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Hey, so before you start reading this chapter, just know I didn't have any time to edit, but I wanted to get the chapter out anyways. I'll probably come back and edit it after the story is done but for my readers on Instagram, it will be uploaded without any changes so I'm sorry. I hope you still like the chapter, and I appreciate you all for taking the time to read my story <3

Rory's P.O.V.~
The girls were all having lunch when my phone popped up with a notification from Brooks on insta.
"Who was that?" Devyn asked as I quickly put my phone away.
I sighed and everyone looked at me.
"It was Brooks. He just commented on the new photo I posted on Insta. That's all."
"Are you still going to lunch with him? I know you and Colby has an argument about that." Xepher said taking a drink of her water.
"Yeah, I am. Colby and I talked and I think that everything is fine. He was just worried about the fact that it's been less than a year that Brooks and I separated, and I understand why he was. But honestly, it's just lunch. So yeah, I'm going to have lunch with Brooks."
"When is that happening?" Tara asked.
"I don't know. I need to see if I have anytime this week. I'm about to start writing the next album and within the next two months my record label wants me to start recording. The album did so well that they want to push this next album by spring next year. So things are about to getting busy again."
"That's great, Rory." Kat said.
I nodded.
"Yeah, I'm excited. I just, I don't know if this lifestyle is for me you guys."
They all looked at me confused.
"What do you mean?" Devyn asked.
"I've recently had this weird feeling in my chest... I feel like something terrible is going to happen and I don't know if touring and traveling the world is something I want to do. You guys know, I lost my mom when I was really young... so the relationships I have with people in my life is so much more important to me than achieving amazing fame or fortune."
"But Rory, you've wanted this, and you just want to give it all up?"
"Not necessarily. I want to write for artists. That way I can be with you all and be with Colby and also get to be with my dad again. I haven't seen my dad since my graduation. I just... I love performing but I love my family and my friends more."
They're all quiet and I take a drink of water.
"Well, I mean if its what you really wanted to do, we would support you one hundred percent, R." Xepher said reaching over and grabbing my hand.
"Really?" I asked getting emotional for some reason.
"Of course!" Tara said.
"No doubt at all Rory! We love you!" Kat said.
Some tears waterfalled down my face and I smiled.
"I love all you girls. Every single one of you."
They all stood up and hugged me.
"We've always got you're back."
"Right back at all of you." I say wiping my tears away.
"Now, let's eat." Kat said and we all laughed.
"Let's. I'm starving."
Later that night when Devyn and I got home, the guys were still gone so I took a shower, got into my pj's and made some dinner for myself.
I looked at my schedule for the rest of the week and saw that I had Friday open so I DM'd Brooks on insta and told him we could meet up if he was free. About fifteen minutes later he wrote me back and we were scheduled for lunch. I ate dinner and walked to my room after and started writing. I was feeling and thinking so many things that I figured I might as well write them down. About an hour and a half later I heard laughter from downstairs and figured it was the guys getting back. I put my writing journal away and walked downstairs to see Colby, Sam, Corey, Mike, and Kevin. The others must have already headed home.
"Hey!" Colby said with a silly smile.
He was obviously a bit hammered.
"Hey, did you have fun?"
He nodded hugging me.
"We had so much fun, Rory. But I'm happy to be here with you now."
"Well I'm happy you had fun. You gonna stay up for a while longer? I'm ready to go to sleep so I just wanted to say goodnight."
"Nah, I'm ready to go sleep with you." He said with a grin.
I shook my head and rolled my eyes playfully.
"Alright, goodnight you guys." I said waving to the guys and Colby grabbed my hand.
The rest of the guys waved goodbye and Colby and I made our way upstairs. We walked into his room and I laughed as he plopped down onto his bed.
He looked up at me.
"Are you gonna join me?" He asked.
"Colby, are you gonna take your shoes off?"
He looked over his shoulder and laughed.
"Oh yeah."
Colby sat up and took his shoes off and then looked up at me.
"Okay, now are you going to join me?"
I smiled and he grabbed my hand pulling me towards him.
"Please?" He asks softly and I leaned down and kissed him.
"Okay." I say and he lays down.
I cuddle with him and a few minutes later he's fallen asleep. I rolled over and got up to turn the lights off before I climbing back into the bed and closed my eyes.
A few days later, it was Friday. Sam and Colby were out filming a video, and the rest of the house were out doing whatever so I had the entire house to myself.
It was about three hours out from Brooks coming to get me and I was nervous. I'm not sure why. I guess it was because we were together less than a year ago and when we broke up, of course I was heartbroken but I knew it was for the best. I had come to terms that I'd probably never see him again and now that he was here... it was just nerve racking.
I took a shower and got ready and before I knew it, it was ten till one.
I looked at myself in the mirror and took a deep breath.
"It's just lunch, you're going to be fine." I told myself.
I walked outside and locked the door behind me and waited for Brooks to show up.
As I was waiting I got a text from Colby.
He'd asked what I was up to and I told him I was waiting for Brooks.
Even though we had talked things over, I could tell that he was still uncomfortable with the idea of me going to lunch with Brooks. I just tried to keep things upbeat and positive between Colby and I this past week.
I told Colby that I'd be back at the house I'm only a few hours and let him know that I loved him before I put my phone away. I looked up the street and saw Brooks turning onto the street.
Suddenly I got even more nervous. I truly was over Brooks but when you're with someone for almost two full years and you're in love, the past fillings can sometimes sneak up on you.
He stopped and got out of his car and smiled, waving at me.
"Hi, Aurora!" He said crossing the street to meet me.
I gave him a hug and when he pulled back he looked me up and down.
"You look great."
"Thanks. You look nice as well."
"Thanks. You hungry?" He asked as we walked across the street.
His hand wrapped lightly around my waist and I sucked in a breath.
"Great." He opened my door for me and I got into the car.
When the door closed I let out all that air in my lungs and ran my hands up and down my thighs nervously. My fingers pulled at the fraying on my denim skirt as Brooks got in the car.
This was really weird.
"So, what are you hungry for? It's my treat." He said with a smile.
"Oh...uh, I don't know. I guess Tender Greens?"
"I haven't eaten there yet."
"We can go somewhere else."
"No, if that's where you want to eat I'm willing to try it. You'll just have to tell me where it is." He said with a wink.
I put a piece of hair behind my ear and looked down at my legs.
"Alright. So you'll have to take a right up at this next street. From there we'll get on the freeway for the next four exits before we get off. It's like the first right turn after the exit."
"Okay. We'll let's go."
We had to park a bit away from Tender Greens so we walked for a few minutes to get to the restaurant.
"So, do you like it here?" Brooks asked as we walked.
"I do. I don't think I'll stay in LA forever but for the time being I like it. It's different then the small town lifestyle. How about you? I know you didn't want to move here."
"I'd rather not be here but there are perks."
"For sure. You can get more recognition here. Perform for larger crowds. It's definitely made my life easier. You understand. We worked our asses off for a long time just to get our first EP's." I said.
"Yeah. I mean, I don't fame is why I'm doing this but it certainly has helped with getting recognized." Brooks said and I didn't know if he was being passive aggressive or if we were just misunderstanding each other.
"Money means nothing to me. It's about making an impact on the people who listen to me. The benefits of sales is just the cherry on top." I said.
"I know what you mean," he started and I smiled.
Stop being so weird. Just enjoy yourself.
"It's definitely a perk."
We finally get the Tender Greens and order our food. We get a table out in the back in a corner so we can get some privacy.
"So, you working on any new projects?" I asked taking a bite of my food.
"I am, but that's also why I wanted to talk to you. You remember that song I started writing when we were still together?"
I nodded.
"Well, I think it's finished. But I want you to sing with me on the track if that's something you're comfortable with."
"Oh, uh. I mean that would be really fun. I haven't ever been featured on anyone's projects before."
"Really? You would do it?"
"I mean, yeah..." I said with a smile.
"You don't know how happy that makes me, Aurora."
"Brooks, you know you can call me, Rory."
"I know. I just... well, never mind."
"What?" I said with a smile.
"I think it's better if we keep it professional. I know you're with that Colby guy, which I'm honestly confused about since you always talked about how angry you were at him when we were together, but that's besides the point. It has been such a short amount of time after the breakup and I still have a bit of feelings for you."
"Are you sure we should record that song then? You wrote that song about our relationship right?"
"I mean, yeah. But it's a great song, and I feel like a lot of people could relate to it. I think it would be worth it if we recorded it."
"Alright, if you think you'll be okay doing it. I love, Colby, Brooks."
"I totally understand. That's why I want to keep things professional. I don't want to get in between your relationship with Colby. I just am hoping that we can have a friendship. Because we were really good friends to each other."
"I would like that, Brooks."
"I would too. So if you really want to, I'd love for our managers and our record labels to talk to each other about doing this project and start recording as soon as possible."
"Okay. I say it sounds like a deal, my friend." I said extending my hand out to him.
He shook my hand and I smiled.
"What day do you have open next week?" He asked.
I sighed.
"I actually don't have anything open until like three weeks from now."
"Fuck, you're busy."
"I know. But that's what I get for taking a fourteen day break from my job. Everything had to be pushed back so I'm really busy. But the first week of next month I have open."
"I'm pretty sure I have something open. About about the sixth?"
"Works for me."
"Alright, let's do this then."

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