Is it the End?

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I hadn't heard from Rory at all since we talked earlier and I was starting to get fidgety. I know she was probably performing but I just wanted to hear from her.
I laid in bed scrolling through Twitter when her face popped up on my screen asking to FaceTime. I immediately sat up and answered.
When she appeared, I could tell she had been crying but she was trying to hide it.
"Hi." She sniffled.
"Hey, baby."
"Colby, I... I miss you so badly, but I'm so confused."
"I miss you too, Rory, with every bone in my body. I wish I was there with you."
"I wish I had never talked to, Brennen. He's sent me down a spiral that I just can't get out of and it's hard for me to even trust myself. It's hard to trust my judgement."
"Rory, you have to listen to me. I would never cheat on you."
"I guess it just hard because I know there are so many girls who you hang out with and I'm not there. I guess what I'm trying to say is that my jealousy scared me into thinking that you'd leave me while I was gone."
"Rory, if I was ever unhappy in our relationship, I would talk to you about it. I wouldn't just go hook up with girls and not tell you about it. I have so much respect and love for you and I'm so happy to have you and for you to be with me. I'm telling you right now, you are the person I want to be with for as long as you'll have me. I didn't sleep with anyone and I would never think about doing it. I love you, Aurora."
She starts to cry and my heart breaks.
"Babe, don't cry. You're killing me."
"Colby, I love you, and I believe you. I'm sorry that I would have ever listened to Brennen."
"It's okay. I'm just happy that you believe me. You've got one week left and then we'll be together again. You've got this."
"God, I want to hug and kiss you so bad right now. I've missed you so badly."
"I wish I was there to support you. But again, you'll be back before you know it. I believe in you."
"I love you, Colby. I better get some sleep though."
"Get some rest. I love you so much, Rory."
She kissed the camera and waved goodbye before ending the call and I sighed in relief.
I closed my eyes as I rested my head against the wall. Thank god she believes me.
The next morning, I woke up with a text from Rory.
"Have a good day, Colby. Talk soon." It read.
I texted her back letting her know that I loved her and wished her a good day as well before going downstairs.
Sam and Corey were in the kitchen talking when I walked in and they looked at me quietly.
"Hey guys." I say with a smile.
"Hey..." Sam says looking at me with an eyebrow raised. "You're in a good mood." He continued.
"I am. Rory and I talked last night and I think we're going to be okay."
They both sigh and Corey pats my back.
"Brother, that's awesome." He says and I nod.
"I'm so happy, man. I don't know what I would have done if it was any other way."
"What are you going to do about Brennen?" Sam asked.
"I don't know, Sam. I feel like whatever kind of friendship we had is completely gone. I hope I don't see him any time soon because it wouldn't end well."
"Listen, you don't need to go to jail again." Sam says.
"Let's hope I don't see him then."
One week later...
Today was the day. Rory was coming home but, I wanted to surprise her so Sam, Kat, Corey, Devyn and I were going to go to the show to watch her perform and then go to her dressing room and surprise her when she walked in.
I had talked to Kane and he was able to score us some backstage passes in order to do so.
When I spoke to her earlier today, she had no clue so I was excited to see her face when she saw us.
We all got ready to go to the venue and within the hour we were in a crowd of people getting ready to watch the show.
"Colby, she might pass out ." Sam says and I laugh.
"I hope so. I hope she's excited to see me."
"She will be. We talked last night and she couldn't stop talking about how ready she was to be back and to be with you." Devyn responded with a smile.
I'm not gunna lie, that made me so happy to hear. After everything, knowing that she wanted to be back home with me... man, I felt like the luckiest guy on the planet.
The lights dimmed a little and I saw her walk onto the stage. I wanted to jump up there now and surprise her but I knew it would be worth it to surprise her later on.
"Good evening." She said with a smile.
The crowd cheered and she walked around the stage.
"So, this month long tour with Billie was amazing. Quite frankly, one of the best times of my life. I wanted to thank you all for coming to support Billie and also for all the support you've shown me. I've been wondering what song I should open with tonight, and since it's the last show... I thought I would perform a new song that I recently wrote." She sits down at the piano and starts playing some chords as she continues to talk. "It's about fighting for a relationship, no matter how many trials and tribulations come with it. It's about celebrating the fact that you both never gave up on each other, and finally... it's a testament of how much you love that person. This is, 'You're Still the One'."
Kat looks at me about to cry and I cover my face.
"Kat, don't." I say blushing.
Rory begins singing and I watch her entranced through the entire performance. Rory performs five other songs before Kane comes to get us from our seats.
"Follow me." He says as we walk behind him quickly.
