Dancing at Disney

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Colby's P.O.V.-
The house had to take a few cars to Disneyland so Sam and Corey rode in my car with me. Rory rode with Kat and Devyn and Aaron and Tori were in their car.
"So, are you gonna try and get the girl?" Corey ask and I looked over at him with wide eyes.
"Uh, no man, I'm not. She's clearly with Brennen right now."
"About that, have you and Brennen talked?" Sam asked and I shook my head.
"Nah, not yet. I need to apologize to him too though."
"I mean, to be fair, you told him about Rory and how you felt about her long before she came here so he should have respected the bro code." Corey said and I shrugged.
"As long as she's happy, and he doesn't fuck around on her, I'm cool with it."
"Wow, I'm surprised." Sam replied.
"I don't know. I'm just wondering why you aren't gonna fight for her."
"Because I only just got her back. I don't think she really sees me like that anymore and I don't want to push it. The last thing I need is for her to never talk to me again because I tried to steal her from Brennen."
"That's smart, Colby. And honestly, things will work out how they're supposed to in time. If she's meant to be with you, she will be." Corey says and I crank up the radio so hopefully they'll change the subject.
Rory's P.O.V.~
"So what's the deal with you and Colby, really." Devyn asked and I rolled my eyes playfully.
"We're good. You know, it's going to be a while before it can be what it was like between us when we were in high school; but I appreciated what he had to say and I'm willing to put it behind me as soon as I'm willing."
"Do you still like him?" Kat asked and I couldn't help but blush.
"Guys... don't. I'm with Brennen now. Anything between Colby and I is in the past."
"Okay, well what if he still likes you?"
"I guess it's really not my problem. Look, I'm not saying, never. I'm just saying that right now I'm with Brennen and I've really enjoyed being with Brennen."
"Oh, I'm sure you have been." Devyn says with a smirk.
"Okay, Dev. Anyways, can we change the subject?"
Colby's P.O.V.-
Once inside the park, we break into groups. Some of us wanted to go on different rides so we just decided that we'd meet back up later somewhere.
Interestingly enough, Rory, Sam, Kat and I wanted to go to onto the tower of terrror first.
"Now that it's just us two, are you really fine with Brennen being together with, Rory?" Sam asked.
I looked in front of us as Kat and Rory walked a bit ahead and I shrugged.
"I don't know man. Not really. I mean, do I wish we could get closer but like I said, I don't want to push her or make her uncomfortable. The last time I expressed how I felt I ruined everything so even if she wasn't with Brennen, I don't think that she'd want to be with me."
"Well, I think that's smart. I just don't want you to get down like you did when we left."
"Sam, I think I'll be okay. As long as I have her in my life as a friend, there's no reason to get in my feelings about it all."
He pats my back and we catch up with the girls.
We got to the front of the line and Rory looked at me.
"Guess we're sitting together."
"Is that okay?"
"I mean," she says acting like she's thinking about it.
"Wow," I say with a laugh and she laughs too.
"I'm kidding. Of course it's okay. I'll get to hear you scream like a baby."
"Psh, what? I'm not gonna scream."
"Colby, I've seen the TFIL videos. You scream."
"Okay, well I'll make a deal with you, if I scream, I'll buy you anything you want from here. If I don't, you buy me anything I want."
She smiles and puts her hand out.
We sat together in the front with Sam and Kat next to us.
"I can't wait to get Mickey Mouse ears." Rory says and I roll my eyes.
"We'll see about that." I say.
"We'll see." She says back.
The ride begins pretty quickly and before I know what's happening, we're clear up at the top and about to fall.
"Oh shit." I say looking at Rory and she smirks.
"Alright Colby, are you going to-" she starts to say before the ride falls and everyone, yes including me, screams loudly.
Rory laughs and claps her hands together.
"It was sudden okay?" As the ride jolts us up and down.
"You still screamed."
"You're right."
"And you did say that if you laughed, you'd buy me something."
"Yes I did."
"We should make bets more often. I feel like I'd win a lot of them."
"Alright, alright, we'll go get you a hat after we get off the ride."
Sam and Kat go their own way and we head into one of the shops.
"So, you have to tell me if I look weird." She says and I roll my eyes.
"You'll look great in anything."
She looks back at me and I just cross my arms with a smile on my face.
"Well, try some ears on, women. We don't have all night."
"Hey, I will take as long as I want. You can just give me your money if you want to go that badly."
"Not gonna happen."
"Well then, come help me try on some ears. You can try some on too you know."
I walk over to her and she puts on a pair of Mickey ears.
"What do you think?"
"They're okay. A little blah though."
She looks at a mirror hanging on the wall and she nods
"You're right. Hand me one that you think is cool." She says as she hangs up the first one.
I looked around and noticed one that for some reason brought back a memory with her.
We were exploring together at the beginning of our junior year and we came across a field full of flowers. In the center was a small pond with lily pads, and we sat there and talked for a long time about what we would do after high school. That was I think the first time that I acknowledged the feelings I had for her. Other than that though, the design was kind of minimalist with the ears being pink twine and the crown on top being thin rose gold wire. I grabbed it and handed it to Rory and she smiled.
"Just because my actual name is that of a Disney princess, doesn't mean I am one. You think I need a crown." She laughs.
