Until June

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When we got to New York, Colby and I were escorted to our hotel room for the night. My dad would be landing soon and would also be staying at the same hotel as Colby and I, thanks to Kane and my team.
Colby and I decided to just hang at the room and wait for my dad to arrive, so I freshened up my makeup and I took a few pictures of the view from our room; which considering our location of overpopulated, loud, New York, was actually so beautiful.
I posted the picture on my IG story and then walked over to Colby who was laying on our bed looking at me. His eyes seemed heavy and tired from the long flight we were just on.
"Are you tired?" I asked sitting down.
"A little bit."
"You should take a nap."
"Rory, I'm not five." He said with a small chuckle and smile.
"Doesn't matter. If you're tired you should rest."
He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him so I was laying on his chest.
"As long as you're here with me, I'll be fine." He leaned up and kissed me softly, his arms wrapping around my waist.
I rested my head on his chest and took a deep breath.
"I could stay here forever with you." I said with a smile.
His hand traveled up and down my back as the other played with a small bit of my hair.
"I couldn't agree more."
We laid there on the bed for a long while, sometimes talking, sometimes not, until I got a phone call from my dad.
"Hey, dad! Are you here?" I asked sitting up in the bed.
"In a few minutes. I can't wait to see you, Aurora." He said.
"I can't tell you how excited I am to see you, dad."
"Don't let me forget to give Cole my thanks. Without him and his help, I wouldn't be able to spend time with you."
I looked at Colby and smiled.
"He's a pretty amazing guy, dad. He's exactly how he's always been."
"He's always been very respectful to me, Rory. I'm happy you two are together."
As he said that I couldn't help but get teary eyed.
"That makes me so happy, dad."
"Well, I'll see you soon. I love you, Aurora."
"I love you too, dad. See you soon."
I hung up and wiped my eyes.
"Is everything okay?"
"Everything is perfect. I love you." I said bending down and kissing Colby.
It meant so much to know my dad supported my relationship with Colby. The way he talked about Colby made me so unbelievably confident in Colby and I's future.
When I pulled back from the kiss, Colby smiled.
"I love you so much, Rory."
I could tell he wanted to say more but I didn't press anything. I was just so happy I could barely stand it.
"Come on. Let's go greet my dad, show him to his room and then maybe, we can... celebrate." I said biting my lower lip, looking Colby up and down.
His eyebrows raised and I smiled.
"Oh, hell yeah." He said.
I got up off the bed and pulled him up.
"Come on, let's go."
Colby's P.O.V.-
I knew what I wanted to do was crazy. How I truly felt about Rory was insane for the amount of time we had actually been together, but I knew without a single doubt that I wanted to be with her for the rest of my life.
I couldn't do it yet though. I didn't even have a ring, much less an idea of how I wanted it to all go down. I also didn't want to scare her away. We had never even talked about our future like that and I knew it was early, but I knew I wanted to marry her. For a moment, I even thought that I was insane for even thinking about proposing and honestly, I probably am but I know she's the one.
Like Sam said, our relationship is so different compared to normal couples. Hell, ever since I was a young boy I feel like I knew Rory was the one. We've known each other for almost two decades now, and honestly, she's my best friend. I can't imagine my life without her in it.
"Colby!" Rory said waving her hand in front of my face, a smile playing on her beautiful lips.
"Sorry. I was somewhere else."
"You okay? What are you thinking about?"
I swallowed and nodded quickly.
"I'm fine. Nothing really, babe. Just spacing out."
She raised a critical eyebrow up and took a deep breath.
"Are you sure you don't need to go rest. You're acting so weird."
"I'm sure, Rory. I promise I'm okay."
She grabbed my hand.
Luckily, a voice from the entrance of the hotel door echoed towards us.
"There's my girl!" Rory's dad said and Rory stood up quickly.
She and her father collided together and I stood slowly making my way over to them. Rory shook as she cried on her fathers shoulder and he held her tight.
"I missed you so much, dad. Oh my god." She cried.
He rubbed her back and tried to soothe her.
"I should come around more often. I feel so special." He said making her laugh.
