Gally | Tickles

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[IMAGINE FOR:_halimaaa]

"You could be a cook? Frypan can teach you a few tricks around the kitchen, I'm sure he'll be fine with that." Newt offers, trying to discuss what job you should have. "Hmm.. No- not if you want food poisoning. I'm thinking more on the lines of building." You smile.

"Building? Are you sure?" He laughs. "I'm serious Newt, you shuck face." You smirk using the Glader language. "Okay, well follow me then." He smiles.

He leads you over to the other side of the glade where people were building contractions of some sort. "Y/N, meet the Builders leader. Gally." A tall guy fixing something turns around, and you immediately recognise him. "Your the builders leader? No way." You ask shocked, in a good kind of way. "Yes, yes I am. Do you have a problem with that?" He asks sternly with his deep voice.

"No, it's just that.." You couldn't go on with what you were about to say. Because the truth was, every time you saw Gally around the Glade you felt the need to smile, twirl your hair and laugh at the other guys.. It seems very cliché but it was like trying to make him jealous, to get his attention. You knew it now. The reason you were always trying to make him jealous was because you wanted him. Out of all the guys in the Glade, you wanted him.

"Is she okay?" Gally whispers into Newts ears.

"Woah- sorry." You say holding your forehead, that little chat you had with yourself went longer then you had thought. "Well, I best be off. I'm not leading the best example when I'm not even working myself." Newt explains, then slowly walking off. "Good that." Gally laughs, mocking him.

"Follow me, I want to show you something I made." Gally instructs. You follow behind him, quickly fixing up your hair and making sure you looked good.

Gally stopped in front of a giant treehouse, you quickly crane your head back trying to cop a look at the massive thing. He then instructs you to climb the stair/ladder up to the top. You finally reach the top, and walk up to the edge, out looking the whole Glade. It looked amazing.

You suddenly get interrupted by Gally, "So Y/N, you really want to be a builder?" He asks leaning on the wooden post. You nod your head.

"How do you know my name?" You ask, feeling very happy on the inside. "Don't be silly." He says. "Anyway, I need to tell you something," He says, and you nod. "This may seem strange but.. I see you watching a lot.. I don't know if it's because I have a funny looking face, or I'm doing something weird but.." He doesn't continue. "Oh shank-stain." You run a hand through your hair, shifting back and forth on both legs. He laughs at your awesome combination of words.

"That's so embarrassing. Gally I hope you didn't find that weird, it's just-- I was only staring at you because I thought-" He interupts. "You thought I was cute." He says seriously. "What, no!" You laugh. "Oh come on. Y/N, you thought I was cute. Didn't you!" He smirks. "No I-" Gally takes a step forward and starts tickling you. You try to explain the situation, but you couldn't stop giggling. "Stop.." You laugh even harder. "Gally...." You whine. He wouldn't stop and you were starting to feel a bit weird from all the tickles. "OKAY, FINE I THINK YOU'RE REALLY CUTE!" You shout. He stops tickling you immediately. "I knew it!" He smirks.

"Yeah well now that you know, what are you going to do about it?" You ask. "This." He replies, pulling you in for a kiss. You couldn't lie, it was the most amazing thing you had ever experienced. He begins to kiss down your neck, and before you know it back up onto your lips, which you loved so much. You quickly realise your surrounds. "Not here." You whisper, feeling a bit scared being so reckless, up high. He quickly nods. Pulling your hand he rushes down the steps and leads you to his room in the homestead.

Once inside with nobody around, you grab Gally's face and collide it with yours, "Ow." You both laugh, gently rubbing your hurt areas. "You should be more careful next time." Gally laughs, but then getting all serious, when your not laughing aswell, "Are you okay?" He asks. "I'm fine." You reassure him with a big smile, and try to kiss him again, this time the more proper and safer way.

As you guys kissed, no one of you realized you were moving around banging into the furniture and messing everything up. Making a big ruckus. "Is everything ok-" Newt asks rushing in with Thomas and Minho by his side. You and Gally pull apart, looking at each other and then at the three boys.

"Umm.." You all mumble, still in shock. "The bonfire has started and you guys are missing it." Newt states. "Oh, we're coming now." You quickly reply. Newt walks off, to rejoin the party with a 'help me' expression plastered on his face.

Thomas and Minho continue to stare at you guys, "Are you slintheads alright there?" Gally asks. "Yeah.." Thomas mumbles walking out surprised. Minho jogs up to Gally and slaps him on the hand. "Good job man. I'm very proud. Out of all people I wouldn't think it would be you. So very proud."

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