Moving In

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Colby's P.O.V.~

My door opens and Sam stands there with a confused yet angry look on his face.
"Hey man, what's up?" I ask as I notice that he just stands there for a moment.
"You haven't talked to Rory since we left? Four years ago!"
I sit up in bed and put my hands up.
"Sam, you don't understand."
"Colby, Rory is our friend regardless if you kissed her or not. All this time, you've been telling me that you talk to her at least once a month. No wonder she's mad at us."
I put my head into my hands and take a deep breath.
"I know I fucked up, Sam. I understand why she's mad at me. I was so worried about talking to her and I just put it off and before I knew it, four years had passed."
"Well, I don't know how your gonna make it up to her, man. I can't imagine what she felt all those years."
I look at him and he shrugs.
"She'll be here on the 25th. If I were you, I'd figure out a way to apologize and have it be meaningful."
"Wait, she's going to live here?"
I stand up and walk towards Sam.
"Yeah, she is. She needed a place to live while she finishes her first album."
"Just while she finishes the album?"
"I don't know, Colby. Maybe if you would have called her you would have known more about it." He says before walking away from me and I lean my head against the wall next to my door.
The 24th
Rory's P.O.V~

I just finished packing my bags to fly to California and I was exhausted. I fell asleep and woke up to my phone alarm stinging my ears with it's annoying beeps. I quickly got dressed in a pair of black leggings, white teeshirt, a lightweight navy blue zip up jacket and white sneakers. I did some light makeup and straightened my hair before cueing up a lyft.
I waited outside my apartment for the lyft and quietly said goodbye to my hometown.
Within the next hour and a half, I was sitting in a plane headed towards California. I smiled to myself as I pictured Sam and Colby going through the same exact emotions. Excitement, happiness, and a small bit of anxiety and sadness.
I allowed myself to rest my eyes and when we landed I took a deep breath. Sam was meeting me here at the airport along with Kat. I was grateful that Sam didn't bring Colby because I didn't think I was quite ready to see him again.
When I walked into the airport, I saw Sam and a blue haired Kat standing there, hand in hand.
I'm not sure why but I began to get emotional and I couldn't help the tears that formed and rolled down my cheeks.
"Rory!" Kat exclaimed giving me a great, big hug.
"Hey Kat."
"Here let me grab something for you." She says letting go of me.
I made eye contact with Sam and he opened his arms for me.
I hugged him gently before stepping back.
"It's good to see you." He says and I nod.
"Right back at you."
We got all my bags into Sams car and headed toward the trap house.
When we pulled up, my heart started beating so fast I thought it would explode. I had so much anxiety, anger, and sadness about seeing Colby that I was petrified to get out of my seat.
"This is it." Sam said and I nodded.
"I know."
He got out of the car and opened my door with his hand out for me to grab.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
I nodded my head and got up.
"I figured that after we get your luggage in, I can give you a tour of the house and introduce you to everyone you don't know yet."
When we walked in through the front doors the house was quiet.
"Where is everyone?" I asked and Sam shrugged.
"Most of them are probably out and about." Kat states and I follow them up the stairs and to my room.
"This is you." Sam says placing a bag on my bed.
"Thanks, Sam. I'll get unpacked and then I'll come find you for that tour and meet and greet."
"You got it. Take your time."
"Do you want me to help? I don't mind." Kat asked and I shook my head.
"I appreciate that Kat but I think I got it."
"No worries. We'll be downstairs." She says before closing the door behind her.
I take a deep breath and sit on the bed before falling back on it.
What am I doing? This was such a bad idea. What happens when I see Colby? What will I do? I know it's going to make everyone in the house uncomfortable.
I stand up and open the window letting some fresh air into the room.
I look around me and shake my head. It'll be fine. There's no reason to stress about something that's ultimately going to happen anyways. He lives here, I live here and I won't see him all the time. Only just for a couple moments.
I get my shit together and unpack and after I'm done I make my way down the stairs.
This time, there are multiple voices but non of them are Colby's, thank goodness.
When I step into the living room where everyone is sitting and talking, Sam stands up and walks over to me.
"Everyone, this is Aurora."
"You can all call me Rory though." I say with a small shy smile and wave.
"Nice to meet you! I'm Devyn. Sam and Colby never stop talking about you." The girl says with a gentle hug before placing her hands on her hips.
"Oh, well I guess you know a lot about me." I say with a smile.
"Of course. Well, on a basic level. But we are definitely going to change that."
"I hope so."
Next a guy approaches me and he sticks his hand out to me.
"I'm Aaron, it's nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you, Aaron." I say and he nods before he heads to the front door.
"Sorry I have to bounce but we'll talk later."
I nod and I sit down on the couch.
"So who isn't here?"
"Colby, Corey, and Jake. There all filming something at Brennen's house." Kat says and I look at her confused.
"Who's Brennen?"
"He's a good friend of Colby. I think they're all coming back to the house in about an hour though." Devyn says with a smile sitting next to me.
"Yeah. Oh hey, we're throwing a party here tonight. Want to get ready together in your room?" Kat asks and I smile.
"Oh sure."
"Would you sing for all of us tonight?" Devyn smiles and I shrug.
"I guess I could do a little something."
They both squeal clapping their hands.
"Great. Well, we can give you the house tour if you want."
"I would love that. That way I'm not accidentally walking into someone's room or the closet or something." I laugh.
"Let's go!"
Later that night, Devyn and Kat are getting ready in my room and we listen to music as we all get to know each other.
"You look to beautiful, doll." Devyn says looking over my shoulder in the mirror.
"Oh, thanks. I don't know what I'm doing half the time."
"So, how was college Rory?"
"Great actually. I had a blast."
"Ever meet any cute, struggling artists?" Kat asked and I giggle.
"I was in a relationship with this guy but we broke up a couple months ago."
"Awe, that sucks. Why?"
"He didn't want to come to California and honestly for me, there wasn't a huge connection."
"I understand that. I dated a few guys before I met Corey just because there really wasn't much of a connection. With Corey though, we can be one hundred with each other and just be ourselves without having to alter anything about us."
"I hope I find that one day."
"You will. You're such a sweetheart, you're absolutely beautiful, and you are so smart and talented. Any guy would be blessed to have you." Kat says and I smile.
"Thanks, Kat."
When we finished getting ready we made our way downstairs to help set up.
I rounded the corner and stopped right in my tracks. There he stood, talking with Aaron and Sam. Colby.
"You okay, Rory?" Devyn asked and I nodded.
"Yeah. Um I forgot something upstairs. I'll be right back."
"Okay," I hear her reply and I ran up the stairs and straight into my room locking the door behind me.
I lean against the door and slide to the floor.
"I can't do this." I say out loud to myself.
I stand up and start packing my things.
A couple minutes later I here a knock at my door and I stand still.
"Rory? Are you okay in there?" I hear on the other side of the door. It was Kat and I put down the handful of clothing I had in my hand down.
"Uh... yeah. I'm just tired. I think I'm gonna stay in for the night."
"Rory, open the door."
I walk over and open it. Kat steps in and closed the door behind her.
"What's really going on?"
"Kat, it's not a big deal. I just want to stay in my room."
"Because why?"
I groan and sit on my bed.
"It's because of Colby isn't it?"
I nod and she walks over to me and sits down.
"I know what he did. But you seem like you're not over it. Which I understand by the way, but he's not a monster. I think he really cared about you."
"Really Kat? You think that when someone doesn't talk to you for four years, that they care about you?"
"Rory, why don't you do this. Come down with me and if he comes up to you, you can either punch him in the face or talk to him about how you feel."
"I feel angry, pissed, confused, sad, and that I want to punch him in the face regardless of how I first react."
She grabs my hand and I look at her in her eyes.
"He's nervous to see you too, you know."
"He should be."
"You're right. He should be. But you guys were such good friends. Obviously he was to afraid to talk to you and so now we're here. Now he's going to have to talk to you. Just think about letting him explain at the least."
I take a breath and nod.
"Okay, I'll do my best to not punch him in the face and let him explain."
"Good. Now will you come downstairs with me?"
I look at her reluctantly and finally stand up.
"Okay fine. Let's get this over with."

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