"That'd make me so happy if you could." She said pulling back from him.
She stepped back and I extended my hand out to him.
"Come on son, you know I'm a hugger." He said pulling me into a hug.
"Thank you for being there for my daughter." He whispered into my ear.
When he pulled back I gave a small nod and knew that before I could ask Rory anything I needed to talk to her dad first. I knew it would be important for not only Rory's dad, but to Rory as well to have his blessing. I hoped that he wouldn't deny it because of how quick it would be happening.
"How was the flight, Mr. Hall?" I asked.
"Colby, call me, Charlie."
"Alright." I said with a smile.
"It was good. A bit bumpy but what's a flight without some turbulence?"
"I'm happy that you're here, dad. Let Colby and I help you with your bags." Rory said and I grabbed his luggage.
"I won't argue you on that offer." Charlie said with a smile.
Rory took the backpack from his back and then grabbed the duffle bag that sat on the carpeted floor before we headed to the elevator.
"I hope your room is nice, dad." Rory said as we made our way down the hall to his room.
"Aurora, I've stayed in a hotel that was ten dollars before. Besides, I've never stayed in a five star hotel before so I'm sure it's going to be just fine." Charlie told her as we all stopped outside of the room.
Charlie grabbed the room key from his pants pocket and slid it through the lock to open the door and when we entered the room was exactly like Rory and I's room. We followed Charlie into his room and sat his bags on the bed.
"I need to use the restroom, I'll be right back." Rory said with a smile before disappearing around the corner in the room.
Charlie sat on the bed and fell back onto it.
"Feels great doesn't it?" I asked with a smile.
"Mr. Hall- I mean, Charlie, I... I need to talk to you about something."
He sat up and ran a hand through his hair.
"Yes, Son? Go on." He said with a smile.
I sat on the bed next to him and ran my hands up and down my legs because they were so clammy.
"As you know, Rory and I have known each other for a long time. She's been my best friend for as long as I could remember, and I can't lie and say I don't have immense respect and love for her."
"Cole, stop." He said and immediately my heart rate sky rocketed.
"I've always known you and Rory were supposed to be together. Ever since she told me about the young boy who asked her to play because she was alone on the playground crying, you've been there for my daughter. For a very long time, I've been waiting for someone to love her almost as much as I do, and I can't tell you how much it means to me, to hear you love her so much. While I know what you want to ask me, I need you to know a few things, and I need you to promise me a few things." He said before taking a deep breath.
"Anything, Charlie." I said quickly.
He placed a hand on my shoulder and looked into my eyes.
"I need you to know that I have been diagnosed with prostate cancer. I'm going to need you to be there for her. It is very progressive and the doctors have given me until June."
I looked around the corner to make sure Rory was still in the bathroom. I knew that she would be devastated to hear about this, much less, know that he told me before her.
"Oh my god Mr. Hall. When are you going to tell Rory?" I whispered.
"When the times right. I don't want her to be scared for me."
"Are you accepting treatment?"
"No. I don't want to feel like shit for the rest of my life. I want to live. I want to see my daughter happy. So I need you to promise me something." He said and and I nodded.
"What can I do?"
"I need you to keep this a secret between us until I can figure out the right time. If you can keep this to yourself and if you can also promise me that you will be there for Aurora today, and everyday after this conversation. I will give you my blessing to marry her."
"She'll want you to be at the wedding."
"I understand, and I intend on being there. But cancer is a mystery. I could be here longer than what the doctors expect or it could take me tomorrow."
"Charlie, I'm so sorry."
"Cole, I've had a beautiful life. Sure, there were moments where I thought I would never crawl my way out, but I've had a blessed life with amazing people. I'm not afraid to die. I am however sad that I have to leave my daughter so early. But I know that she'll be okay if she has you. So, will you promise me that you'll take care of her after I'm gone? Will you promise to keep this secret for me until I can find a way to tell her?"
"I can, Sir."
"Then I'd say that you have my blessing."
"Thank you, Charlie."
"No, thank you, Colby. Thank you for taking care of my daughter when I won't be around to."

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