"Well yeah. You're a leader, a good one at that, and you're going to be the queen of the music industry so I think it's fitting." She blushes a bit and turns around to try it on.
She stands there looking herself over and I wanted nothing more in that moment to wrap my arms around her and tell her that she looked beautiful in it. Instead I just walked up to her and crossed my arms.
"You look great."
"You think so?"
"I do."
"You should get a hat so we can match." She says ask she walks to grab a faux leather snapback hat with ears on the side.
She comes back and puts it on me, smiling. Her fingers graze the back of my neck and I suck in a breath.
"There, now whenever we come back we can look awesome together."
"When WE come back?" I ask and she rolls her eyes.
"With the group, Colby."
"I know. I'm just saying, no one else in the group will have them. So it's our own special thing right?"
She nods.
"Yeah, you could say that I guess."
"Well, I should go pay for these." I say clearing my throat.
"Hey, let me get yours. I feel bad about you paying for both."
"I said I'd get you something."
"I know, but you didn't say you'd get one too. Besides you've spent enough money on me in one day. Let me get it." She says and I smile.
"Okay. If you're sure."
"I'm positive, Colby. Hand it over."
We pay and I call Sam seeing where they are.
"We all stopped to get some dinner at the Ballast Point Restaurant. It's downtown Disney."
"Okay, we'll be there in a couple minutes."
Rory and I walk together but we get sidetracked by a guitar player.
He plays an acoustic over of Shape of You by Ed Sheeran as he sings along and we notice people dancing to it.
I look over and Rory is swaying back and forth.
"You wanna dance?" I ask unexpectedly and she looks at me for a moment skeptical.
"How would we be dancing?" She asks and I laugh.
"I don't know. Normally?"
She smiles and gently nudged me with her shoulder.
"Okay, let's dance."
She grabs my hand and pulls me closer to the guitarist.
At first we just sort of dance in front of each other but then the tempo of the song picks up and Rory grabs my hand again and I spin her around and bring her back towards me smoothly. I dip her and it surprises her a little bit but she has a smile on her face.
When she stands up, she turns me around in a circle and I can't help but laugh.
"That's my job."
"You're not that great. I figured I've give you some tips."
"Oh really?" I say pulling her close to me, her face inches from mine.
"Yes, really." She replies almost in a whisper as we sway together.
"We'll have a dance off later, but we should probably get going." I say and she nods before letting go of my hands and stepping away.
I instantly regret saying anything. I wish we could stand here and dance all night but I was also starving.
"Colbs, you coming?" Rory says with a small smile and I catch up to her.
"Yeah, let's go."
Rory's P.O.V.~
That was interesting. I was having a really good time with Colby but I was already letting myself slip and get comfortable with him really quickly. I needed to stay distant. Just for a while longer so that nothing crazy would happen between us.
We soon got to the restaurant and we walked in and immediately spotted everyone.
Kat sat with Sam and there were two spots saved next to them.
"Hey, we were getting worried about you guys. Nice ears by the way." Sam says with a smile.
"Why thank you, Samuel. Colby got them for me after I won our bet." I say sitting down next to Kat.
"Nice! Well we've all ordered but we got you guys a water and a beer."
"Thanks." Colby says patting Sam on the back.
A little later on we all walk out to watch the fireworks.
"I feel so spoiled getting to see these again tonight."
"I bet you feel spoiled in other ways too." Kat said wiggling her eyebrows at me and and my mouth opens.
"I'm just saying, you've clearly got two guys wanting to be with you."
"I'm with Brennen, Kat. Nothings happening between Colby and I."
"Not yet." Devyn says pitching in and I cover my eyes in embarrassment.
"You are the worst. Both of you."
"Listen, all were saying is that you've known Colby a long time and the chance of you regaining feelings for him is bigger than staying with Brennen for the rest of your life. Did you have as much fun with Brennen last night as you did with Colby today ?" Kat asks.
"I mean, not necessarily. But we're still so new to our relationship. Colby and I have so many inside jokes and stories that no one else knows. Not even Sam."
"That's our point, Rory. Listen, we think you and Brennen are cute. And we don't think that you and Colby should hop straight into a relationship but, we do think that in time, you will end up with Colby."
Devyn nods to Kats statement and I take a breath.
"I don't know you guys."
"That's just our opinion. It doesn't mean that it should or will happen. We just already love you so much and want you to be happy." Devyn says placing a hand on my shoulder.
I look at Colby and in an instant I picture what life could be like with him. Amazing adventures, memories and a life where we could always be there for each other. Then I picture a life with Brennen and while it looks great, there's holes in the plot. Times where I'm not sure if Brennen would understand certain things about me like Colby does.
"We'll just have to see I guess."
"No matter what, we're here for you." Kat says giving me a hug.
As the night came to an end and everyone went to their separate rooms, I laid in bed thinking about a lot. I couldn't deny to myself that Colby and I had a special connection that no one could ever come close to. But I was also afraid of what would happen if I let myself get close to him in more intimate way.
At some point I fell asleep and felt like I slept forever.
By the time I made it down stairs it was two in the afternoon and everyone was gone from the house. I decided that I should head to the studio and work on my album.
That's what I should really be focused on right now.

Find Me Later, BrockМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя