The Return

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Rory's P.O.V.~
When I got back to the house, Kat was pacing back and forth.
"Oh my god, Rory. Finally." She said running over to me.
I hugged her.
"Have we heard from them yet?"
"No, Rory I'm so worried."
"Me too, but there's nothing we can do about it. We should just all stay off Twitter and try to keep busy."
She nods and we walk into the kitchen.
I sigh as I pathetically stand next to the fridge eating a bagel.
"Rory, are you okay?" Kat asked.
I shook my head.
"No. I specifically asked Colby to stay safe, and now they're in jail and we don't know how long they'll be in there."
I leaned against the countertop and ran my hands through my hair.
"I'm sure they did everything they could."
"Yeah, I know. I'm just... worried about them and what if they're in jail for a long time,"
I imagine what that would be like. Seeing Colby in a orange jumpsuit, handcuffs, no life in his face, not being able to hug him. Touch him. Weekly visits if I wasn't gone on tour. Not being able to have his phone calls when I needed him. It would be a nightmare.
"I'm sure they won't be in there for long." Kat says.
I sigh.
"I hope not. We should watch a movie or something to get our minds off of it." I suggest.
She nods and we grab some snacks before going to the couch to watch something on Netflix.
Just as our movie was about to end Kats phone rang and it was Sam.
"Sam! Oh my god, Sam, are you okay?" She says before putting the phone on speaker.
"I'm okay. Colby's still in there though. He had three felony charges and the Ireland boys and I only had one so I have no idea when he'll get out."
"Why three?" I asked.
"Fake ID's." He says and I stand up.
"What the fuck Colby?" I said to myself.
"I'm going to the bondsman and then I'm gonna go get a hotel."
"Okay. Call me later okay? Let us know as soon as you hear anything about Colby." Kat said.
"I will. Love you."
"Love you too. Bye."
I turned back to Kat and looked at the ground.
"What the fuck was he thinking?" I asked.
"I don't know, Rory. But he probably just forgot he had them. He doesn't obviously need them now."
I nod.
"You're right. God, I'm just so angry, but more than anything I just want to hear from him. I'm worried about him."
Kat hugged me.
"I know. I understand. But I'm sure the first person he'll call when he gets out is Sam so let's just try to relax and hopefully tomorrow we'll know more."
"I hope."
Later that night, I couldn't sleep. I wondered how Colby was doing and if he was okay. Was he thinking of me? Did he know just how worried I was about him? How much I wanted to beat his ass for making me worry so much about him. How much I wanted to hold him tight and never let go.
I stayed up and wrote some lyrics down but nothing seemed to come together. By the time the sun was rising, I just decided to go to the gym and wipe myself out. Maybe by then I would just pass out from exhaustion.
I worked out for two hours before I decided to get something to eat and maybe take a nap.
When I got back to the house, Aaron, Devyn, and Tori were up and they all looked at me.
"Hey guys." I say.
"You look exhausted." Aaron said
"I bet I do. I haven't slept."
"Rory. That's not okay." Tori said and I nodded.
"I want nothing more than to sleep. Sleep is like, my most favorite thing in the world so trust me, I wish I hadn't stayed up all night."
"Are you worried about Colby?" Devyn asked and I nodded again.
"Worried, angry, upset... yeah. I'm all of those things. But I'm going to eat and maybe go get some rest."
"Okay, that's good. We'll come get you if we hear anything." Tori said resting her head on my shoulder.
"Thanks guys."
I walked upstairs with a bagel and cream cheese and ate as I wrote in my song journal before laying down.
I closed my curtains and made the room as dark as I could and put on a playlist. Luckily, my eyes started to get heavy and before I knew it, I had fallen asleep.
Colby's P.O.V.-
I had been in my new cell reading for about an hour when a guy came in and introduced himself to me before asking if I wanted to hang with him.
"Uh, thanks man but I think imma lay low."
"My man, you'll be fine. My group and I will take care of you. Come walk around at least. You need to stay fit and lean in here."
I think about it for a second and then put my book down.
"Okay, sure."
He introduced me to his friends and they all asked me what I was in here for. I told them about the trip and why we were here for YouTube. All of them were so interested in how I had a million followers and how Sam and I explored the world. They said that if I ever came back to Florida that they'd have my back and then we played some basketball and watched some tv before I heard my name called and I felt my entire body relax.
"Thank god." I said to myself as I waved to all the guys.
"Brock, you're free to go. You're being bailed out as we speak. Follow me."
As I made my way to freedom, I was surprised to see fans holding signs and screaming as I walked outside.
I asked some of them if I could charge my phone and when I could call Sam he told me that was coming to get me.
I looked through all my contacts and the most important people I had to call next were my parents and Rory.
I called my mom and while she and my dad were upset they just were happy that I was out and they hoped I'd call again soon.
Next was Rory. I think I was more nervous about calling her than my parents, but before I could call, my phone rang and the screen popped up with her face.
"Colby?" She said as I answered
"Oh my god. I'm so, so happy to hear your voice."
"You are? I thought you'd be really upset and angry."
