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Rory's P.O.V.~
I finished washing my hands and stepped outside the bathroom when I heard Colby and my dad talking. I didn't pay much attention to their conversation as I rounded the corner, but I did notice that they stopped talking immediately and that their heads both snapped in my direction. I stopped in my tracks and looked at them funnily.
"Did I interrupt something?" I asked.
"Of course not, Rory." My dad said with a smile.
"What were you both talking about?" I said crossing my arms over my chest.
"How much we both love you." Colby said with a smile.
I walked over to Colby and sat next to him.
"So I have to go practice for tomorrow's performance in a few hours. I think I'm going to go get some shut eye for a few minutes." I said.
"Okay, do you want me to come with?" Colby asked.
"If you want. If not, you can go explore the city. I know you've wanted to do that anyways." I said holding his hand.
"I might do that actually. I heard about this store that has some really cool items that I might go check out." Colby responded with a smile.
"Sounds good. I'll text you when I leave the hotel. You can come watch me practice or come back to the room." I said standing up.
"I'd love to come see you practice. Definitely let me know."
"Great. Dad, I love you. I'm happy you're here." I said standing up and turning back towards my dad and Colby.
"Me too, Aurora. Tomorrow morning I want to take you both for breakfast." My dad said standing up.
I looked from my dad to Colby then back to my dad.
"I should be the one taking you for breakfast, dad."
"You're my daughter, let me spoil you."
I smiled.
"Okay. We'd love to do that." I said giving my dad a big hug.
"Thank you, Charlie." Colby said.
"You're welcome, Cole."
"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow dad and I'll text you when I leave the room, okay babe?" I said with a smile.
"Sounds good." My dad said with a smile and Colby kissed my hand.
"See you soon, babe."
I got to the room and laid down on the bed.
I set an alarm for forty five minutes and quickly fell asleep.
When I woke up, I went and changed into shorts and a tank top to practice in and called Kane to let him know I was on my way to the venue. He told me he'd be there in a few minutes and then I walked the streets of New York to get to the venue site.
When I got there Kane was getting out of a yellow taxi cab.
"Perfect timing." I said and he smiled.
"I told the driver I'd tip well if he got me here in less than ten minutes."
"That's respectable." I said laughing.
"Come on, kid. Let's get inside."
Two and a half hours into the practice, the door to the venue opened and someone walked in. I couldn't tell who it was at first but I quickly realized it was Colby.
He sat in a chair and watched as I finished out the number before standing up, clapping when I was done.
I walked over to the end of the stage and jumped down, wrapping my arms around him.
"That was really good, babe." He said with a smile.
"Thanks, Colbs. How did exploring the city go?"
"What do you mean?" He asked clearing his throat.
"What do you mean, what do I mean?" I asked back laughing.
"Well it was fine- good really." He said his voice shaking.
I raised an eyebrow and wondered why he was acting so weird.
"Okay. Did you get anything? I know you wanted to check out some stores here."
"No. Nope I didn't get a single thing."
"Colby, why are you being so weird?
"Weird? I'm not being weird. You're being weird." He said quickly.
I nodded slowly.
"Okay then. Imma go practice some more. You can stay if you want but I think you might need to get some rest too." I said with a smile.
"I'll stay here. I wanna see you practice." He said putting on this really weird smile.
"Okay," I said patting his shoulder with my hand. "I'll be done in an hour or so."
He nodded.
I got back on the stage and the stage hand signaled that he was about to start the next song and we practiced.
Colby stayed there but he was so fidgety. Every once and a while he would run his hands up and down his legs and then stand up and walk back and forth a lot. He'd take his jacket off then play with the pockets. There was something going on. I wish he'd just tell me.
After I finished with practice, Colby and I headed back to our room for the night. We were both tired so we pretty much went straight to sleep. I woke up around two in the morning and Colby wasn't in bed next to me but out on the balcony.
I got out of bed and walked towards him opening the sliding glass door, which startled him.
"Jesus, Rory! You scared the fuck outta me!" He said taking a deep breath.
I smiled.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. Are you alright? Why aren't you in bed?"
