Thoughts, Words, Love

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Before I feel asleep, my phone dinged with a text message from Kat.
She was asking if I was okay and I asked her why she would invite Brooks to the party. She thought I'd already talked to Colby about Brooks. I told her that I wanted to wait until we got back to the house. She apologized and I looked at her next two texts but didn't respond. All I wanted to do was go to sleep.
When I woke up the next morning, it was to knocking on my door.
"It's open." I said and when the door opened, Colby stood there.
"Can I come in?" He asked.
I nodded and scooted over so he could join me in bed.
He laid next to me and pulled me into him.
"I'm sorry." He said and shook my head.
"Don't be, I know I should have talked to you about it sooner. But I swear it wasn't about hiding it from you. It's just, it's weird for me too. I wasn't expecting to hear from him ever again, in all honesty."
"I think we were both wrong in the way we handled things. I love you so much, I guess I was scared that you didn't feel the same."
"I really do, Colby. I love you with all my heart."
He kissed me softly and we laid in bed together for a long time.
"I'm still so exhausted." I said.
"I bet. Is that why you also didn't sleep the night before we came home. You were thinking about having that conversation?" Colby asked.
I nodded.
Colby ran a hand through my hair and I closed my eyes.
"Go back to sleep, babe. I'll be here when you wake up." He whispered kissing my forehead.
My eyes fluttered closed and when I woke up again, he was still there like he promised.
I smiled and kissed his lips.
"I didn't expect you to stay in bed with me the entire time I slept, Colby."
"I went and ate food like half an hour ago, but I came back to you. I'll always come back to you." He said and I teared up.
"You okay?" He asked.
"I don't know. I know that you don't want me to give up my dream but I never realized how it would distance me from everyone I love."
"Rory," He starts but I shake my head.
"I don't know if I can do it Colby. I love you so much. And even before I moved here to LA, I felt terrible because my dad was all alone while I was in college and I barely ever went and saw him." I say crying.
He holds me tight.
"I feel like I can't stop thinking recently. Doubting myself and the decisions I've made. The only thing I'm certain of is that you, Sam and my dad are the closest men I have in my life. I don't want to loose you all."
"Babe, you aren't going to loose us." Colby said trying to calm me down.
"I don't know what's wrong with me."
"Nothings wrong with you, Aurora."
I tried to calm down and stop crying. I don't know why, I just had this bad feeling in my chest.
"I don't know why I just feel like somethings wrong. The last time I felt this way was the morning when my mom died."
He kissed my shoulder and I take a deep breath.
"I'm not going anywhere and neither is your dad, Rory."
"I know that you might not want to but sometimes it's not your choice."
Colby's P.O.V.-
Rory fell asleep in my arms again. I was really worried about her. She seemed really upset and while I wasn't sure why, I understood that she was truly worried about loosing me or her dad. She lost her mom so suddenly when she was so young, and I don't know if she ever truly worked through all that pain. I think she distracted herself for so long and for whatever reason these feelings and worries were boiling up to the surface.
I understood why she didn't want to tour, but she'd been dreaming about doing this her entire life. Maybe I could go with her... but what would happen to the Sam and Colby YouTube channel? Now I was thinking and I didn't really want to. I really wouldn't be able to forgive myself if she decided to stop performing, however, if she was doing it for her and she was truly happy, it would also make the entire situation easier. I sighed and got up out of her bed. I needed to take a shower and clear my head.
I left her in her room and went to go for a run. This wasn't something I normally did, but I felt like I needed to. While I ran, all I thought about was breathing. In, out. In, out. I ran and ran and about an hour or so later I got back to the house, covered in sweat and my legs felt  like jelly. I dragged myself up the stairs to the bathroom and took a cold shower that felt so good after the run and helped all the toxic thoughts that had to be washed away. Just like Rory said, all I knew was that Rory, Sam and my parents were the most important people to me. So regardless of all the questions and pointless thoughts I had, I knew that as long as I had them, everything would be alright in the end.
I went and checked back in on Rory after I got dressed and she was still sleeping so I closed her door and walked towards Sams room knocking on his door and waiting for an answer.
"Come in." I heard him reply.
I walked in and Sam looked up at me.
"Hey, brother."
"Hey." I said sitting in the chair across the room from him.
"What's up?"
"Not much. I just went on a run and Rory's asleep so I came in to talk to you."
"Ah, I see. Hey, is everything okay between you guys?"
"Yeah it's fine. We both talked it through."
"So are you worried about her going to lunch with that Brooks guy?"
I shrugged.
"I mean, I'm not worried. It's just, she broke up
with him less than a year ago. I just hope that he doesn't have any residual feelings for her."
"Well, just let her go to lunch with this guy and then go from there right? If he oversteps his boundaries then you can set him in his place."
"I just don't want another Brennen." I said running a hand through my hair.
"Me either, Colby." Sam said.
"So what are you working on?" I said standing up and walking over to him.
"Kat and I filmed a video for my channel. It's going up tomorrow so I'm just putting some last minute edits into it before I head to bed."