"Oh, I am. But not more than I am to happy to hear from you. Are you coming home?"
"Soon. Sams coming to get me right now."
"I'm sorry, Rory." I say and she doesn't say anything for a moment.
"We can talk about it later, Colby. Just get home so I can hug you okay?"
When Sam got there, we drove back to the hotel and I lay on the bed.
I sighed loudly and put my hands on my face.
"Was last night ruff?" Sam asked and nodded.
"Get some rest. I got us tickets for a flight back tonight."
I slept until Sam woke me up.
"Dude, I'm so hungry."
"We'll get some food at the airport."
We got a lift to the airport and I got a lettuce wrap that was the size of my face and I ate every last bit of it.
We got on the plane and Sam slept through it all. I just wanted to get back to the house and see Rory.
When we landed I called Rory and she picked up the phone.
"Hello?" She asked her voice gravely.
"Did I wake you up?"
"Yeah, I was napping."
"Oh, well Sam and I just got to LAX. We'll be back to the house soon."
"Do you want me to come get you?"
"Nah, we already ordered a car."
"Okay, see you soon."
"See you soon, Rory."
"How is she?" Sam asked as I put my phone away.
"Upset, but happy we're heading home."
"At least she's happy we're coming back."
"What about Kat?"
"Man, she was really upset."
"I bet."
"Colby, I think we need to reflect on what's important to us. Is exploring still as important to us as it used to be?"
"I don't know Sam. We love to explore. We've been so lucky for so long."
"But obviously our luck ran out."
"You're right."
The car ride to the house was relatively quick and quiet. When we pulled up outside, we got our bags out of the car and started rolling them inside the gate.
As we were walking to the door, it opened and Kat and Rory came running at us, barefoot, tears streaming down their faces.
We dropped our bags and awaited impact. Sam was in front of me so Kat collided with Sam first and then a moment later, Rory was in my arms. Her tears soaked the sleeve of my shirt and she held me so tight.
"Hey," I says into her ear.
"Shut up. I just want to hug you."
I smile.
"So you're still mad then."
"Shh..." She said and I rocked her in my arms.
When she finally pulled back, she wiped her tears away and looked into my eyes.
"You have no idea how badly I want to kick you into tomorrow."
"That's very aggressive."
"I'm short on sleep. I could snap any moment."
"Well, if I beg you to forgive me will you just kiss me and you can go help me unpack?"
"Will you give me back my sleepless night?"
"You didn't sleep that night?" I asked and she shook her head.
"I couldn't. I was too worried about you."
I pulled her into my arms.
"I'm sorry, Rory."
"It's okay. You can make up for it by letting me stay glued to you for the next three days." She said smiling up at me.
"I wouldn't mind that."
She stood on her tip toes and kissed me on my cheek.
"I'm sure you wouldn't."
She grabs a bag and walks away from me, leaving me standing there.
I grabbed the rest of my bags and followed her into the house where I was met with pats on the back from Corey and Aaron.
"We missed you, brother."
"Man, I missed this. I never want to do that again."
"Well, go unpack. I'm sure you're exhausted."
"Thanks guys. See you all tomorrow."
When I got into my room, Rory was sitting on my bed taking clothes out and folding them.
She looked at me.
"The sooner we get this done, the sooner we can go to sleep." She says and I sigh.
"Do we have to do it tonight?"
"If we don't they'll sit in the bags for a month."
"You're right."
"I know. I've helped you unpack before and it was literally almost a month after the freshmen class came back from the camping trip."
"Oh yeah. I forgot about that." I said as I walked over to her.
"Here, I'll hand you things and you can put them back where you want." She says handing me some folded shirts.
"Those are actually hung."
"Not anymore."
"Right." I say taking them and putting them into an empty drawer.
We unpacked for forty minutes before we were finally done.
She sighed.
"Doesn't that feel good?" She asked and I grabbed her hand.
"Not as much as being home with you."
She rested her head on my shoulder and my other hand wrapped around her.
"I'm happy you're home too. Those twenty four hours that I didn't know if you were okay were so hard." She said.
"I'm sorry I made you worry so much. All I wanted was to be back here will you."
She looks up at me and her hand finds my face.
"I just... I don't know what I would've done if you had been in there for any longer. I would've lost my mind. I just got you back. I couldn't loose you again."
"You're never gonna loose me again."
"We don't know that."
I look her in her eyes.
"As long as I can control what happens, we won't ever have to go through that again. I never want to go back. Ever. It sucked ass." I said trying to make her smile.
She did and it made me feel better.
"You aren't made for prison anyways. You're too soft."
"I'm not. I'm only made to be in your arms."
She rolled her eyes.
"God, your such a hopeless romantic."
"I can't help it. It comes so easy when I'm with you."
She leans in and kisses me and I gently lay her down on my bed.
My hand travels down her side and the kiss becomes more and more urgent. Her fingers run through my hair and her touch is electric. For so long, I've just wanted to be with her. Just like this. Just the two of us.
"Colby," She says and I look at her.
"I can't do this,"

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