Jail Birds

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Please ignore any spelling errors. I didn't have time to edit very much.

In two days, Colby and Sam would be coming back from Florida and I was so excited to see the both of them.
Last night, Colby called me and we talked for hours. About where they had explored and how the production on my music video was going.
"Rory, I bet you're doing amazing. I can't wait to watch it with you and see it get millions of views.
I laughed.
"Calm down. Maybe one day we can do that but I'm sure that only a few people will watch it when it comes out."
"Not if I have anything to do with it. We should do a video together."
"Colby, I don't want to seem like I'm only on your channel to promote my album. I know how the fans are about you with girls too."
"Well, you're my girl, Rory. Most of the time it's just my friends but I wouldn't have a problem coming out and telling the world that I was with you."
I smiled.
"I'm serious. We could do a couples challenge or make a smoothly of nasty foods and drink it."
"Why would we voluntarily do that?" I laughed.
"Because, it would be fun."
"You're crazy."
"Only about you."
I roll my eyes.
"Yeah okay, you need to go to bed. You're delirious."
"Rory, you have no idea how much I want you."
"It's true. I want you in so many ways though. I just want to be with you. I want to wake up next to you, and spend the day doing absolutely nothing but loving the beautiful women laying there beside me."
"You've gotta take me on that date before anything."
"I know, why do you have to be so right all the time?" He asks jokingly.
"It's just part of my nature."
"Well, as much as I want to spend the rest of my night talking to you, tomorrow's our last day filming so I better get some rest."
"That's okay. I should get some sleep too."
"Goodnight, Rory. I can't wait to be there with you."
I smile.
"I can't wait either. Goodnight."
The next day, I wake up and get showered for my music video. They had gotten a makeup artist and hair stylist. I just needed to get dressed. I put on a white knitted crop top with buttons going down the front of it with a pair of clay red, paper bag shorts that tied around my waist. I grabbed my shoes and walked downstairs.
"Rory! Are you excited to finish this music video up?" Tori asked and I nodded.
"Yes and no. It's been so much fun but also I've had so much anxiety."
"Well, I'm sure it's gonna turn out great."
"Thanks, T. I better go you guys, but have a good day!"
Later at the location we were filming at, we were getting close to wrapping everything up.
Myself and the dancers behind me stoped and looked at the director.
"Okay, Aurora, let's do this last shot and we'll be done!"
We only had two days to shoot this music video and it was stressful and also thrilling. I was surprised at how many different angles they wanted to take video of and how much actual acting I had to do. Really, just everything to do with the entire process I was surprised about. I was terrified the yesterday and now that we we close to wrapping it all up, I was excited for the next opportunity I would have to film any future projects.
The director called the set to be quiet and the track played in the background as I danced and sang the words to my song. When I finished, he yelled cut and clapped his hands.
"Wonderful. Just wonderful, Aurora."
"Thank you."
Everyone dispersed and I was immediately taken to a car. I was scheduled to go talk on a radio show within the hour.
"How do you feel?" Kane asked sitting next to me in the car.
"Absolutely amazing. I can't believe that this is my life."
"It only gets better. But it's all hard work. The more you work, the more you'll be rewarded. In a year. I see you performing at sold out stadiums from London to Australia. Canada to Japan. Worldwide, Rory."
"You really think so?"
"If you work hard, I think you can do anything you want to do."
When we got to the radio show, I sat across from the host.
"Nice to meet you Rory, it's so great to have you here."
"Thanks for having me."
"So, you've just released you're first studio album. Can you talk to us a little bit about your experience and possibly some meanings behind some of your songs?"
"Well sure. So I've been singing for as long as I can remember. My mom and dad would sing with me everyday in the car, the kitchen, going to bed, anywhere. When I was going into my third grade year, my mom passed away and while I was so young, my love for singing went away for a while. My dad and I moved to a small city in Kansas and I bet two of my best friends at that time who really helped me become myself again and by my first year of high school I was performing in plays, I had already written multiple songs and when I came time to go to college I spent my time learning even more about music and the history. While in college, I would play gigs and I was able to release my first EP while in college and finally started working on my first album the last year of college. I was blessed to come out to California where I've reconnected with my two friends from elementary school to high school and it's just been a wild journey."