"I couldn't stay asleep. I didn't want to wake you by rolling over back and forth all night so I came out here."
"What's going on? And don't tell me there isn't something wrong. You've been weird all afternoon and into the night."
"I don't know, Rory."
I sat in the chair next to him grabbed his hands.
"You know you can talk to me right?"
He nodded.
"So talk to me." I pleaded.
"Rory, I-"
"You're dad and I talked today and we talked about some stuff that's just got me thinking a lot."
My stomach felt sick.
"Oh god. What did he say?"
"He wants to tell you about something."
"Did he say what it's about? Is he okay?"
"He said he wants to tell you himself."
"Colby, you need to tell me what he said to you!"
"I'm serious, Colby!"
"It's not my place, Aurora!" He said standing up and tearing a hand through his already messy hair.
My body filled with anger.
"If you love me you will tell me what he told you!"
He looked at me, pain showing so clearly in his blue orbs.
"Rory, I love you."
"Then tell me what he said."
"He wants to tell you himself, Rory."
I stood up and stormed past Colby, heading to the door and out into the hallway of the hotel.
I heard Colby call for me but I didn't stop. I continued towards my fathers room and when I got there I knocked on the door so many times and so loud, that for a moment, I almost felt bad for anyone else staying in this part of the hotel.
A few seconds later, the door opened and my dad stood there shocked.
"Rory, what's going on? Are you okay?"
"You need to tell me what's going on right now."
He sighed and a moment later Colby appeared over my shoulder.
"Colby," my dad said almost disappointed.
"I'm sorry, Charlie. She could tell I wasn't right after what you told me." Colby said and Charlie nodded.
"It's okay, son. I shouldn't have put you in that position. I need to talk with my daughter in private now." My dad said.
I entered my dads room and stood waiting for him to join me.
When he closed the door and looked back at me I could immediately tell there was something very wrong.
"What? Tell me what's wrong dad." I said.
He walked to me and grabbed my hand.
"Sit down, Aurora."
I did as he said and sat on his bed and he joined me.
"This is not how I wanted things to go down. It's not how I wanted to tell you."
"Tell me what dad? What the hell is going on?"
"Aurora, I'm not well."
My heart sunk. If felt like the world was turning upside on me and everything was crashing down on my soul.
"What do you mean you aren't well?"
"I have prostate cancer."
Cancer. It's all that I heard. Over and over and over in my head, that word kept repeating loudly and relentlessly.
"You're kidding right?" I asked shaking.
"Well, you're getting treatment right? With chemotherapy."
He shook his head and I stood up.
"Why are you nodding no? You're getting treatment, right?"
"No, Aurora. I'm not getting treatment."
"Why the fuck not?"
"Lower your voice." He said.
"No! Why aren't you getting treatment?" I yelled.
"Because, Aurora... I want to spend the time I have left living, instead of feeling like shit."
"That's not fair dad!"
"No! No it's not fucking fair of you to not at least try treatment! It's fucking selfish!"
"Aurora, stop." He said as he began to cry.
"You're going to leave me with no one. I don't have mom, and now your telling me that your going to let yourself die? I deserve to have a parent in my life!"
"Aurora, I've already decided my decision."
I began to cry. I cried a lot. I was so mad and upset and I didn't know how to process this. He was going to die and he didn't even care about how I would feel.
"So," I started, my jaw tightening and anger boiling in my chest. "When should I attend your funeral?"
"Aurora, stop."
"I'm serious, since you've already decided your going to die, when should I expect to bury you?"
He sighed.
"The doctor said I have until June."
"That's six months from now." I said, my lip quivering.
"I know."
"Were you even going to tell me?"
"I wanted to tell you right when I found out but I didn't want to do it over a phone call."
"I could have come and made more memories with you dad! What the hell?" I said as I cried out loud.
"I'm sorry, Rory."
"Please try treatment." I begged.
"Aurora, I won't."
"Wow, okay then." I started to walk towards the door.
"Rory, I'm sorry!" My dad yelled to me but I just left.