"Sick man."
"Yeah. Hey, are you doing alright? Like really?" Sam asked.
I nodded.
"I'm good, Sam. I just love her."
"I know. Hey, let's hang out tomorrow. Just all of us guys. Then the girls can hang out together too."
I sigh.
"That sounds great man. I just need to be with the guys for a day."
"Sweet. I'll tell Kat to call Rory and the rest of the girls and I'll get the guys together." Sam responded.
"Alright man. Imma leave you to it then and go to bed. See ya tomorrow."
"See you tomorrow, man. Have a goodnight."
Before I left the room I turned back to Sam.
"Hey Sam?"
He looked over at me.
"Not to get all sappy or anything, but I love ya. You're like my actual brother and I'm happy to have you in my life."
Sam smiled.
"I love you too, Colby. I've always got your back."
I gave a quick nod and then walked out of his room closing the door behind me.
Walking into my room, I laid down in bed and took a deep breath and turned out the light. Hanging out with all the guys tomorrow would do me well.
When I woke up the next morning, Rory was talking to me.
"Colby, wake up babe." She said and I covered my head with a pillow.
"I made you breakfast in bed, Colby." She said and I moved the pillow just enough to see her.
"You did?"
"Yeah. Are you hungry or should I just take this to Sam?" She said with a smirk.
"Come here." I said extending my hand out to her.
"Hold on. Sit up so you can hold the tray." She said with a smile and a laugh.
I did as she told me and I smiled.
"I love to hear you laugh. It's better than hearing you cry."
She handed me the tray and then sat down next to me.
"I think I'm out of my funk. Thanks for being there for me. I just was exhausted and I guess I needed to rest." She said grabbing a piece of toast.
"Well, I'm happy you're feeling better. Did Kat call you yet?"
"No why?"
"The guys and I are gunna hang out today and Sam was going to have Kat call you and the girls to hang out together too."
"Oh, well I think Kat is probably a bit worried to talk to me. I was really unfair to her the night of our argument. I guess I should call her." Rory said.
"Oh I see."
She nodded.
"I'm gonna go call her. Save me some eggs alright?" She kissed me and then got off the bed.
"I can't promise anything." I joked.
"I'll fight you, Brock. Don't you dare eat everything."
"I won't. I promise." I said and she walked out of the room.
I ate and got ready to hang out with Sam and the guys. I think that the whole crew was going to be here. Sam, Corey, Aaron, Elton, Jake, Mike, Aryia, Kevin, Griffon, Reggie, JC, Kian and myself.
We were all meeting up later but I figured that I should just get ready right now.
When I put my shirt on I felt arms wrap around me.
"You look good." She said into my ear.
"Thank you." I said with a smile.
I turned around and kissed her lips.
"So are you and Kat good now?"
"Yeah. We're all gonna meet up at Kats place so Devyn and I are gonna head out soon."
"Alright. Come find me before you go, yeah?"
Rory nods and then kisses me.
"I'm gonna take the rest of this into my room," she starts as she passes by me to grab the rest of the food. "And go get ready."
"Alright. Thanks for doing that this morning by the way. It was really good." I said.
"No problem. I wanted to do something for you since you'd been there for me for the past few days."
"I love you." I said.
She smiled.
"I love you too, Colby. I'll see you in a little bit alright?"
"See you soon." She walked out of my room and I watched her, sighing as she closed the door.
About two or so hours later when a few of the guys had showed up Rory and Devyn walked down to see us all.
Rory looked... sexy as hell. I almost wanted to tell her to go and change but I stopped myself. She didn't need me telling her how to dress. I just knew that if I thought she looked good, other guys would feel the same. Other guys like Brooks.
She walked over to me and I stood up.
"You look good." I said with a smile whispering into her ear like she'd done to me earlier this morning.
"Thank you. Maybe you can help me take it all off tonight." She said pulling back winking so only could see.
"I hope so." I say biting my lip.
"Dev and I will be back later. We're headed over to Kats and then we're gonna go have a late lunch and maybe go see a movie or do some shopping."
"Well have fun. I'll miss you." I say grabbing her hand.
"I will. You too, okay?" She says pecking me on the lips.
I let go over her hand and see waves goodbye before walking over to meet Devyn.
Before I know it they're gone.
When the door shuts all they guys look at me.
"Dude, if she wasn't yours man... I'd be after her." Mike said and I tried to stay light hearted about my response.
"Man, I'm surprised she's even with me half the time. But she is. So stop thinking about her." I say and he clears his throat and nods.
"Of course, man. I'd never actually go there."
We quickly change the subject and get ready to leave and do our own thing. I scroll through insta and see a group photo of all the girls together on Rory's ig.
"Hangin with the girls tonight!" Is her caption and I look through some of the comments.
Sure enough, I see a comment from this Brooks guy.
"Lookin good." It says and I feel anger boil in my chest.
I quickly posted something and then put my phone away. Tonight was about me and the guys. I just needed to enjoy my time with them and not worry about Brooks. If Rory said she didn't have feelings for him, then I needed to trust her.

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