"Wow, I'm so sorry to hear about your mom."
"She was an amazing women. I miss her everyday but I know she's proud."
"I'm sure she is. Now what about your favorite song off the album. What can you tell us about that?"
"That's so hard. I have so many songs that mean so much to me on my album. I guess Falling for You is a really personal song that I kept close to my heart for a long time. It's all about that young love and finding it again. Expressing to that person that while you're scared to love them, that you can't hold back anymore and you don't want to."
"If you don't mind, who's the song for?"
"He was very much part of my life for a long time and during high school we lost contact. I just recently rekindled a friendship with him and we're seeing where it'll go."
"Who's the lucky guy?"
"Well, he's a social media influencer. It wouldn't be right for me to say his name so I won't be doing that but, I'll jus say that he loves what he does and he's made some amazing memories in the short amount of time that he's been alive."
"A mystery man. Maybe one day we'll find out."
"Well, Aurora. What plans do you have for the upcoming future?"
"I'm hoping to open for some artists this summer and start working on another album."
"That's great."
"I have a lot of hope for this summer."
"Well we sure do wish you the best and please come back anytime you want."
"Thank you. I definitely will."
"Next up, we'll be playing a game that could win you some sweet tickets to Bali. More information on that later on."
A moment later, the host puts his headphones down and looks at me.
"Great job Rory."
"It was a blast. Thanks for having me."
"Of course. We'll see you again soon."
Next, we had to go do the same thing over again but with a different radio station.
As we were finishing up, my phone started going off like crazy and at first I just ignored it but on the radio break I looked at it and I had lots of texts from Kat.
"Rory call me!"
"Rory please read these texts!"
"Rory we need to talk right now!"
"Rory the guys, they're in some deep shit."
"Rory. Call me now. Sam and Colby just got arrested."
I read and my hand flew to my mouth.
"Nonononono! No! This is not happening!"
"Rory what wrong?" Kane asked.
"Colby and Sam just got arrested. I need to call Kat."
"We'll be off the air in a minute. Can you hold off?"
I sigh.
"Sure okay."
The entire time I couldn't focus. All I wanted to do was call Kat and find out what happened.
"When will we be expecting your next album, Aurora?"
"I hope sometime in the near future. I've already started the writing process and I'm very excited about it."
"Well great. Thanks for stopping into the studio. We'd love to have you again soon."
"I would love that as well, thank you."
I stood up from my chair and made my way to the front of the building and immediately called Kat.
"Oh my god Rory."
"Kat, what's going on?"
"The guys were arrested. It's trending all over Twitter."
"Holy shit. Fuck! I knew that something was going to happen. Have you heard from either of them?"
"No. Corey was just on Twitter and saw it. We all just found out about half an hour ago."
"Are you gonna head home?" Kat asked.
"I don't know. I want to."
"Well if you can please do. I need someone How understands what I'm going through."
"Kat, you and Sam have so much more than Colby and I do."
"Rory, you're with him right? You love him. So you understand how I feel. Please just get home."
"Rory? Is everything okay?" Kane asked moment later and I shook my head.
"No. Is there anyway I can just home and be with my friends?"
"We have one more radio spot we need to do and then I'll have the car take you home."
I sigh and cross my arms.
"Listen, I know you're worried about your friend. But I'm sure that he'll be fine."
"Have you been to prison, Kane?"
"I was young like you're friends and chose to be stupid and I ended up being in there for a year and a half."
"So do you think he'll be okay?"
"I'm sure he will."
I nod.
"Okay, let's get this next radio thing over with."
Colby's P.O.V.~
This sucked ass. I can't believe that this happened to Sam and I and the Ireland boys. I sat next to Sam and sighed.
He shook his head.
"I can't believe this. I can't fucking believe this." He said looking at me.
"Dude I know. I'm not looking forward to what my family has to say."
"Rory isn't going to be happy, Colby."
"Neither will Kat."
I sighed and covered my eyes with my hands.
"There's nothing we can do so let's just lay low and wait it out, I'm sure we'll both be out soon."
A few hours later Sams name was called and my entire body froze.
He stood up and looked back at me before walking to the guys who called his name.
He was leaving. Fuck.
"Is that your friend?" The guy asked next to me and I nodded.
"Listen, just keep staying low and he'll have you bailed out before you know it."

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