Colby was waiting at the end of the hall and I immediately turned around and headed the other way.
"Rory!" He yelled to me.
I rounded the corner and pressed the button to the elevator so many times and just as it opened Colby rounded the corner and looked at me.
I closed the button so the doors would close faster and just as he was about to step in, it was too late.
I wanted to be by myself. I just needed time to think. I can't believe Colby even considered keeping this a secret from me. I can't believe my dad told Colby before me. I was fuming.
I walked into the lobby and walked outside. I had no idea where I was going but I knew I didn't want to be there with Colby or my dad.
I started walking and ended up at a pay phone a few minutes later. The only person who I wanted to talk to who could be here for me physically was Kane. I called Kane and he answered in a dazed sleepy voice.
"Hello?" He growled.
"Kane?" I cried up.
"Kid? Are you okay? What's going on?"
"I need to stay with you tonight."
"What's going on Aurora?"
"Can I please just come and sleep on the couch?"
"Okay, okay. Im at the motel a few minutes away from the hotel. Where are you?"
"I'm about thirty minutes south from the hotel. I'm standing next to a Denny's."
"Alright. I'll get you an Uber. Just stay there."
"Okay." I said before he hung up.
I sat outside of the Denny's for few minutes before an Uber showed up and he took me to the motel Kane was staying at.
When I got there, Kane was waiting for me outside. He payed the driver and then we walked into his room.
"What's going on, kid?"
"My dad has cancer and he's not taking any treatment. He told Colby and Colby didn't even respect me enough to tell me." I cried.
He pulled me into a hug as I crumbled into a million pieces.
Kane just let me cry into hims arms for a long while and didn't try to make things better. He was just there to listen which I appreciated.
He got me some water after a while and we talked. Finally though he mentioned I should go back to the hotel room which I didn't want to do but I knew that I needed to.
Kane walked me back and up to Colby and I's room and we stopped outside the door.
"Thank you for letting me vent." I said with a sigh looking at him.
"You're welcome, Rory. I know I said I wouldn't give you any of my advice, but I want to say something really quick. You have every right to be upset with both of them but your dad only has so much time left. Don't spend the majority of it being upset with him because you're going to miss him and regret staying so mad at him after he's gone."
I nodded.
"You're right."
He pulled me into a hug and I felt so calm.
"Love ya, kid. See you tomorrow okay?" He said pulling away and resting his hand on my shoulder.
"Thanks, Kane. Goodnight." I said before knocking on the door.
Seconds later the door flew open and Colby stood there with tears in his eyes.
I looked back at Kane before walking past Colby. I heard Colby and Kane exchange quick words before the door closed and I stood in the center of the room.
A moment later I felt Colby's hand land lightly on my shoulder.
"Rory-" he started and I turned towards him.
"Why didn't you tell me? That's my father! I don't care what my dad said to you, you still should have told me!" I said tearing up again.
He hung his head and nodded.
"You're right. I should have told you. He was so persistent about me letting him tell you in his own time. I wish he wouldn't have put that on me but I wanted to talk to him about my own shit and he dropped it on me. I wasn't even expecting to hear that before you. I'm sorry."
I guess I understood where he was coming from. It just hurt knowing he was willing to keep it from me.
"The intention wasn't to hurt you but I know it did and I'm so sorry, Rory. I was just trying to also respect his wishes."
I wrapped my arms around him and held him close.
"Please never keep a secret like that from me ever again. We talk about everything with each other. That's why you're my best friend and my boyfriend. You're the one person besides Sam and my dad that I trust the most in my life. Please don't keep things from me."
He held me and kissed my temple.
"I promise babe. I promise I'll be honest."
"Thank you."
"I love you, Rory."
"I love you, Colby."
We didn't stay up much longer since we had to be up early to meet my dad for breakfast. I would make up with him in the morning but for now I tired to calm my mind and sleep.
When I woke up I took a shower and got ready for breakfast with my father. However, I did want to talk to him alone before hand so I texted my dad and told him I was headed over. Before I left though, I woke up Colby to tell him I'd be at my dads room.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2019 ⏰

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