It takes about two minutes to get to Rory's dressing room from the seat we were at and I feel my nerves start to butterfly in my chest.
"Thanks for doing this, Kane." I say with a smile.
"Don't thank me, thank Billie and her team." He says. "Go ahead and take a seat, she should be heading back any minute."
He closed the door behind him and we all looked at each other.
"This is it. How do you feel?" Sam asked me.
"I hope she's happy to see me."
"Brother, did you not listen to her first song at all? She's going to be thrilled to see you." Corey says and I jump up and down shaking my hands.
"I know, I just need to relax."
"Breathe, Colby. You're nervous about nothing. Here, take these." Kat says handing me a bouquet of flowers.
"Wait? Where did you get those?" I ask laughing.
"I snuck them in."
"I don't know how but okay. Thanks, Kat."
Kane opens the door and looks in at us.
"Ten seconds."
He closed the door again and my heart was beating so fast.
Here we go.
Rory's P.O.V.~
I was so excited to get home and see everyone. I was tired and all I wanted to do was hug Colby.
"We did it, Kane!" I said high giving him outside my dressing room as I walked up to it.
"We sure did. Why don't you get comfortable and collect your things and I'll get a car ready."
"Sounds like a plan. See you in a few minutes."
"See yeah, kid." He says with a smile which was super weird. I hadn't seen Kane smile hardly at all since I met him.
He walked away and I shook my head trying to focus so I could leave as soon as I could.
When I opened the door to the dressing room, my eyes hadn't adjusted to the dimmer light. However, it was almost immediately that I recognized the people that stood before me. My friends and Colby.
"Oh my god," I said, tears streaming down my face and my hand going to my mouth.
I was in so much shock that I wasn't sure what to do.
"Surprise!" Devyn and Kat said at the same time and when I was able to get a grasp on the fact that Colby stood there, right in front of me, I walked to him and hugged him so tight.
"Oh my god, Colby! Holy shit!" I said crying.
"Are you happy to see us?" He asked.
"Am I happy? Colby I'm- I'm beyond that. I can't believe... how did you? I'm so shocked."
"Kane hooked us up. I wanted to surprise you myself and so did everybody else. Here," he said stepping back.
He held flowers in his hand and I started crying again.
"I can't believe that you're all here!" I say wiping my tears away.
Everyone gathers around us and gives a group hug.
"We're happy you're back." Sam says.
"You're all so amazing. I love you guys."
"We love you too, hun." Devyn says.
This was one of the best surprises of my entire life. How did I get such an amazing group of friends, and an even more amazing boyfriend?
Before we left, Billie came to find me and she met everyone.
"It was so much fun having you on tour. Let me know when or if you'd like to collaborate on a song with me." She said giving me a hug.
"That would be a dream. Thank you for also letting these guys come back stage. It was the best surprise I could have ever gotten."
"No problem. Have a goodnight you guys."
We walked to the car that Kane had waiting for us and we all got in.
I sat next to Colby holding his hand and the flowers he got for me, resting my head on his shoulder.
"Thank you for the flowers." I said looking up at him.
"I have to say, Kat helped me out there. She brought them, because I'm a stupid boy and don't think about romantics that much."
I laughed.
"Even without the flowers, what you did was still unbelievably romantic. I love you so much."
"I love you, too."
When we got to the house, everyone helped bring in all my luggage and brought it all to my room.
"Thanks you guys. You're all the best," I said giving everyone a hug.
"No problem. We'll let you get settled in." Kat said and I smiled.
"Thanks. See you all tomorrow."
Everyone left besides Colby who closed the door after everyone left.
"You should get some rest." I said as his arms wrapped around me from behind.
"Trying to get rid of me already?" He joked.
I turned in his arms and he nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck.
"You have no idea how badly I missed you." He said kissing my neck.
"I missed you too. I know I was difficult there for a few days but... it's because I love you so much." I said.
He lifted his head and kissed me on the lips.
"Rory, I know it was hard for you. Just know that I'm not leaving you unless you don't want me."
I smiled.
"I'll want you forever." I said before kissing him and pulling him onto the bed with me.
The next morning I woke up next to Colby, and the birds were singing, the sun was bright, and his blue eyes looked at me with so much love as he pulled me close to him.
"What if we went away for a while?" He asked and I looked at him confused with a smile.
"I want to take you away and have you completely for myself for a like, week. Just you and me. What do you think?"
"How soon?"
"Within the next few weeks."
"Really?" I asked.
"Yeah." He nodded.
"Well, I suppose I'd like that very much."
"Then let's do it." He said sitting up quickly.
I couldn't help but laugh.
"I love you, Brock." I said with a smile.
"I love you too."

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