. I'll text you in the morning."
"Okay. Goodnight, Kat."
"Night, Hun."
After the concert finished up, I got on the bus and laid down in my little bunk.
I looked over the pictures that Brennen sent to me on my phone, and couldn't help but cry until I fell asleep. With everything in me, I hoped that Colby hadn't cheated. After finally letting my guard down, it would kill me if he did.
I woke up the next morning, and my eyes were really swollen. Everything in my body felt so tight and full of stress and I hadn't slept good all night.
I looked at my phone and I hadn't gotten a text from Kat yet, but Colby tried to call me multiple times through the night.
I got up and walked over to Kane who was sitting at the small table towards the front of the bus, eating some cereal.
"Morning." He said looking at me.
"How you feelin, kid?"
"Like shit, honestly."
"You okay?"
"No. I just wish I was there so I could know the truth."
"Listen, if for whatever reason it is true, that's his bad. You didn't do anything wrong. However, if you were to ask me... I don't think he cheated on you, Rory."
I can't help but laugh a little.
"You don't even know what happened."
"Rory, I've been around you and him together enough, to know he wouldn't cheat on you with another girl. He loves you."
I pull my knees up to my chest and sigh.
"I hope you're right."
"Here," He said setting a bowl down in front of me and pouring it with cereal. "Eat. We're almost to the next venue."
"We're headed to Las Vegas right?"
Last night...
Colby's P.O.V.-
As Sam and I were talking, Kat walked into the room with her fists clenched.
"What did you do, Colby?" She yells my way.
So... obviously Kat knew what was going on. She could talk to Rory for me.
"Did Rory talk to you? Is she okay?"
"Are you listening to me, Colby? What the hell did you do?" Kat asked walking towards me and Sam stops her.
"Babe, calm down."
"Don't babe me," She says shrugging Sams hands off her. "Did you cheat on Rory?" She yells louder.
"No, Kat! You seriously think that after everything I did to just get her friendship back, that I would do something like that?"
"How did you and Bri meet?" She asks.
"At the club when I went with Brennen and a few other guys."
"Did she come back to the house after? Even if you didn't sleep with her?"
"No! All that happened after the club was that she car pooled with me to her apartment, and I told her that we were having a party at the house the next night. Nothing happened at all."
She looked at Sam.
"Is he telling the truth?"
"Katrina. He's telling the truth." Sam said.
"Trust me, if he was that dumb to cheat on, Rory, I would know. And I'd punch him in the face myself." Sam says.
Kat looks at me and sighs.
"She's really upset, Colby."
"I've tried to call her but she won't answer, Kat."
"I know. She just doesn't understand what's going on. She wasn't here to see it for herself and whatever Brennen said, really hit her hard."
"I can't believe he did this. Next time I see him..."
"Hey, don't think about that right now. You need to get some rest." Sam says to me.
"Yeah, I told Rory I'd text her in the morning, so just get some sleep." Kat says and I run a hand through my hair.
"When you do, tell her I love her. Please..." My eyes water and I blink them away quickly.
Kat nods and Sam pats me on the back as I take in a deep breath.
"Alright, see you guys in the morning."
I walk out of Sams room and into mine closing the door behind me. I fell back onto my bed and grabbed a pillow covering my face and yelled into it.
There were so many emotions going through me. Anger, confusion, sadness, longing... I just wanted to talk to Rory. I wanted her to know how much I loved her. I wanted to tell her that I'd never, ever, cheat on her. Not for anything in the world.
As I laid there in my bed, the space next to me felt cold without her in it. It felt so wrong knowing that she may never sleep next to me, again. I didn't want her to leave me. Not over a stupid fucking lie.
When I woke up the next day, I couldn't get out of bed. Nothing in my body wanted to face the day.
Around two in the afternoon, Sam finally came into my room to check on me.
"Colby, you need to get out of bed."
"I can't man. I have no reason to."
Sam sighs and walks to me.
His hand goes out for me to grab and I swat it away.
"Don't be a jerk. Get up, Colby."
"Have you or Kat heard from Rory?"
"Kat texted her a few hours ago."
"And she's okay?" I ask sitting up.
"I guess you won't know unless you come with me."
I sigh and get out of bed.
"Good, come on." Sam says wrapping his arm around my shoulders.
He walked us into his room and Kat was on his bed.
"Are you ready?" Kat asked and on the speaker I heard Rory.
"No, but let's do it."
Kat hands the phone to Sam, and he hands it to me.
"Rory?" I ask, my voice shaking.
"Colby." She says back, blatantly.
"Oh my god. It's so good to hear your voice."
"You have approximately five minutes to explain what happened. Then I have to go."
"Oh..." I say back as I was taken off guard.
"Well?" She asks after a second of my silence and I sigh.
"Rory, Brennen is completely lying to you. He asked me to have dinner with him a few nights ago, so he could apologize. I didn't want to but he's my friend so I went, and then we went to the club. Yes I met Bri, and we talked... but that's all that happened. I told her that I was with you and she was fine with that. After the club, we car pooled together but she didn't come home with me, and the last time I saw her was the day after the party when she left the house."
"Did she sleep with you that night?" She asks.
"No! I don't know where she slept in the house, Rory! All I know is that she wasn't with me. I haven't spoken to her, I haven't texted her and she hasn't texted me..."
"Then why is there pictures with you right up next to her in the car? You couldn't have just taken a normal picture?"
"Rory, it was just a picture. The problem is that Brennen got into your head and now any 'evidence' he may have against me is 100% to you. But I need you to trust me. I would never sleep with anyone else. I love you, Rory."
I hear her sigh.
"It's just hard because I'm not there. After everything Brennen did to me..."
"Babe, I'm not Brennen."
"I know... I'm just so tired of all this drama."
"I know, trust me. There's nothing more I want to do right now then be with you. Every part of my body was numb thinking about the fact that you could leave me, all because of a lie."
"Listen, I need to go."
"Rory, please. Just tell me that we'll talk later."
"We'll talk. I just have to go."
The phone goes silent and I look at Sam and Kat who were just looking at me.
"That seemed like it went okay." Kat says.
"I hope so."

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